CLASS OF ya doing?

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This semester's just been building up so slowly it's hard to get that sense of urgency. Like, a seriously half-a**ed night before exam cramming has been good enough so far... and that does not bode well for a person like me who only has two speeds, full steam ahead or total sloth. This is especially true when the material covered is stuff that I have 0 interest in whatsoever (e.g. repro :lame:.).

I was just telling one of my friends in class the exact same thing a few days ago!

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I'm bumping up this thread to make a rant. I HATE 2nd year...anyone else?
I'm bumping up this thread to make a rant. I HATE 2nd year...anyone else?
I'm really ready for it to be over. Last semester was a lot better than this semester. I only have had 2 classes this semester that I have really enjoyed and one was an elective.
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I'm really ready for it to be over. Last semester was a lot better than this semester. I only have had 2 classes this semester that I have really enjoyed and one was an elective.

Opposite here for me, this semester has been infinitely better than last. I don't know that I have any all time favorite classes this semester, but the classes are over all more interesting and the test schedule is less stressful.

That being said, I'm so ready to be done. I have no motivation left for the rest of the year.....:(
That being said, I'm so ready to be done. I have no motivation left for the rest of the year.....:(

Right there with you... I've started taking cramming to a whole new level recently because i just have nooooo motivation. I want to be a grown up already who doesn't have to study for tests anymore
Opposite here for me, this semester has been infinitely better than last. I don't know that I have any all time favorite classes this semester, but the classes are over all more interesting and the test schedule is less stressful.

That being said, I'm so ready to be done. I have no motivation left for the rest of the year.....:(
They really should just cut school off at the end of March. I feel like everyone loses all motivation at that point.
Beyond the "I hate sitting in a classroom" part of things, and "I hate mornings" and "I hate exams" I'm actually okay with this year for the most part. It's a million times better than last year. Definitely ready for a nice long summer of wine tastings, and being a beach bum though.
This is supposed to be the hardest quarter of them all :rolleyes:

don't think it will be hard in the same way for me as the previous quarters were. a lot of work maybe, but the classes seem to go with my learning style better.

but it's early. still time for the screwing and vet school is good at that soooo!
cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram (typed individually out, not c&p'd) cram cram cram cram
cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram cram (typed individually out, not c&p'd) cram cram cram cram

and not the procrastinating kind of cram. The every single day kind of cram... :(
is it summer yet?
Done with classes for the year! Now just 5 more finals until sweet summertime!
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Done with classes for the year! Now just 5 more finals until sweet summertime!

Same here! Only 6 finals left not 5. Now if only I could get myself motivated to use my 4 day weekend to study instead of lazing around the house and doing fun things.
Same here! Only 6 finals left not 5. Now if only I could get myself motivated to use my 4 day weekend to study instead of lazing around the house and doing fun things.

Ugh, I know the feeling. I studied 5 pages of ophthalmology today!
Totally out of motivation...
Ugh, I know the feeling. I studied 5 pages of ophthalmology today!
Totally out of motivation...

I'm having trouble convincing myself to work on flashcards for the "use of antibiotics in species X" lectures. Mainly because I'm really not sure what the take home message was for some of them (specially dog and cat). Are we really going to memorize which organisms are most common in each of the organ systems? Cuz otherwise I feel like all I really need to know is culture it if the owner will let you and go for broad spectrum first.....:confused:
I'm having trouble convincing myself to work on flashcards for the "use of antibiotics in species X" lectures. Mainly because I'm really not sure what the take home message was for some of them (specially dog and cat). Are we really going to memorize which organisms are most common in each of the organ systems? Cuz otherwise I feel like all I really need to know is culture it if the owner will let you and go for broad spectrum first.....:confused:

Are you talking about pharmacology? Because I don't remember questions like that.
Are you talking about pharmacology? Because I don't remember questions like that.

Yeah, basically half of the two lectures on dog and cat abx were charts of "here's what you find in the oral cavity, etc", but the resident who did the lecture didn't really specify any of them, just kind of waved the pointer at the I'm honestly not sure what to expect. It was a decent chunk of the lecture, but the entire lecture wasn't very big on actual things you could memorize. I really can sum up everything but those charts into "culture it, or treat broad spectrum". Oh yeah, and E. coli is everywhere.
Yeah, basically half of the two lectures on dog and cat abx were charts of "here's what you find in the oral cavity, etc", but the resident who did the lecture didn't really specify any of them, just kind of waved the pointer at the I'm honestly not sure what to expect. It was a decent chunk of the lecture, but the entire lecture wasn't very big on actual things you could memorize. I really can sum up everything but those charts into "culture it, or treat broad spectrum". Oh yeah, and E. coli is everywhere.

Ah, yes, the resident-taught portions...

I guess I wouldn't worry too much about it.
i hate second year.

I second that...granted for me this is third year, but same difference, same classes.

