***2019-2020 URM Medical School Application Thread***

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@Chromium Surfer @premed athlete Thank you both for your takes :--)! I figured that with quarantine and all + plus no graduation festivities, I figured that I would definitely have time to do a lot of pre-writing! I think I'll try to run a happy medium. Given that I am pretty risk averse, I think that I will be sticking to thirty schools, but will perhaps perhaps expand my list such that it looks like this:
5 "Safety/State", 13 "Match" 5 "Slight Reach" 7 "Reach Reach"

@OchemOficionado Thank you for the direction :--) !

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schools to target for potential scolarships: OUWB, Temple, UCLA, Quinnipac are some that come to my mind.
Don't sell yourself short but also have a solid base! I think you will have a solid cycle. Best of luck! 🙂
On this note, does anyone know if there's a comprehensive list somewhere of schools that give cost of attendance scholarships? I'm trying to make my list of schools to apply to, and it looks like I need to add about 14 more schools. Just from chatting with others on here, I know NYU, UCLA, Duke, UMich, WashU, Yale, Oregon, Penn, Kaiser, Stanford offer those scholarships. Are there any schools I'm forgetting? Do Pritzker, Feinberg, Cornell, Emory, Morehouse, Howard give those scholarships?
On this note, does anyone know if there's a comprehensive list somewhere of schools that give cost of attendance scholarships? I'm trying to make my list of schools to apply to, and it looks like I need to add about 14 more schools. Just from chatting with others on here, I know NYU, UCLA, Duke, UMich, WashU, Yale, Oregon, Penn, Kaiser, Stanford offer those scholarships. Are there any schools I'm forgetting? Do Pritzker, Feinberg, Cornell, Emory, Morehouse, Howard give those scholarships?

I've never heard of such a list, but I'm sure most schools would be on it. Just because a school gives scholarships doesn't mean everyone is in the running for it. I would suggest adding schools to your list based on something different that's also important to you, but firstly, based on where you're competitive. If you're competitive every where then maybe base it on this at some point, but if you're very competitive than schools will fight for you regardless.
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30 is a lot! If you are trying to save money I would shoot for 20-25. Also have to remember that you need to do secondaries for all of these schools which can be time consuming. I'll give general guidelines for different scenarios:

30 schools:
15 "reaches" 10 "matches" 5 "safety/state school"

25 schools:
10 "reaches" 10 "matches" 5 "safety" state school"

20 schools:

8 "reaches" 9"matches" 5 "safety/state school"

schools to target for potential scolarships: OUWB, Temple, UCLA, Quinnipac are some that come to my mind.
Don't sell yourself short but also have a solid base! I think you will have a solid cycle. Best of luck! 🙂

ANY OTHER SCHOOLS THAT LIKE TO GIVE SCHOLARSHIP MONEY? Please comment, applying next cycle! Thank you!
Hi everyone! I was lucky enough to get a couple of As this cycle. However, COA was a huge barrier at all of them. I emailed each school asking where I stood for additional potential financial aid/scholarships. I was completely ghosted by two of them.

However, today I received an email from one of the schools that has been very attentive with my request and has been in constant communication with me. Since additional $$ was available, they would be able to cover 50k a year. I feel completely over the moon.

Moral of the story: Negotiate those scholarship amounts! Especially now after the April 30th deadline when scholarships have freed up. The worst that the schools can say is no.

Also, doing so opened my eyes to which schools cared for their students and communicated directly. I quickly decided against the two that ghosted me and made the decision easier.
^ Yes to this!!! I ended up picking the school that was the most responsive to my concerns. Ended up getting a full COA scholarship within a few hours of asking for more money and it showed which school I could expect to go to bat for me. They definitely have the money, don’t worry about “being greedy”. Like @Wowilikedebt said. The worst they can do is say no!
Hi everyone! I was lucky enough to get a couple of As this cycle. However, COA was a huge barrier at all of them. I emailed each school asking where I stood for additional potential financial aid/scholarships. I was completely ghosted by two of them.

However, today I received an email from one of the schools that has been very attentive with my request and has been in constant communication with me. Since additional $$ was available, they would be able to cover 50k a year. I feel completely over the moon.

