2024-2025 Colorado

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2024-2025 Colorado Secondary Essays
Please do not repeat content from your AMCAS personal statement in these essays. To the extent that there is overlap in the personal statement to what you want to write here, please choose a different approach to discussing the issue(s), such as influence on your values and beliefs, changes you made in your life, reflections that are from a different perspective. The committee utilizes this important information in the selection process.

1. The pillars of our curriculum are Leadership, Curiosity, and Commitment. Tell us about how you have embodied one or more of these attributes in your path to medicine thus far. In which of these areas do you see the most opportunity for personal growth and why? (500 words)

2. Please describe how your background and/or your unique lived experiences contribute to our culture of inclusive excellence. (300 words)

Optional Essays (for special locations or programs)

For fort Collins Branch

Please tell us why you are interested in being a part of the 4-year CUSOM at CSU (Fort Collins Branch campus)? With the background that FCB’s smaller class sizes and unique structure lead to a highly interactive curriculum, please tell us how this campus matches your learning style and personal philosophy. Limit your statement to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

For Colorado Springs Branch
Please submit a short statement regarding your interest in the Colorado Springs Branch. You may address characteristics of the Branch that would be a fit for your strengths, experiences, and/or career plans. You may also note your ties to or interest in Colorado Springs or other similar communities. Limit the essay to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

For Rural Branch
Why are you interested in being a rural physician? How will rural life and work fit your personal goals? You may include your past experiences and ties or interest to rural Colorado. Limit your statement to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

For Aerospace engineering dual degree
Describe your career path up to this point and how that has led to your interest in human spaceflight. What is your motivation for seeking a dual degree in Aerospace Engineering and how does this fit into your vision for your career.

Good luck to all applying!
Interview Feedback:

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Remember to schedule your Casper exam.
Can any current medical student comment on whether we can choose two locations on our secondary application? I am conflicted between Colorado Springs Branch and Fort Collins.
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Please do not repeat content from your AMCAS personal statement in these essays. To the extent that there is overlap in the personal statement to what you want to write here, please choose a different approach to discussing the issue(s), such as influence on your values and beliefs, changes you made in your life, reflections that are from a different perspective. The committee utilizes this important information in the selection process.

1. The pillars of our curriculum are Leadership, Curiosity, and Commitment. Tell us about how you have embodied one or more of these attributes in your path to medicine thus far. In which of these areas do you see the most opportunity for personal growth and why? Limit this response to 500 words.

2. Please describe how your background and/or your unique lived experiences contribute to our culture of inclusive excellence. (300 word max)

Optional Essays

For fort Collins Branch
Please tell us why you are interested in being a part of the 4-year CUSOM at CSU (Fort Collins Branch campus)? With the background that FCB’s smaller class sizes and unique structure lead to a highly interactive curriculum, please tell us how this campus matches your learning style and personal philosophy. Limit your statement to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

For Colorado Springs Branch
Please submit a short statement regarding your interest in the Colorado Springs Branch. You may address characteristics of the Branch that would be a fit for your strengths, experiences, and/or career plans. You may also note your ties to or interest in Colorado Springs or other similar communities. Limit the essay to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

For Rural Branch
Why are you interested in being a rural physician? How will rural life and work fit your personal goals? You may include your past experiences and ties or interest to rural Colorado. Limit your statement to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

For Aerospace engineering dual degree

Describe your career path up to this point and how that has led to your interest in human spaceflight. What is your motivation for seeking a dual degree in Aerospace Engineering and how does this fit into your vision for your career.

+1 OOS

It still shows my CASPER has not been received. Anyone else have this issue?
+1 OOS

It still shows my CASPER has not been received. Anyone else have this issue?
Yeah the status section says my casper and duet has not been received. I did casper 6/11 so they should have received that info by now. they probably need to manually pair casper scores to apps
+1 INTL secondary. Zero ties to CO (but would love to attend!)
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Yes, everything is received. It says " your application is ready and is under review." I submitted yesterday 7/11
I’m still waiting for my Casper. I didn’t select the school on Casper until yesterday so I’m prob going to have to wait till next week for it to show up.
Anyone still not have the secondary?
Yeah, I took Casper 5/30, submitted to AMCAS 6/1, and was born and raised in CO until college! Maybe they're just inundated with apps right now, but it's also kind of stressful not to have a secondary yet from my one state MD school.
Yeah, I took Casper 5/30, submitted to AMCAS 6/1, and was born and raised in CO until college! Maybe they're just inundated with apps right now, but it's also kind of stressful not to have a secondary yet from my one state MD school.
I feel exactly the same. I wasn't born in CO but am a veteran, resident and went to school here. Glad to see I'm not the only one. I'm sure that they are coming.
Yeah, I took Casper 5/30, submitted to AMCAS 6/1, and was born and raised in CO until college! Maybe they're just inundated with apps right now, but it's also kind of stressful not to have a secondary yet from my one state MD school.
I feel exactly the same. I wasn't born in CO but am a veteran, resident and went to school here. Glad to see I'm not the only one. I'm sure our they are coming.
They started sending secondaries on Thursday July 11 so I wouldn’t worry too much!
How hard does Colorado screen for secondaries? Just got one and need a win for this week 🙁
Does applying to any of the branch campuses affect our chances at being considered/accepted into the main campus program? Or are they separate committees reviewing our app essentially?
+1 IS Secondary received 7/16

submitted 5/30, verified 6/17
Does applying to any of the branch campuses affect our chances at being considered/accepted into the main campus program? Or are they separate committees reviewing our app essentially?
Wondering the same. Applying to just the main campus this year. Applied Fort Collins last year.
Wondering the same. Applying to just the main campus this year. Applied Fort Collins last year.
How did it go for you last year? Did they indicate in your decision email whether they had considered you for fort collins but moved on to main campus considerations or something like that?
How did it go for you last year? Did they indicate in your decision email whether they had considered you for fort collins but moved on to main campus considerations or something like that?
Nope. Just a rejection from Colorado University.
According to Acuity Insights, for Colorado "Duet is not required for the 2024/2025 Cycle" so if my understanding is correct duet scores will not be sent to the school as acuity only sends duet scores to schools requiring the test. I've been confused about this as well though