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Sep 13, 2016
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Hi I couldn't find a recent post on how to gauge COMLEX scores for Pediatrics. I scored a dismal 470 because of an unfortunate situation. My practices were >500. I know I'll do better on COMLEX 2. What do you think my chances are for ACGME Peds residencies? I am hoping to do a neonatology fellowship afterwards so I would like to be at a residency with a Level 2 NICU if possible (definitely not top tiers, I know that is unrealistic for me at this point). Could someone suggest a few programs I should look into perhaps? Want to stay in the Midwest (IL, IN, WI or MI ideally).

To give you an idea of my application:
1 publication, 1 presentation, highly involved on campus, relatively strong recommendation letters (one from a big name in Peds), 3rd-4th quintile in class rank, high pass-honors in rotations and >100 in COMATs. Non tradiational student.


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Check on Freida what cutoffs and averages are for ACGME Peds. My inclination is that you will be fine if you apply broadly or to programs in the not most desired areas (e.g. midwest).
Hi I couldn't find a recent post on how to gauge COMLEX scores for Pediatrics. I scored a dismal 470 because of an unfortunate situation. My practices were >500. I know I'll do better on COMLEX 2. What do you think my chances are for ACGME Peds residencies? I am hoping to do a neonatology fellowship afterwards so I would like to be at a residency with a Level 2 NICU if possible (definitely not top tiers, I know that is unrealistic for me at this point). Could someone suggest a few programs I should look into perhaps? Want to stay in the Midwest (IL, IN, WI or MI ideally).

To give you an idea of my application:
1 publication, 1 presentation, highly involved on campus, relatively strong recommendation letters (one from a big name in Peds), 3rd-4th quintile in class rank, high pass-honors in rotations and >100 in COMATs. Non tradiational student.


This data (there's a thread about it right now) indicates that you have between a 70% and 80% chance of matching. That's based on only one data point (your COMLEX I score), but it's the most important data point none the less.
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post-merger, what will matching pediatrics look like for applicants with low scores?
post-merger, what will matching pediatrics look like for applicants with low scores?

Probably not much different than it looks now. There's only 17 AOA Peds programs. Last year, only 16% of DOs that matched Peds did so in the AOA match. Almost all (84%) DOs going for Peds are already going to an ACGME program.
Probably not much different than it looks now. There's only 17 AOA Peds programs. Last year, only 16% of DOs that matched Peds did so in the AOA match. Almost all (84%) DOs going for Peds are already going to an ACGME program.
And all but about three of those AOA programs are already dual accredited.
I think you'll get there. My theory is that by time odds get to 70-80% it has more to do with applicants selectivity in applying, devotion to peds, and personality than chance. I'd assume if you do good on all 3 fronts you are near 100%. Just my theory though. I have not went through the match yet.
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Hi I couldn't find a recent post on how to gauge COMLEX scores for Pediatrics. I scored a dismal 470 because of an unfortunate situation. My practices were >500. I know I'll do better on COMLEX 2. What do you think my chances are for ACGME Peds residencies? I am hoping to do a neonatology fellowship afterwards so I would like to be at a residency with a Level 2 NICU if possible (definitely not top tiers, I know that is unrealistic for me at this point). Could someone suggest a few programs I should look into perhaps? Want to stay in the Midwest (IL, IN, WI or MI ideally).

To give you an idea of my application:
1 publication, 1 presentation, highly involved on campus, relatively strong recommendation letters (one from a big name in Peds), 3rd-4th quintile in class rank, high pass-honors in rotations and >100 in COMATs. Non tradiational student.


100%. Peds is not competative.

Everyone freaks about their scores. By definition, HALF of everyone will be below the median score, which is like 500-510 or something.

I'm not saying that they are completely unimportant, it's just that the percentage of weight that medical students seem to place on their scores is much higher to what most PDs feel they are worth.