CLASS OF ya doing?

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I am now officially class of 2015.

2nd semester has been pretty great so far. A bunch of us have been able to do our first surgeries in the past few weeks. I did my first spay on Tuesday.
Really? We anesthetized our first patient the other day (though not with an anesthesia machine, just IM shots) but all we did then was place catheters and fill out paperwork.

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2nd semester has been pretty great so far. A bunch of us have been able to do our first surgeries in the past few weeks. I did my first spay on Tuesday.

Surgery was last semester for us, and I will miss it dearly. That has probably been my favorite class so far, although neuro this semester is already working its way to a close second.
so sick of it all :(. i don't even have anything in particular to complain about, but life is just not very enjoyable and i don't see that changing anytime soon. school is so freaking boring, and i have a hard time motivating myself to get up in the morning to go (and most days i end up not going at all, and if i do, i rarely can keep up the motivation to stay more than half a day). i feel like i'm wasting tuition by not going, but then i feel like i'm wasting time and energy by going to watch some lecturer read off of a powerpoint. so i sit around with an everlasting list of to-do's, but don't ever really feel like i'm accomplishing anything. days come and go, and i take exam after exam. whoopti-effing-doo. i try to break up my week by getting clinical experience, hanging out with friends and such, and doing some research stuff but it's still all just blah. i just feel like i have nothing to look forward to at all in the forseeable future. it's especially depressing when i talk to friends outside of vet school enjoying the prime of their lives. i really need an attitude change... and i guess that's the most frustrating part of it all. i feel like such a brat for not being all uber ecstatic about the opportunities in front of me.

anyone else feel this way, or am i like the only loser out there?
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so sick of it all :(. i don't even have anything in particular to complain about, but life is just not very enjoyable and i don't see that changing anytime soon. school is so freaking boring, and i have a hard time motivating myself to get up in the morning to go (and most days i end up not going at all, and if i do, i rarely can keep up the motivation to stay more than half a day). i feel like i'm wasting tuition by not going, but then i feel like i'm wasting time and energy by going to watch some lecturer read off of a powerpoint. so i sit around with an everlasting list of to-do's, but don't ever really feel like i'm accomplishing anything. days come and go, and i take exam after exam. whoopti-effing-doo. i try to break up my week by getting clinical experience, hanging out with friends and such, and doing some research stuff but it's still all just blah. i just feel like i have nothing to look forward to at all in the forseeable future. it's especially depressing when i talk to friends outside of vet school enjoying the prime of their lives. i really need an attitude change... and i guess that's the most frustrating part of it all. i feel like such a brat for not being all uber ecstatic about the opportunities in front of me.

anyone else feel this way, or am i like the only loser out there?

every day my friend. You're not the only one, and just remember it's a means to an end. It won't last forever!
Minnerbelle, it sounds like you are suffering from a big case of the burnouts. We really only have one super boring class (cough cough Epi/public health) and it is at 8am so I totally don't ever want to get out of bed for it. I have been having trouble paying attention in class a lot lately. I get on fb and sdn too much lol. When I catch myself spending an excessive amount of time online instead of paying attention, I remind myself that I am "cheating" my future clients. I need to pay attention so I can be the best doctor for my patients that I can. It actually really helps. I also get jealous of my non-vet friends with all of their free time and ability to take vacations throughout the year. I think you should take a step back and look at the big picture. We are almost there! Before you know it, it will be time for clinics and boards and we won't know what to do with ourselves. Keep your head up! :love:
I have mixed feelings about this semester. On the one hand, the material is SO much more interesting than it has been any other semester (clin path and anesthesia :)). On the other hand, we have a lot of double, and for the first few weeks, triple, classes. I am not a fan of that. I don't have the attention span for triple pharm after lunch, especially after having 2 sets of double lectures in the morning. I'm trying to study responsibly this semester (anything to make it NOT like last awful), but we'll see how that goes in the long run. Nonetheless, this semester (so far) has been getting me more excited about the thought that we're going to be in clinics in a little over a year!
so sick of it all :(. i don't even have anything in particular to complain about, but life is just not very enjoyable and i don't see that changing anytime soon. school is so freaking boring, and i have a hard time motivating myself to get up in the morning to go (and most days i end up not going at all, and if i do, i rarely can keep up the motivation to stay more than half a day). i feel like i'm wasting tuition by not going, but then i feel like i'm wasting time and energy by going to watch some lecturer read off of a powerpoint. so i sit around with an everlasting list of to-do's, but don't ever really feel like i'm accomplishing anything. days come and go, and i take exam after exam. whoopti-effing-doo. i try to break up my week by getting clinical experience, hanging out with friends and such, and doing some research stuff but it's still all just blah. i just feel like i have nothing to look forward to at all in the forseeable future. it's especially depressing when i talk to friends outside of vet school enjoying the prime of their lives. i really need an attitude change... and i guess that's the most frustrating part of it all. i feel like such a brat for not being all uber ecstatic about the opportunities in front of me.

