WW Game of Thrones.

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there is much honor among thieves in the lounge. I even had the seer and the biggest wolf in the game live together IRL. they had to agree not to talk about it at all in person. and they did exactly that
Yes, the lounge players are all paragons of virtue that none of us can match. :laugh: Because two pre-vet players, only one of whom knows they're on opposite sides (at least until an unfortunate PMing incident (thanks SOV :p)), can't be in the same room together without sharing everything! :rolleyes:

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Members don't see this ad :)
I see we've hit that spot in the game where the dead are more active than the living. :)
Well, you're all afraid that you're going to be the next death. That fear paralyzes you and keeps you from posting. :nod: We, on the other hand, sit secure in the knowledge that nothing bad can happen to us any more (at least until the next game). This makes us talkative.
Well, you're all afraid that you're going to be the next death. That fear paralyzes you and keeps you from posting. :nod: We, on the other hand, sit secure in the knowledge that nothing bad can happen to us any more (at least until the next game). This makes us talkative.


And that we are very bored

Ok so my guests are supposed to be here around 5:30 CST. Looks like I will be missing the night results and most likely the next lynch. I will try to excuse myself to "go to the bathroom" or something in order to cast my vote if I am still alive.
Ok so my guests are supposed to be here around 5:30 CST. Looks like I will be missing the night results and most likely the next lynch. I will try to excuse myself to "go to the bathroom" or something in order to cast my vote if I am still alive.

I'm hoping we can roll the next few turns really quickly.... dunno how other people (like, uh, the mods) feel about that.


Well, over in Future WW games, dyachei said
:laugh: I'm just going to force day/night cycles when I can. It's only pissing some players off a little...and they have no dedication to the game ;)
So I think she agrees.
I love how IPB has >600 posts, all from WW games. :laugh:
I love how IPB has >600 posts, all from WW games. :laugh:
In my first game, everyone kept saying "Post more!" to get my PM restrictions lifted. So I did, :D only to find out that it's apparently time-based and not tied to posting. :(
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I'm hoping we can roll the next few turns really quickly.... dunno how other people (like, uh, the mods) feel about that.
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. I really don't know what contingency vote to do since we don't have the night results...
I love how IPB has >600 posts, all from WW games. :laugh:

She is mini me. I think my first game I posted over 400. Tis a wonder why I lasted so long.



OK, I have sent my contingency plans to our lovely mods. I told them that if I miss the lynch round and there is a tie that I would like them to RNG my tie-breaker. I felt that this was the fairest thing to do in case I am not around to hear each party's defense. This is all hypothetical right now since I don't even know if I am going to survive the night round.
TigerWillow's comment reminded me to check the post count, which haven't done this game.

Here's where it's at. It's been my experience that wolves are rarely very high in the rankings. Many of them stay quiet, the good ones post just enough to stay under the radar.

This sorta seems reasonable here. We know that DocE, devyn, ksmi, HF, TW, and Sheep were all innocent. We have to go that far (to IPB) to find a known wolf. I don't think we can draw conclusions about who the remaining wolf/wolves is/are at that point because people will have real-life reasons for not posting much, or maybe they were just players isolated from a trust circle or with no ability, or whatever. (Like, I know my reason for being a bit more quiet than usual was it was my last week of school. WTF is always quiet because her schedule sucks even worse than a student. And some people just plain don't post much, villager or villain.)

So in other words, I think we can guess that a high-count poster is unlikely to be a wolf, but the reverse isn't necessarily true.

Conclusion: Lissa is unlikely to be a wolf.

