2018-2019 Boston University School of Medicine

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Congrats y'all! This is awesome. How much is the dean's scholarship worth?
10k/year but I’ve heard of 15k/yr too so I guess it depends

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When do financial aid packages come out? Does anybody know?
When do financial aid packages come out? Does anybody know?

In terms of need-based aid? Are we sure BU gives any? I'm 99% sure that all financial aid packages here will be 100% loans, besides dean's scholarship people. Does anyone have any experience/evidence otherwise?
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In terms of need-based aid? Are we sure BU gives any? I'm 99% sure that all financial aid packages here will be 100% loans, besides dean's scholarship people. Does anyone have any experience/evidence otherwise?

I found this in US news from 2019


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Rescinding my acceptance; best of luck to the folks on the waitlist!
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Can any students comment on whether we have a good shot at the MSR if we don't send in the housing deposit before April 15th? Already struggling to get the $500 for the tuition deposit, another $550 is not possible right now.
Can any students comment on whether we have a good shot at the MSR if we don't send in the housing deposit before April 15th? Already struggling to get the $500 for the tuition deposit, another $550 is not possible right now.

Dont quote me on this but I think I remember hearing it doesnt fill up that quickly. As a Boston resident now, ill tell you $1300/month for a dorm room isnt the best deal.
Dont quote me on this but I think I remember hearing it doesnt fill up that quickly. As a Boston resident now, ill tell you $1300/month for a dorm room isnt the best deal.

Funny I heard that it actually fills up pretty fast. On the other hand, I know a few grad students (not med students) who live there so I think waitlisted people will be fine since priority given to M1s @Kaity132 @Yooooomedschools . Best bet is to actually contact the BUSM housing office and explain the situation.

And yeah, you can do better than $1300/month for a dorm room, even in the South End (with roommates) (There is a housing "grant" of $275 spread over 12 mos so really $1277/month). Want to park your car at BUSM? That's another $200/month.

BU housing (university-wide, not just med school) has pretty great resources explaining all the different neighborhoods and what you can expect to pay. Med students live all over Boston, Brookline, Somerville, and Cambridge.

EDIT: BUSM subsidizes parking during most rotations at BMC during M3 and M4 years
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Does anyone know when second look is? Is it the "Admissions Open House held on Saturday, April 13, 2019"?

Also, if we put down a deposit to hold a spot in the medical student residence does that bind us to live there or are we still free to find an apartment? Do you have roommates in the medical student residence?
Dont quote me on this but I think I remember hearing it doesnt fill up that quickly. As a Boston resident now, ill tell you $1300/month for a dorm room isnt the best deal.

It’s actually not 1300 a month. On the FAQ page of the MSR, it says a generous donation has reduced rent to about 1025 a month. This was also confirmed when I talked to a student representative.
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It’s actually not 1300 a month. On the FAQ page of the MSR, it says a generous donation has reduced rent to about 1025 a month. This was also confirmed when I talked to a student representative.

Hey good on you for talking to a rep! Strictly speaking that MSR FAQ is not actually clear one way or the other :unsure:
Having been at BU for like 6 years now, wouldn't surprise me if it was an annual grant of $275. BU is not known for great financial aid.

Source: MSR FAQ’s

How much is the rent?
The 2018/19 base rent is $1,300 and includes utilities, basic HD cable, and high speed internet. In 2018/19, there is a Housing Grant of $275 awarded to each resident.