Moral of the story: Negotiate those scholarship amounts! Especially now after the April 30th deadline when scholarships have freed up. The worst that the schools can say is no.

Also, doing so opened my eyes to which schools cared for their students and communicated directly. I quickly decided against the two that ghosted me and made the decision easier.
I thought you had to choose your school by April 30th? Or is that not true for all schools?
I thought you had to choose your school by April 30th? Or is that not true for all schools?

It could possibly be different per school but I think most clearly stated it this cycle (and AAMC suggests it). Either way, students can keep their WL until they CTE and could therefore gain another acceptance after 4/30.
I thought you had to choose your school by April 30th? Or is that not true for all schools?

Hi yes, I meant email your PTE school now after the April 30th deadline to see if they are able to work with you financially since after this deadline many schools redistribute funds after people drop
Of the people who got in, did you guys find that the recruitment emails through Med MAR turned into acceptances? Ive gotten emailed from Northwesern (with fee waiver), Mayo Clinic, and now Pritzker (these are all my top choices). Did these generally become acceptances or nah?
Of the people who got in, did you guys find that the recruitment emails through Med MAR turned into acceptances? Ive gotten emailed from Northwesern (with fee waiver), Mayo Clinic, and now Pritzker (these are all my top choices). Did these generally become acceptances or nah?

My northwestern one didn't, and my pritzker one turned into an interview --> rejection. I'd say send them in, just in case - you never know! 😉
My northwestern one didn't, and my pritzker one turned into an interview --> rejection. I'd say send them in, just in case - you never know! 😉
Did you get the Pritzker one after you had sent int your secondary?
Did you get the Pritzker one after you had sent int your secondary?

The waivers always come before you submit the secondary (otherwise you can't waive the fee!) and interviews always come after submission of the secondary.
Of the people who got in, did you guys find that the recruitment emails through Med MAR turned into acceptances? Ive gotten emailed from Northwesern (with fee waiver), Mayo Clinic, and now Pritzker (these are all my top choices). Did these generally become acceptances or nah?
If you really want it to work in your favor, contact the person who sent the letter and ask if you can have a meeting to discuss the school and your candidacy. They auto send those letters to every URM who meets a certain MCAT threshold, so that alone won’t make you stand out.
Of the people who got in, did you guys find that the recruitment emails through Med MAR turned into acceptances? Ive gotten emailed from Northwesern (with fee waiver), Mayo Clinic, and now Pritzker (these are all my top choices). Did these generally become acceptances or nah?

One turned into an interview, which I ended up cancelling. (Mizzou)
Was this the campus in Columbia, MO? I got one from them, but I'm skeptical since MSAR shows they only interview about 3% of OOS applicants.

Yes. They are desperately seeking diversity after some issues they have had. I didn’t want to be their token.
Of the people who got in, did you guys find that the recruitment emails through Med MAR turned into acceptances? Ive gotten emailed from Northwesern (with fee waiver), Mayo Clinic, and now Pritzker (these are all my top choices). Did these generally become acceptances or nah?

Diversity emails received last cycle + decisions
Pritzker: 1st R lol
Mayo: II --> A
Kaiser: II didn't attend
Mt. Sinai: R
WashU/SLU/Drew: Didn't apply

Opinion: If they waive it, for sure apply. Why not? If they don't waive it, up to you. I'd say shoot your shot if you have even an inkling that you'd be considered. I applied to Mayo on whim after receiving their email, and it became one of my final 3 choices
Diversity emails received last cycle + decisions
Pritzker: 1st R lol
Mayo: II --> A
Kaiser: II didn't attend
Mt. Sinai: R
WashU/SLU/Drew: Didn't apply

Opinion: If they waive it, for sure apply. Why not? If they don't waive it, up to you. I'd say shoot your shot if you have even an inkling that you'd be considered. I applied to Mayo on whim after receiving their email, and it became one of my final 3 choices
Did they, specifically the ones where the fee was waived, come before or after you submitted your primary application.
Did they, specifically the ones where the fee was waived, come before or after you submitted your primary application.


Edit: UChicago came out 7/5 which was before I was verified, but NW dropped on 7/31 which was after verification
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Did any urm interview at NYMC? Wondering what the post II A rates for urm are