WVSOM future students!

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Janice Rice
10+ Year Member
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15+ Year Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Hey everyone! I've recently received my acceptance letter to WVSOM! I'm really excited. I was wondering what people were planning to do for housing? Anyone looking for a roomie because it's cheaper and may make it more fun to live with someone? If interested, let me know! Thanks so much!
Janice Rice

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JRiCe09 said:
Hey everyone! I've recently received my acceptance letter to WVSOM! I'm really excited. I was wondering what people were planning to do for housing? Anyone looking for a roomie because it's cheaper and may make it more fun to live with someone? If interested, let me know! Thanks so much!
Janice Rice

Hey, I was recently accepted too but not sure if I'm attending yet. When did you interview? I was there 2/25. How much does decent housing go for down there?
tchantel21 said:
Hey, I was recently accepted too but not sure if I'm attending yet. When did you interview? I was there 2/25. How much does decent housing go for down there?

I interviewed 2/28. I'm not sure how much housing is. I want to say somewhere around 500? But that's kinda a stab in the dark. I want to know if I have a roomie before I really look into houses. Just so I know more of what I'm looking for, one or two bedrooms, ya know? Well, let me know what you decide! BYe*
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JRiCe09 said:
I interviewed 2/28. I'm not sure how much housing is. I want to say somewhere around 500? But that's kinda a stab in the dark. I want to know if I have a roomie before I really look into houses. Just so I know more of what I'm looking for, one or two bedrooms, ya know? Well, let me know what you decide! BYe*


I'm not looking for a roommate, but I'm happy to see someone else from my class on here!

I can't wait to go down and look for an apartment!

So excited!
Hey guys!!

I'm glad to see some other WVSOM-ers!! I'll keep an eye out for you guys in the fall! See you soon!!!

WVSOM Class of 2009!!
Just wanted to add myself as another oh-niner to WVSOM. I look forward to seeing everyone in August. In the local Wheeling, WV paper last week they had an article about WV med schools. In the bit about WVSOM they said they had 1700 applicants this year for the 100 or so spots. They also mentioned the new construction at the Lewisburg campus including more class space and enlarged anatomy labs.

Hello Everyone!

My apartment complex had an apartment available as of last week. It is a two bedroom and should be around $500 next year (He is raising rent a little it is $475 now). It is on Lee street across from the elementary school. I know he does not want us having roommates or pets but you can ask him if you really want a roommate. If anyone wants more information on it you can e-mail [email protected].
Hey Janice! :)

Grats on your acceptance. I live in Woodland Akers right now and it's pretty nice. 500 a month for rent (includes trash,water and sewer). Be sure to check with Angie in admissions for an updated housing list. Best thing to do is to call around and make a trip up here to look at all the properties. Whatever you do, dont wait till the week before school to get the housing thing out of the way! hehe


WVSOM class of 08', PBL track
jlc060 said:
Hello Everyone!

My apartment complex had an apartment available as of last week. It is a two bedroom and should be around $500 next year (He is raising rent a little it is $475 now). It is on Lee street across from the elementary school. I know he does not want us having roommates or pets but you can ask him if you really want a roommate. If anyone wants more information on it you can e-mail [email protected].

J, don't tell them about the private swimming pool. Actually, the landlord doesn't have a problem with roommates... but your total rent will be close to double the single rate of $500. If you're ever planning on letting him catch you with a pet, let me know so I can leave town for a couple hours. Our apts fill up quickly since we're within about 4 min walking distance of the school.
rchrest1 said:
J, don't tell them about the private swimming pool. Actually, the landlord doesn't have a problem with roommates... but your total rent will be close to double the single rate of $500. If you're ever planning on letting him catch you with a pet, let me know so I can leave town for a couple hours. Our apts fill up quickly since we're within about 4 min walking distance of the school.

There is a swimming pool associated with this complex? Do you think it's better than living in the woodland acres one, or is it the same? Any other places I should look in to? Thanks
Ok, I just got off the phone with Julie at Woodland Acres. She garuntees me an apartment starting mid-July and it is two bedroom if anyone wants to live with me! It's 500 a month for me, but obviously 250 a month with a roomie, which would be great! Plus having a friend wouldn't hurt either! ;) This is where most of the students live, so it would be good to live there as well. It's within walking distance to the school, unfurnished, no dogs but other pets allowed, comes with a fridge and a stove. This is everything she told me on the phone. For all you students already at WVSOM---is this a good choice? I may still call around, but I think since most students live here, it must be good. I've heard it's kinda loud though-is that true? Any info would be great! Thanks!
Well it's a nice place to live but the walls are kinda thin. I don't know I just have noisy as hell neighbors on one side of me. But it's nice in that I can walk to school if I want. If I get some time, I'll post some pics of my place and show you what to expect.

