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5+ Year Member
Apr 18, 2018
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Hi folks, I am actually pre-dental, but figured this would be more relevant here. I am applying to the Warren Alpert Gateway program for Medical Sciences at Brown University. The application is due mid May, but the program does not start until mid to late July. Would I have to be completely finished with undergrad by May, or could I complete up in Summer I? I can not find any information online about needing to be graduated. Thank y'all!

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I was under the impression that Brown was eliminating the Certificate part of this program and moving solely to their SMP/MMS? If they require final transcripts before matriculation, they whatever summer class you take, has to be completed, recorded by your registrar, and have official transcript sent by the cutoff. You need to contact the programs there :

If you strongly prefer this program over the Master's program, please feel free to apply and/or contact [email protected] for any questions

Gateways Program
Brown University
Phone 401-863-5777
[email protected]

If you strongly prefer this program over the Master's program, please feel free to apply and/or contact [email protected] for any questions
Hello, thank you for the quick reply. I actually prefer the non-certificate program, and plan on fully applying to the program soon. I simply need three more hours in Summer I to graduate (or take twenty hours in the Spring...eesh). If I read your response right, you said if I do choose to complete my undergrad in Summer I, I must have the registrar ready to send the transcript in directly after final grades are posted? Thanks again.
No, you must have the date that the Brown program requires it by and see that you registrar can send it by then. At some UG schools, summer programs do not get recorded and transcripts prepared until the entire summer is over. So you better find from Brown as well as if they are even accepting new applications to the certificate
I second this. I had to take a class in the summer after I walked in May. I didn't have a diploma until November (takes 8-12 weeks after I have graduated to send it.) So, my transcript didn't get finalized until August, before the next academic year began