
  1. N

    LECOM vs Touro vs NYITCOM vs AZCOM

    Which school has a better reputation and will open the most doors for me? (PS. I live in the northeast and probably want to do a residency here or on the west coast). Def wanna go into primary care. LECOM- Bradenton NYITCOM- LI Touro-Harlem AZCOM
  2. LindaAccepted

    How to Get Into MSU’s College of Osteopathic Medicine - podcast Episode 537

    Michigan State’s College of Osteopathic Medicine provides an innovative patient-centered curriculum with multiple specialties and multiple opportunities for clinical exposure. Sound appealing? Well, plug in your earbuds because today I’m speaking with the senior associate dean of admissions at...
  3. Neuro Spartan D.O.

    How accurate is this statement for DO reapplications:

    "Assuming you didn't get in anywhere previously, schools will only know whether you are reapplying to their program, but not others. Moreover, they can only see your previous application if they saved it in their database. However, med schools to which you are applying for the first time will...
  4. DoctorProfessorPat

    When to Submit DO Applications? With or Without DO LoR?

    Hello all, I will be shadowing a DO in the next few weeks and want to make sure that the letter he writes for me is seen by adcoms along with the rest of my application. So the question is, does it make more sense to submit my application now, and run the risk of the letter not being seen, or...
  5. A

    Best D.O school?

    Alright so I know any DO school that takes you is a good school and at the end of the day you get to practice medicine but what DO schools do you guys think is well reputable and has a good program, in terms of match rates, scores, etc. just curious as to how you guys would rank the schools
  6. R

    D.O. Schools number of letters of evaluation?

    Hello everyone, I've been doing some research about the AACOMAS process and I would appreciate some clarification about LORs. I know different schools have different requirements for letters but it seems like 1 DO, 2 science, 1 nonscience letter should cover all of my bases. I also would...
  7. O

    Research for General Surgery

    Hey everyone, I'm about to be an M2 at a very large, state DO school. I'm currently interested in general surgery and had a couple questions about research. I have no prior research experience and am very unfamiliar with the process. There are many opportunities for research within the school...
  8. P

    Can an OMS1 help an applicant get off the waitlist?

    Hi everyone! The question is pretty much the title. I am a current OMS1 and my friend was recently waitlisted at my school. I was waitlisted last year so I have been giving him tips from my experience, but I was curious if there was anything I could do that could possibly bump him up the...
  9. R


  10. drhong

    How do D.O. schools calculate GPA? Am I screwed?

    OK I am very worried. My undergrad GPA is a 2.99ish. I feel angry at myself that I wanted to be Dr. the last minute. Even if I do a career change post-bacc with 43-46 credits and get around 3.7 to 4.0 GPA, it will only bring up my GPA to 3.1 to 3.2 ish, which is still pretty bad. My question is...
  11. I

    What would be my chances to gain admittance to DO schools?

    Hello, I am a resident of WV. My top two schools to apply to are Marshall University JCESOM (MD) & WVSOM (DO) in Lewisburg. I plan on applying to only a few more DO schools but only 1 MD. My current undergraduate cgpa is 3.31 & bcpm gpa is 3.4 & a mcat of 495. I plan on retaking my mcat this...
  12. insaiyan-premed

    SMP Application/MCAT advice

    Hi, I'm currently accepted into several SMP/Biomedical science programs. My cGPA is a 3.24 AMCAS sGPA is a 3.2 and AACOMAS sPGA is a 3.17, I'm a super ORM, NJ resident. 200 Hours shadowing; 100 in the ER and 100 in Neurology Clinic Scribing since January, on hold due to COVID Pharmacy technician...
  13. B

    504 MCAT Helppp

  14. T

    Residencies to apply for in pscyh

    Hey all. I am a third year looking at how many residencies I should apply to. I am from a midwestern osteopathic school and would only like to apply to residencies in the southeast (Florida, Georgia, SC, NC, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma). I have minimal connections to...
  15. diamondkings

    Post-Interview Acceptance Rates

    Hello all, There are some DO and MD schools mixed in, but hopefully some of your schools of interest are in the spreadsheet! I am posting a link to a google doc that has some data regarding the number of ii and then some acceptance rates behind it. I am just wondering if there is an updated...
  16. J


    Hello everyone, I have a question for everyone in the SDN universe! So I am currently an applicant for the 2019-2020 cycle. I have been blessed with the opportunity to choose between 3 schools that have already offered me a spot in their incoming class of 2020. With that being said, I am unsure...