2022-2023 Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (Middletown Campus)

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Anybody know what it means if it says "Application Status: Under Review (A)" on my profile?
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Anybody know what it means if it says "Application Status: Under Review (A)" on my profile?

I just checked and my application also says that. I don't think it means anything in particular considering I only just got the II this morning. But I could be wrong! Idk what my status was before the II so it may have changed.
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Me. Interviewed 11/21 and haven’t heard anything back yet. I thought the interview went okay…now I’m not so sure 😕
I would recommend reaching out to them over email because I interviewed on 11/21 and got my decision email on Wed 11/18
Me. Interviewed 11/21 and haven’t heard anything back yet. I thought the interview went okay…now I’m not so sure 😕
Still haven’t heard nothing. I did email them and they had told me we would receive a decision last week. And still nothing. Weird that other students from later cohorts already have their decisions. If we didn’t get accepted, not sure why we haven’t been informed yet. It’s been quite some time.
Interviewed 12/5, accepted on 1/20, OOS. Is there an accepted students page???
Accepted folks, feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like! Hoping to get to know some people before we all start in July
Any current students, how receptive is admin to student feedback? I saw from previous threads years ago that the clicker sessions are not too popular amongst some students, curious if anything ever came of their course evals
does anyone know what the waitlist movement is like for tourocom middletown? this is ideally my top choice and i was waitlisted back in november 🙁 I do believe i was in the first cohort of interviews
Would someone mind sharing how long the interview is? Is it just one interview? Or a few?
Anyone else get the email yesterday offering an interview to the MT campus (even though I opted for only NY campuses on the secondary)? They said if accepting the MT interview, however, that I would no longer be considered for the NY campuses
Interviews on 1/9, accepted 3/6.
I’m withdrawing my acceptance.
Anyone from 1/30 interview group hear back? I remember them saying 4-6 weeks
does anyone know what the waitlist movement is like for tourocom middletown? this is ideally my top choice and i was waitlisted back in november 🙁 I do believe i was in the first cohort of interviews
The waitlist is ranked, I would call and ask your general position! I was told movement starts early April.