Lissarae06 274
DocEspana 224
abbercadaver 202
devyn 179
ksmi117 161
Holy FranZ 159
dyachei 157
TigerWillow 139
Sheepdogpsu 131
Ivorypolarbear 123
shortnsweet 98
bbeventer 96
LetItSnow 92
Packen 77
Katie8 65
alaskandream 63
StartingoverVet 62
Foxhunter 59
Emiloo4 55
wldlfstdnt 54
WhtsThFrequency 47
krist 46
cuitlamiztli 40
nohika 37
holdonhope 37
NStarz 37
fromthebox 30
orca2011 26
johnnydrama 21
Minnerbelle 19
wildcatj 17
DVMDream 16
jjohnston 12
nyanko 3
heylodeb 2
NordiCat 2
PrincetonDogMom 2
PetPony 1
Nutmeg 1
This is just an idea/theory. Feel free to chew it apart .... and ... GO.
7th down and one of the first killed.


Come on villagers get your act together, I am waiting for my vengeance

.A fight is seen overnight. Lissarae has attacked and injured Abbercadaver with a dagger! As if that weren't excitement enough, a dead body is found, covered in bruises.

Foxhunter, Robb Stark (the young wolf) has been found dead.

1 nohika – Petyr Baelish
.. - Sansa Stark..
3 ksmi117- Khal Drogo..
4 Foxhunter - Robb Stark
5 FranZ - Jon Snow

6 Minnerbelle -
Joffrey Baratheon
7 Sheepdog - Melisandre
8 devyn - Samwell Tarly

9 Katie8 – Tyrion Lannister
10 Shortnsweet
. - Ser Jorah Mormont turned other
.11 LIS.
.12 DocE. - Eddard (Ned) Stark
13 Lissarae
.Dothraki Sea
1 jjohnston-other
2 wldlfstdnt
3 abbercadaver
4 orca2011 - Maester Aemon
5 TimeWarner - Davos Seaworth
7 WTF - The Hound (Clegane)

8 AlaskanDream

King's Landing
1 holdonhope - Brienne of Tarth
2 SOV- Other
3 JohnnyDrama - Cersei Lannister
4 krist - Daenarys Targaryen

6 Packen
7 BBEventer

The Wall
1 NStarz - Jaime Lannister
4 Ivorypolarbear
- other
6 wildcatj - Maester Pycelle
7 Emiloo4- Stannis Baratheon
Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do!
I am out at a pub right now and have 100s of posts to try and go through. Sorry. I don't even know the cycle cuz things are going so quickly. I think it's a lynch? Sorry I don't have devyn's skillz!! I think there was something fishy with FH's message, may have been addressed already though.
If Lissarae attacked abber, why would the mods post that now... Is this a red herring or real

****lynch Lissarae****

For now unless something comes out.
Please forgive the almost-rhymes; I couldn't make it work out the way I wanted otherwise. :p

The death of Robb Stark, Foxhunter,
Was not the night's focus, for a wonder.
By a glimpse of a fight it was o'ershadowed
With a King whose mind may be addled.
Now bonds of trust were torn asunder.

In touch with the ground
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Smell like I sound, I'm lost in a crowd
And I'm hungry like the wolf

Straddle the line in discord and rhyme
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I'm hungry like the wolf

Did you have an after-death wolfy conversion, TW? :laugh:
The idea that there is a "ridiculous code of ethics" and "prestige" surrounding a game on an internet forum is hilarious and sad at the same time.



How so? You post with the same people for a while -- its kind of expected. Who cares if its over the internet. You don't cheat when you play poker with friends, why would you do it online? You also have to keep in mind that most of the loungers are unique... as in the guys are pretty jacked and the woman are typically not bad. Its not like we're dungeon&dragon stereotypes :laugh:. We just find community amongst eachother.

I am out at a pub right now and have 100s of posts to try and go through. Sorry. I don't even know the cycle cuz things are going so quickly. I think it's a lynch? Sorry I don't have devyn's skillz!! I think there was something fishy with FH's message, may have been addressed already though.

We need to work on this packen..... I am disappointed in your lack of
pub posting skillz.


We need to work on this packen..... I am disappointed in your lack of
pub posting skillz.




I don't quite think anyone can beat Foxhunter's drunk posting in the Star Wars game... :laugh:

We need to work on this packen..... I am disappointed in your lack of
pub posting skillz.



You don't even want to know how long it takes me to post from my phone right now. I admit though, that FH has me beat.