AMCAS Verification Thread 2023-2024

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Dec 22, 2022
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Post date/time you were ready for review and time you were verified! Just want to see where amcas is at 🙂
Submitted: 6/1 at 6:19pm EST
Verified: ?

Also here is the official tracker: AMCAS Tracker

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Post date/time you were ready for review and time you were verified! Just want to see where amcas is at 🙂
Submitted: 6/1 at 6:19pm EST
Verified: ?

Also here is the official tracker: AMCAS Tracker
i submitted my app on 5/30/23
got the email saying "Your AMCAS Application is Processed" on 6/6/23
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submitted & ready for review: 6/2/23 7:30p
verified: ?
edit: verified 6/23/23 12:34p !!
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Submitted at 6/2/2023 at 4:00 pm
verified 6/22/2023 at 7:35 pm
Just out of curiosity, for those that submitted June 11th, when do you think we can expect to be verified? My advisor I think gave me incorrect information and told only 2-3 weeks, but now seeing how slow it's going, that seems incorrect. Thanks!
Just out of curiosity, for those that submitted June 11th, when do you think we can expect to be verified? My advisor I think gave me incorrect information and told only 2-3 weeks, but now seeing how slow it's going, that seems incorrect. Thanks!
I submitted during a similar time (june 13th). From what I understand this is peak submission time so 4-6 weeks from "ready to review" 🙁
submitted 6/3 at 5 PM
verified 6/27 9:50 AM

quick question for anyone that might know: does AMCAS automatically update the application when a new MCAT score gets released, even after processing?
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submitted 6/3 at 5 PM
verified 6/27 9:50 AM

quick question for anyone that might know: does AMCAS automatically update the application when a new MCAT score gets released, even after processing?
i submitted my application and got my mcat after submitting, it updated automatically. i wasnt verified though.
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quick question for anyone that might know: does AMCAS automatically update the application when a new MCAT score gets released, even after processing?
Yes. AMCAS updates MCATs automatically without regard to processing.
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How accurate is this tracker? I submitted June 11, and it says that on June 11 there were 12 days until verification. Well, it's been 16 days and doesn't seem like I'll be verified soon.
any crowdsourced tracker like this is subject to variations.
Also, an application with no errors or questions from AMCAS will go through faster than one that needs clarifications, corrections, or is lacking key information
any crowdsourced tracker like this is subject to variations.
Also, an application with no errors or questions from AMCAS will go through faster than one that needs clarifications, corrections, or is lacking key information
I'm curious when June 11th people will most likely reach "under review".
Ready for review: 6/13
Email from aamc saying app is in verification queue: 7/11
Verified: ?
ready for review : 12pm on 6/13
processing complete: 3pm on 7/17
Ready for review: 6/12
Processing complete: 7/14
Submitted: 6/15, but received an email on 6/29 saying my application was currently "Ready to Review"
On the application status window on AMCAS, it says "submitted to AMCAS - Ready to Review" under the date I submitted.
I'm still not verified, so am wondering if the 6-8 weeks they estimate to be verified would apply to the 6/29 date rather than the date I submitted?