To rchrest:
If you're ever planning on letting him catch you with a pet, let me know so I can leave town for a couple hours.

So what about people chanting weird mantras at 4:15AM? :laugh:

Jrice: The secret swimming pool is the ditch behind the complex. Of course, the golf course today was it's own swimming poll. We are drenched out there today! :eek:
Richie Truxillo said:
Well it's a nice place to live but the walls are kinda thin. I don't know I just have noisy as hell neighbors on one side of me. But it's nice in that I can walk to school if I want. If I get some time, I'll post some pics of my place and show you what to expect.

To rchrest:

So what about people chanting weird mantras at 4:15AM? :laugh:

Jrice: The secret swimming pool is the ditch behind the complex. Of course, the golf course today was it's own swimming poll. We are drenched out there today! :eek:

This "swimming pool" sounds...gReaT! :laugh: Anyway, it would be great if you could post some pics! Don't feel you have to though, cause I intend to come down sometime in April to check it out to make sure it's what I want. I will probably look at some other places while I'm down there too, but at least I'm set so far! People chant things? :eek: Ok, thanks again...*bYe*
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The chanting thing is an inside joke regarding a certain crazy noisy student hehe.

No pics yet, I'm kinda lazy since i have to study some respiratory phys this evening but I have my camera charging upstairs now.

Wanted to say hi to everyone here. it looks like I'll be at this school in the fall as an SBLer. I'm really excited. Thinking about taking a trip soon to check out housing, can the admissions office send me a renter's guide or something?
-Bill Brasky (Joshua Nash)
"He'd [Bill Brasky] eat a homeless person if you dared him!"
Bill_Brasky said:
Wanted to say hi to everyone here. it looks like I'll be at this school in the fall as an SBLer. I'm really excited. Thinking about taking a trip soon to check out housing, can the admissions office send me a renter's guide or something?
-Bill Brasky (Joshua Nash)
"He'd [Bill Brasky] eat a homeless person if you dared him!"

Hey! You can call the school and they will send you a list of housing available. I am taking a trip down this month...probably around the 18th or so. Possibly we could go at the same time and help each other out? Just a suggestion. Most students live in Woodland akers. So I'm checking that out and a house too. Anyway, hope this helps. bYe*
Ok a woodland akers apartment (mine). Keep in mind that I just "cooked" dinner (if you can call it cooking) and I haven't cleaned up since last weekend. ;) Typical male stuff ;P Make jokes accordingly!

Hope this helps





Hmmm....so how much is it to live at Woodland Acres per month? How big? utilities? How close to the school? I may make a trip to Lewisburg, Northwest overbooked my flight back from my interview so I have a free round trip ticket burning a hole in my pocket, and having housing taken care of would be great.
-Bill Brasky
"He [Bill brasky] orchestrated the merger between UNICEF, and Smith & Wesson."
Furnished at all? Washer and Dryer? Covered Parking? carpet?....

-Bill Brasky
"First Friend of Brasky: Brasky got his wife pregnant.. and she gave birth to a delicious 16 oz. steak..

Third Friend of Brasky: The afterbirth was sauteed muchrooms!"
Bill: Furniture is all mine. The apartment is 500 bucks a month which covers, trash, water and sewer. It does come with a fridge and a stove and washer and dryer hook-ups. However, it is NOT pre-furnished. parking is nice as it's right outside your front door. Never ever had an issue with parking before. :)

There are some small, pre-furnished apartments available though. I believe rchrest's apartment complex is pre-furnished if I recall correctly.
$500 a month is more than I was expecting to pay for an apartment considering houses are so cheap, especially without a washer and dryer. Am I just spoiled by big city life? What gives?
-Bill Brasky
"Brasky's family crest is a barracuda eating Neil Armstrong!"
Hey Bill,

I dunno, 500 bucks was cheap to me but then again I lived at the beach before moving here. I considered moving out into a house though, if anything just so I could blare my music and have more privacy hehe.

The convenience factors of apartment life are good though, like not having to mow the law and stuff. Those are priceless!
Richie Truxillo said:
Hey Bill,

I dunno, 500 bucks was cheap to me QUOTE]

Me too! Especially compared to the $830/month I pay for my apartment that looks to be the same size as yours. We have electric everything and the bills can be over $200 in the winter months.

I'm looking forward to cheap rent!
EMTLizzy said:
Richie Truxillo said:
Hey Bill,

I dunno, 500 bucks was cheap to me QUOTE]

Me too! Especially compared to the $830/month I pay for my apartment that looks to be the same size as yours. We have electric everything and the bills can be over $200 in the winter months.

I'm looking forward to cheap rent!

