2023-2024 Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences (PNWU-COM)

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Withdrawing my II. Received II in early September. Hope it goes to someone. Good luck!

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Does anyone know if they accept letters of intent?
Very dumb question but does anyone know the dress code for social hour/second look?
Very dumb question but does anyone know the dress code for social hour/second look?
Casual, you're in already, this your chance to get to know current students,faculty, and your future colleagues.
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Does PNWU have class ranking that shows up on the transcript? Or some form of ranking system? And to my understanding, the curriculum is pass/no-pass for all 4 years, right?
This is what the email I got when I got waitlisted said

"In early May, applicants remaining on the wait list will be reviewed and the top 30 will be ranked and notified by email. If you would like to be removed from the wait list, so that another applicant may take advantage of the opportunity, please notify Enrollment Services."

I've been sending updates, letter of rec, and plan to send my letter of intent after I attend the Second Look event for accepted/waitlisted students. I think from last year's threads people found out in May what their rank on the waitlist was
since there's no dress code, I'm assuming we dress casual for the second look event?
Does anyone know about entrance into the DO program from the MAMS program? Like will you have to fill out another AACOMAS application for next cycle or could you get out of doing that again?
My friend said that she did have to do an AACOMAS application but submitted it in November, not June when the application first opens. This is because the school wanted to look over performance in SCIFOM etc. In June, you wouldn't have even started in MAMS yet.
  • know if the incoming class is full yet?
  • know if there are people dropping?
  • hear back anything recently (March/April)?
  • aware of their boards pass rates?
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  • know if the incoming class is full yet?
  • know if there are people dropping?
  • hear back anything recently (March/April)?
  • aware of their boards pass rates?
Is the class full? Maybe and no. As people move off of wait lists at other school, already admitted people will give up their seat, opening new seats for PNWU. This is happening later than usual as federal financial aid has been delayed due to the late FAFSA. Expect a lot of movement in the coming weeks.

Are people dropping? Yes. COMP-NW in Oregon opened up another round of interviews when they were fairly confident that they wouldn’t be doing this. This is because they aren’t full yet. I got an II in late February and interviewed almost three weeks ago.

Hear back recently? From my interview in early April, they said the committee would make decisions this last week and sending recommendations to the Dean this coming week. So while I haven’t heard anything since my interview, I expect to hear about a decision this week.

Board pass rate? I don’t know, but it has been declining. I was told they were letting students take the board whenever they wanted. Before, I guess there were some restrictions and the school made sure students were ready, which explains the drop in the pass rate.
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Is the class full? Maybe and no. As people move off of wait lists at other school, already admitted people will give up their seat, opening new seats for PNWU. This is happening later than usual as federal financial aid has been delayed due to the late FAFSA. Expect a lot of movement in the coming weeks.

Are people dropping? Yes. COMP-NW in Oregon opened up another round of interviews when they were fairly confident that they wouldn’t be doing this. This is because they aren’t full yet. I got an II in late February and interviewed almost three weeks ago.

Hear back recently? From my interview in early April, they said the committee would make decisions this last week and sending recommendations to the Dean this coming week. So while I haven’t heard anything since my interview, I expect to hear about a decision this week.

Board pass rate? I don’t know, but it has been declining. I was told they were letting students take the board whenever they wanted. Before, I guess there were some restrictions and the school made sure students were ready, which explains the drop in the pass rate.
We are required to take Level 1 the summer between second and third year (usually in May). you must pass before starting rotations in third year. I don't know how long this has been the case but at least for a couple years.
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For anyone that sent updates in April
through email, did they respond to your email?
For anyone that sent updates in April
through email, did they respond to your email?
No, they've only responded if I've asked questions (regarding transcripts and how to send in grade/class updates).
has anyone on the WL received the ranking email?
Got the A on Monday! Interviewed 4/10.
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Made the difficult decision to withdraw A. I hope it goes to one of you! It really is an amazing and supportive school!
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Can someone please drop news if they email you about a top 30 WL? I hear from OOS students that receiving this email in April/May is usually make or break.
Do we know if everyone will receive an email regarding waitlist status - or just the top 30 will be notified?
Does PNWU have class ranking that shows up on the transcript? Or some form of ranking system? And to my understanding, the curriculum is pass/no-pass for all 4 years, right?
There is internal ranking and hints at it in the MSPE, nothing obvious or significant in the grand scheme of things. It's true utility is qualifying for Sigma Sigma Phi and has near zero bearing on the day to day or student behavior.
Do we know if everyone will receive an email regarding waitlist status - or just the top 30 will be notified?
Everyone who's waitlisted is notified, top 30 receive a rank. List is usually decided in early May, based on when adcom meets. Movement can happen up till start of class, after orientation.
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Hello! is there a group for accepted students? if there is, do you know where and how I can join? Thank you!
Hello! is there a group for accepted students? if there is, do you know where and how I can join? Thank you!
Join the PNWU "DO class of 2028" Facebook page and on there you will find the link for the Slack group chat :)
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