10 exams in the next 3 weeks cumulative for the whole year?:boom:
Finals week is so much more stressful this semester for some reason. I hate vet school this week. I'm sure that's just the sleep deprivation talking.
I'm firmly in the holds of second year burnout here too. A week and a half left of classes, two exams and then finals. My QOL would improve exponentially if anyone here could somehow make pharmacology disappear...I don't know who thought it was a good idea to combine two semesters into one course, but I heartily disagree.
I'm firmly in the holds of second year burnout here too. A week and a half left of classes, two exams and then finals. My QOL would improve exponentially if anyone here could somehow make pharmacology disappear...I don't know who thought it was a good idea to combine two semesters into one course, but I heartily disagree.
Ugh, that's what my final is in tomorrow. I hate pharm. Our test is comprehensive including stuff from last semester.
I like second year. It's much, much better than first year was. First semester kind of sucked, and second is meh, but at least it isn't full blown suckage.

That said: no motivation is left. I have 3 more finals (surgery, pathology, radiology) until summer and I'm just out of give a damn. I've 8 more pages of surgery notes to look over for the final at 8 AM tomorrow (it's 2 AM currently) and just tired of it.

However, I have an awesome summer lined up, and got excellent electives for third year, so there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Our test is comprehensive including stuff from last semester.
Yah, that's how ours was. And the stuff we learned this semester was NOT in the same format that it was in the quizzes over the stuff we had this semester (so if you studied for the final like you did for the quizzes, you were sunk. Or I was). Very frustrating. I think I got like a 50% on the final or thereabouts. Passed the class, though.
Excited to be done with second year!!! I am in the first surgery block in third year so I hope I am motivated enough to get a lot of suture practice in this summer!

that is all.

good riddance, second year!
Done with second year! Ahhh it feels AMAZING! Now going to get my booze on! :soexcited:
Annnnd that's the end of second year.
So jealous! We still have two more finals next week. At least they are not cumulative and shouldn't be freakishly hard....I hope.
We still have 3 more weeks.
Silver lining: done with Pharm :)
After a week of suckage, it's official. All grades are in, and I get to move on to third year!
This has been the best finals week ever and the worst finals week ever in so many ways.

Best, because my grades were solid enough that I wasn't in serious danger of failing any classes.

Worst, because I started off with pretty good grades and they've only gone down haha. My As and Bs has turned into mostly B's...Oh well! No complaints here :)
5 more weeks of classes and 1 week of finals. So much longerrrrrr :(

Yeah, and this upcoming week is going to feel super long . . . what with our 3 exams + 3 quizzes :eek:
I'm registering 3 exams and 1 quiz (SA repro), what other ones do we have that I am most likely missing or hopefully not in the elective? :laugh:

SA Repro has THREE quizzes next week (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) :(
After a week of suckage, it's official. All grades are in, and I get to move on to third year!
This has been the best finals week ever and the worst finals week ever in so many ways.

Best, because my grades were solid enough that I wasn't in serious danger of failing any classes.

Worst, because I started off with pretty good grades and they've only gone down haha. My As and Bs has turned into mostly B's...Oh well! No complaints here :)

Totally feel that.

I have one more exam on Wednesday that's only worth 19% of our final grade and I've done well enough so far that I could pass without taking it, and I've definitely considered taking a "F*#% it" attitude towards this last hurdle.
Totally feel that.

I have one more exam on Wednesday that's only worth 19% of our final grade and I've done well enough so far that I could pass without taking it, and I've definitely considered taking a "F*#% it" attitude towards this last hurdle.

I am right there with you. Last final is tomorrow and I only need a 24% to pass.....but it's also one of the two classes I still stand a chance at having an A in. There's a part of me that doesn't care and says it isn't worth studying anymore, and part of me that still cares about grades and wants to kick it in the tail.
So jealous of everyone who is finished!! I want to die lol this has been the LONGEST YR EVERRRRRR and definitely hit a new record for how many classes students can complete in a semester.

anyway, congrats to all those finished with 2nd yr!! jeeeez, time is going by so fast!!! i can't believe we'll be "third yrs" soon!! ahhhh lol
I am right there with you. Last final is tomorrow and I only need a 24% to pass.....but it's also one of the two classes I still stand a chance at having an A in. There's a part of me that doesn't care and says it isn't worth studying anymore, and part of me that still cares about grades and wants to kick it in the tail.

Agreed--I only need a 29 to pass...kind of hard to care at this point. But by 10 a.m. tomorrow we will be DONE with 2nd year, and halfway through vet school!
Done, done, done and done!!!!! :soexcited: Goodbye second year and hello last lazy summer of my life. :D

Good luck to everyone still finishing.
Done, done, done and done!!!!! :soexcited: Goodbye second year and hello last lazy summer of my life. :D

Good luck to everyone still finishing.


3 down, 6 to go, including pharm (worth 70%). :barf:
Well I certainly hope that nobody asks me to draw and label the parts of a precision variable bypass vaporizer on an exam ever again.

Um......huh? :confused:

Holy cr@p! Now you've got me really worried about making it in vet school. :scared: