2015-2016 UCSD Premedical Postbaccalaureate Program thread

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10+ Year Member
Jun 26, 2013
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Hey everyone,

I didn't see any official threads for the 2015-2016 UCSD postbac program yet so I thought I'd start one so that we can all communicate and update each other on any progress/news regarding the application process now that the application cycle has ended.

I submitted late, only a couple days before the deadline but it's been almost a month and my status hasn't changed from "1/25/16- Reviewing Application". Anyone seeing anything different?

Best of luck to everyone!

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Hey everyone,

I didn't see any official threads for the 2015-2016 UCSD postbac program yet so I thought I'd start one so that we can all communicate and update each other on any progress/news regarding the application process now that the application cycle has ended.

I submitted late, only a couple days before the deadline but it's been almost a month and my status hasn't changed from "1/25/16- Reviewing Application". Anyone seeing anything different?

Best of luck to everyone!

I actually created one awhile back.


It's pretty dead right now.