Hey everyone! I'm going to be down to look at places to live this weekend- the 8th and 9th. I'm coming in Fri and staying till Sat night or Sun. My stepdad is coming with me to help me look around. I'm gonna check out woodland akers and two houses. So, if anyone is interested in meeting for dinner, as previously mentioned, just let me know. Thanks so much for all your help!
Janice :)
Hey guys!!

I'm from TX and didn't plan to go down to WV until early June to check out the apts. Do you guys know if the apts get filled up quickly?

To Richie:

Is your apt a one or two bedroom? and how much is the utility bill usually per month? sorry for asking so many questions...this is going to be my first time moving away from home..so i'm totally lost. i really appreciate any advice you guys have. =D

Wow there are gonna be a lot of Texans in our class :D
I've got the same thing going on, I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to make it back to WV from Lubbock to get my housing taken care of.

I guess $500 a month isn't that bad, I live out in the desert at the moment so I'm spoiled as far as rent I guess. What the hell, its all coming out of student loans anyways, so its not like its real money or anything. It just comes magically from this bank place, and then I'm an indentured servant for 5 years after medical school.

-Bill Brasky
"Brasky once hosted the Grammy's, and gave every award to Corey Hart!"
Linda: It's a two bedroom apartment. One room is bigger than they other (don't know the dimensions off the top of my head though. Power bill is $219 bi-monthly in the winter month, 130 bucks in the summer months. Digital cable with broadband internet is 102.18 a month. (a necessity for a computer geek like me :) ) Trash, water, sewer included with rent.

Janice: Sent you a PM

Bill: Indentured servitude as a physician heheehe. Oh well, beats rotting in the corporate world or selling a product no one wants 8) 250k aint much to pay off though if you're makin 200k+ a year. Think with the tuition glass half-full LOL :laugh:

Oh its a two-bedroom apartment! That makes it a little more understandable.

If my patients are coming to me to get a valuable service, health, they are sadly mistaken. I'm just getting my D.O. to get into that big insurance money racket. I figure I can do my witch-doctor OMT stuff corporate-style and get all those cool pens and calenders from the drug-companies.

After I get enough pens and free samples to sell on the black market in third world countries I'm going to run out on those student loans to some tropical paradise where the natives will worship me as a god and the noble savages have never heard of malpractice suits.

-Bill Brasky, future OMS
"If you drop a phonograph needle on Brasky's nipple, it plays the Beach Boys' "Pet Sounds!""
yay!! i'm glad to see all my fellow Texans!!! see ya'll there!

Thanx for all the info Richie!!

I figure I can do my witch-doctor OMT stuff corporate-style and get all those cool pens and calenders from the drug-companies.

I met this guy who was a primary care physician at a urology conference a couple years ago. He had built an empire out of OMT, said that he got insurance reimbursement on average of 105 bucks for a quick 5 minute adjustment! Not too shabby! Makes me wonder! :laugh:

You're also right, we will have pens, calenders and penis shaped cakes (thanks Pfizer for that one) coming at us from every which way. :smuggrin:

A world without malpractice suits makes me warm and fuzzy all over.

Bah, crap, I gotta finish my anatomy cases... I gotta present today and I don't wanna look like a ***** in front of the class hehe.


P.S. Oh Bill, I hope ya didn't take offense to my rotting in the corporate world comment. I spent 4 decent years at Corning living out my own personal "Office Space" saga and then I got a really craptastical job making 18k a year in sales before this so I am a bit Jaded in a humorous yet cynical sorta way. ;)
Penis Shaped Cakes? I hope its cream filled, or maybe has a retractable candy shell that fits over the head. If they are going to do that, they should do it right. Also, the physician who cuts the cake should have to discuss if they want the candy shell removed and the pros/cons, including the risk of frosting cancer.

No offense taken. Its taken me the long way 'round to get to medicine in college. I started out pre-med, got burned out, and was going to use my bio b.s. to get certification in biological patents and make gazillions. Couldn't see myself in a cubicle or getting a heart attack at age 40, so I thought about medicine.

I thought about doing PBL, when I was interviewing I was sold. Now I think I'm chickening out.

- Bill Brasky
"Second Friend of Brasky: Did I ever tell you about the time Bill Brasky went hunting?!

Third Friend of Brasky: [ interrupting ] I masturbate to the Teletubbies!

[ silence ]

Second Friend of Brasky: Anyway.. Brasky decides he's going to hunt down all four of the Banana Splits! He stomps and chews every one of them with a machete. They all begged for their lives.. except.. Fleagle!"
Hey ya'll! I am excited to see all the Texans in the class! Can't wait to meet everyone! I'm currently on the waiting list for Woodland Akers. Does anyone know it that means I will probably get a place or probably not?
snorth said:
Hey ya'll! I am excited to see all the Texans in the class! Can't wait to meet everyone! I'm currently on the waiting list for Woodland Akers. Does anyone know it that means I will probably get a place or probably not?

