2022-2023 Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (Middletown Campus)

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Does anyone know which campus is better? I chose Middletown but it doesn't really matter to me as I'm OOS

I was complete mid Sep...

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II received this morning! I was wondering if anyone who has interviewed already could give any advice or feedback? Also how long did it take to receive confirmation of your interview date after replying to the email?
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II received this morning! I was wondering if anyone who has interviewed already could give any advice or feedback? Also how long did it take to receive confirmation of your interview date after replying to the email?
Congrats, when were you complete?
Hey all, I know this is the Middletown campus thread, but I have an interview at the Montana campus in the morning (couldn't find a thread). Does anyone have any advice?
So I believe 10/3 is the first group to interview w Middletown campus? I know they said they interview each Monday
Anyone accepted mine sharing their stats?
No problem, I applied with a 3.68 GPA, 3.65 sGPA, 512 MCAT (I took it three times), 4Q Casper. My interview didn't focus much on any of my stats other than a couple questions about my retakes and how I learned to improve. I am also a nontraditional applicant (two gaps years)
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I had my II today and I freaking love this program.. idk the vibe was just really good, especially with the students. Does anyone know how many seats are reserved for their MS program? It seemed like a lot of the students speaking today were from the MS pipeline program.. they said they receive 10,000 applications a year, feeling a little doubtful I’ll get the A here given how many people apply. For anyone that’s also interviewed already, do they interview 1000 or so for Harlem and Middletown or just Middletown??
Congrats, I hope you get the A!! Could you share some advice for the interview?? how were the interviewers, the type of questions they asked, etc.?
I saw the interview cohort from 10/03 took about a month to get back to them. Anyone else know how long they typically take to give out decisions post interview? I have an interview 11/21 and I’m wondering if we’ll get a decision by the 12/14 deadline? Anyone have any input?
I saw the interview cohort from 10/03 took about a month to get back to them. Anyone else know how long they typically take to give out decisions post interview? I have an interview 11/21 and I’m wondering if we’ll get a decision by the 12/14 deadline? Anyone have any input?

It took more than 6 weeks for some people last round of A’s. In the interview cohort on 11/7 they said 4-6 weeks.
Hey all, I know this is the Middletown campus thread, but I have an interview at the Montana campus in the morning (couldn't find a thread). Does anyone have any advice?
i interviewed 10/24..should i be expecting to hear back by next week? if anyone interviewed sooner, when did you hear back?
I emailed them and for those who interviewed on 10/24: we will hear back next week after Thanksgiving! they have already made the decisions emails are going out by Monday! good luck everyone!
I emailed them and for those who interviewed on 10/24: we will hear back next week after Thanksgiving! they have already made the decisions emails are going out by Monday! good luck everyone!
did anyone already get decisions today? and good luck everyone!
II received 11/30 @5pm.
Secondary completed on 10/18.
October interviewees how we feelin’
A yesterday! interviewed 10/24 🙂
Woo!! For anyone that’s paid their deposit already, do we literally have to do steps 1-8 in the order they’re listed? I believe that’s what the email says, want to double check. Also there’s no due dates for any of this stuff?
Was thinking we’d hear back this week from interview on 11/21 but judging by others timelines I think it’s gonna be the 6 weeks instead of the 4 weeks.
When I emailed them yesterday, they responded that decisions haven't been approved yet for interviewees from early November and that it would take an additional 1-2 weeks.
Oh man, I was hoping to hear back this week. Thank you for letting me/us know that it will be longer
II invite! My earliest date was 2/6. They said that they are interviewing until March. I feel like that means I’m more likely to be waitlisted than accepted but I’m still grateful for this invite!