My old practice only did a little over a hundred hearts a year, three of the six anesthesiologists did hearts. We didn't have a specific cardiac call, because the odds of a callback when one of us was not on call was so low. There were, I believe, only two occasions in the four years I was there that we did a heart after hours when one of the non-CT guys was on call, and in both of those, the surgeon just called one of us directly and asked for help. If none of us were available, it would have been sent across town.
Another practice I was looking to join did about 250 hearts a year (no transplant or advanced heart failure). The cardiac guys did roughly Q8 cardiac call, and q30 general call. They said that maybe a half-dozen times a year, a cardiac guy will get called in at night or on a weekend for a case. That's far better than general OR/L&D call.
Now, the guys at my fellowship hospital... Yeah, they get called in a lot, but that's because we do transplants, ECMO, VADs, and complex cases on people that should probably have just been left alone to die without our assistance.
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