Well there will be one person off the waiting list...me...so that opens up at least a little better chance. But, you should be fine. I went down to WVSOM this past weekend and found a place to live. It's the upstairs of a house and I will be sharing it with a girl who is currently a first year. It's a really great deal, and I'm pretty excited! While I was down there I looked at a few other places, but there isn't much. The apartments are probably the best bet, especially if you can't make an extra trip out to see anything else. But, if anyone is planning on looking, you better get going! There really wasn't much else to offer after the apartments. Just a suggestion! Have a great day!
Hmmm..I won't be able to get down there until June to look at places.

Has anyone gotten the new housing list that is based on the ad put in the paper around Easter? Or is everyone still going on the old one?
Richie - How long does it generally take to find out if you've gotten into PBL or not?
If you have:

A) Gotten your acceptance letter and paid your deposit
B) Sent your mini-essay to Dr. Modrzakowski on why you want to be in PBL.
C) It's been more than a week for a response.

Then I would call and talk to him briefly on the phone. That is what I did and he told me I was put on the roster. Just be sure to express your interest in the program to him and that you 100% want to do it. You can drop my name also if you like, I don't mind that at all. He knows I'm a big PBL advocate.


P.S. Glad ya found a place to live Janice :)
ACK!!!! This is really frustrating to find a place to live. Is there a reason why no one answers their phones? I've tried calling Woodland and some other complex for hours now and no one answers. I just get a message that says what the office hours are .. and I'm calling in those times.

P.S. Richie I got into PBL :D
Richie Truxillo said:
Power bill is $219 bi-monthly in the winter month,

Your electric is almost the cost of your rent in the winter?
Megalofyia said:
ACK!!!! This is really frustrating to find a place to live. Is there a reason why no one answers their phones? I've tried calling Woodland and some other complex for hours now and no one answers. I just get a message that says what the office hours are .. and I'm calling in those times.

P.S. Richie I got into PBL :D

Julie at Woodland NEVER answers her phone. But, she is really good about getting back to you if you leave a message. I think I heard from her the same night that I left the message, maybe the next day. She is really helpful, so don't worry, she will call you back. Not sure about the other places though! Sorry! Good Job on PBL!
Hmm.. well then that's no good if she doesn't answer her phone.. cause I'm not home often and I dont have an answering machine. :-/
Grats on PBL Mega :)

Well, Julie (from Woodland Akers) is a community college student who manages the place part-time. She is nice and friendly but sometimes difficult to get up with. I will say the maintainence staff is very cool and are always extremely responsive to any sort of problem. You have to understand West Virginia culture to understand why no one picks up their phone...everyone here is really really laid back, so it can be hard to get in touch with em, unless of course ya just walk by their house hehe.

As for the 219 bucks bi-monthly, that is 110 dollars a month for my electric bill. We have an electric heat pump for heating and in the winter months you'll be using it alot. Also keep in mind that I bought my own washer and dryer and have it hooked up. I also am not very electric-conservative ;) One of my neighbors uses only 54 bucks a month in electricity if you want a comparison on the other end.

Sorry for the late reply, I've been slacking on my board trolling :laugh:

Well that's good to know and living in a place that is laid back is certainly preferable to living in a place that is ubber stressed out and hung up on time. I really would like to find a place soon since I will have to move my stuff there in May.
Megalofyia said:
Well that's good to know and living in a place that is laid back is certainly preferable to living in a place that is ubber stressed out and hung up on time. I really would like to find a place soon since I will have to move my stuff there in May.

Hey Megalofyia,

I just called Julie yesterday, and she called later that afternoon. Maybe you could leave her a time slot that'll you'll be home so she can call. She seems to get back to you pretty quickly. Since your moving in May, I'm sure she'll have space for you soon because she was saying that she might have to give me an apt in June and I'm moving down there in July. Anyhow, try to get to her soon bc there's a waiting list. Good luck!! =)
I finally did get a hold of her and I think I might have a place to live. :)
Just wondering out of everyone that has been accepted and is going to WVSOM…how many are from out of state and which state?
DRJME said:
Just wondering out of everyone that has been accepted and is going to WVSOM…how many are from out of state and which state?

HeY! I'm from Sandusky, Ohio. If anyone has ever heard of Cedar Point, the big amusement park, that's my hometown! I go to school in Bowling Green, OH though, which is an hour west of Sandusky.
DRJME said:
Just wondering out of everyone that has been accepted and is going to WVSOM…how many are from out of state and which state?


saying hello from Houston, Texas... only three and a half more months til school starts!
