Barry University BMS Spring 2019

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Jun 1, 2018
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Hey, I just recently got accepted to the barry university biomedical sciences program. I was wondering what to expect from the program and if anyone else is entering during the spring semester?

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I'm currently in the program. Congrats on getting in. The classes are on par with dental/med schools in terms of difficulty (one or two classes are actually taught by adjunct from NSU). Most people who don't take it serious end up failing or scoring low, then wondering why they're not handed an A in a course of whatever. Expect to study like you're in the program you're trying to get into, whether it be med, dent, podiatry, etc..., There's tons of friendly people that want you to succeed though; so you'll have support. Just be ready! Good luck and prepare yourself!
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Good evening,

I was wondering what are the stats into getting to Barry? Unfortunately my GPA was low druing my undergrad, however I attended a one year post-bac and received a good GPA. If someone can help me please. I applied to dental schools despite all that and want to apply to masters as a back up.