How does the Housing Grant work?
In 2018/19, every resident at the Medical Student Residence will receive a Housing Grant starting August 1, 2018. The Grant can only be applied to rent at the Residence. It will be credited to your rental account and will be applied in 12 equal payments offsetting each months’ rent.
FML this is my fourth waitlist this cycle with no acceptances
Stay hopeful, I got up to 5 WL this cycle before getting my very first A! I even found a guy who had gotten 8 WL before his first A. If you still have answers pending, nothing is lost. Good Luck!
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What have people heard about the students at BU? Are they happy? How is the culture of the student body?
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What have people heard about the students at BU? Are they happy? How is the culture of the student body?
When I went, most people looked happy and were smiling at us and giving us directions. The student guides told me that they came here for the welcoming atmosphere they had on interview day. I was only there for a day though, so I would also love to have the opinion from someone who lived there for a bit
Does anyone know if BU has class ranking for the first two years? I can't recall from interview day.
Hey so when is the open house? I got the note to RSVP on my portal but there’s no date listed
Does anyone know how many people get the Dean's Scholarship and what the average award amount is?
Based on this thread, it seems like they give it to a large percentage of applicants.
Withdrawing so hoping it'll go to a lucky waitlister here!
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Anyone know if it is possible to be awarded the dean's scholarship after acceptance? I was just awarded a full tuition scholarship from my state school, but BU is a dream.

I don't think so. You would choose going to BU at a small 10k/year discount over minimal to zero debt at state school?
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I don't think so. You would choose going to BU at a small 10k/year discount over minimal to zero debt at state school?

Is 10k/year the maximum they give out?

Does anyone know if they ever offer full tuition scholarships?
FYI finaid is up on my portal!
Question- are gradplus loans supposed to be included in our finaid package from BU?
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FYI finaid is up on my portal!
Question- are gradplus loans supposed to be included in our finaid package from BU?

I saw that - Is it common to only be granted half the COA by a Federal Direct Loan? Do people usually get more or less than this?
I saw that - Is it common to only be granted half the COA by a Federal Direct Loan? Do people usually get more or less than this?

Federal Direct Loan (~6-7% interest) for med school maxes out at around $45K/year. I don't think most schools include Fed Grad Plus loans (~7-8% interest) in the initial award because it depends on a credit check (so not guaranteed and a hard inquiry on your credit report). However, rest assured that you can take out the Fed Grad plus loan up to the COA as long as you aren't delinquent on payments to a federal loan.

Unfortunately, no Dean's scholarship and no need-based aid puts my COA at $360K :(

With that....gave up my seat this afternoon! Hope it goes to one of you on the waitlist!!
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I’m in the same boat, maybe grad plus isn’t included, it seems like Federal Direct was maxed out.

It’s confusing that my offer is about half of the COA, as if I can pay the rest out of pocket lol

Yeah it seems like the rest will have to come from a Fed Grad Plus Loan. Ahh I love BU so much but the cost is already overwhelming.
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FYI finaid is up on my portal!
Question- are gradplus loans supposed to be included in our finaid package from BU?
Did you get a notification? Nothing in my portal changed
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My portal did not change at all either.

No aid package yet for me either. I did see that my FAFSA and CSS profile were received a little over a week ago, though (no notification, had to go to the financial aid document page to see that). Looks like they're still working on aid packages and we'll get them when we get them.
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I’m in the same boat, maybe grad plus isn’t included, it seems like Federal Direct was maxed out.

It’s confusing that my offer is about half of the COA, as if I can pay the rest out of pocket lol
+1 I received a deans scholarship, a loan that cover half the COA and the rest I guess is meant to be covered by grad plus. The number makes my palms sweaty though....I was pretty set on BU but this sort of makes me hope I get off my state schools wait list afterall...
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I just withdrew, good luck y’all!
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I accepted the position on the waitlist a little late, does anyone know if how long you took to answer have any bearing on WL position?
Got a notification for my need-based scholarships and loans today! Does anyone know if the Dean's Scholarship is already included in our need-based scholarship calculation?
Got my fin aid package yesterday and will be withdrawing. Best of luck to those on the waitlist!
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what's the dress code for second look?
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Has anyone confirmed with the financial aid office that the offer does not include federal unsubsidized loans, but that they will be offered?
Would any kind soul with MSAR access mind sharing the updated WL statistics for BU?
Just withdrew from BU after getting off the waitlist at my top choice! Hope one of you lovely people gets the spot!! I went to undergrad at BU and BMC is such an incredible place. Best of luck to you all!
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Msar says the incoming class is 120, that's a pretty big decrease from 160. Any current students know about this?