anyone else feel this way, or am i like the only loser out there?

yes. I felt this way all the time when I was in vet school
*hugs to minnerbelle* I haven't lost my motivation to get up and go to class yet, but I've definitely hit the point where even the potential of stress from trying to keep up with everything, study for exams, and have a life has sent me running for my bed at 5 pm. It's been bugging me that I finally coped out and quit my part time job until summer, even though I know it's better for me. It bothers me that I couldn't keep a handle on it all. :(
Yes, all the time. This semester has just been annoying the crap out of me and I'm already exhausted with three more months to go. I still go to class, I still manage to study (not enough), but I am counting down the days until a break. You're not the only one with the second-year blahs.
so sick of it all :(. i don't even have anything in particular to complain about, but life is just not very enjoyable and i don't see that changing anytime soon. school is so freaking boring, and i have a hard time motivating myself to get up in the morning to go (and most days i end up not going at all, and if i do, i rarely can keep up the motivation to stay more than half a day). i feel like i'm wasting tuition by not going, but then i feel like i'm wasting time and energy by going to watch some lecturer read off of a powerpoint. so i sit around with an everlasting list of to-do's, but don't ever really feel like i'm accomplishing anything. days come and go, and i take exam after exam. whoopti-effing-doo. i try to break up my week by getting clinical experience, hanging out with friends and such, and doing some research stuff but it's still all just blah. i just feel like i have nothing to look forward to at all in the forseeable future. it's especially depressing when i talk to friends outside of vet school enjoying the prime of their lives. i really need an attitude change... and i guess that's the most frustrating part of it all. i feel like such a brat for not being all uber ecstatic about the opportunities in front of me.

anyone else feel this way, or am i like the only loser out there?

I definitely know the feeling. This semester is really boring, at least for me. I've also realized that I don't study well unless I'm under pressure. Last semester was killer with the 8 or 9 exams in 4 weeks, but I definitely stayed on top of that stuff by studying all the time. This semester, we have 10 exams (I think--not counting finals) the entire semester. I study, sure, but I don't feel like I'm studying as effectively as I was last semester. And anyone can read slides off a most lectures feel like a waste of time to me. (I still go, however.)

I keep telling myself that I'm almost halfway finished...but to be honest the thought of 4th year really scares me. Whenever we have our clinical exposure weeks, I get exhausted and have no time for anything outside of school. And I'm talking about time for basic things--like going to the grocery store. I know some rotations are worse than others, but still... Hopefully by then I can just keep telling myself that I really am almost finished with school forever.
it's especially depressing when i talk to friends outside of vet school enjoying the prime of their lives.

Not a second year, but this part really hit me. I was feeling the very same way just the other day when I realized how many of my friends are married/engaged/having babies/buying houses/just generally being in the prime of their lives. And I felt really sad because I feel like my life is on pause while I'm at school - all I can do is go to school and study and kind of go through the motions. I keep telling myself its worth it, and it will be in the end, but some days I just want to quit, go home, and be a housewife :oops:
Not a second year, but this part really hit me. I was feeling the very same way just the other day when I realized how many of my friends are married/engaged/having babies/buying houses/just generally being in the prime of their lives. And I felt really sad because I feel like my life is on pause while I'm at school - all I can do is go to school and study and kind of go through the motions. I keep telling myself its worth it, and it will be in the end, but some days I just want to quit, go home, and be a housewife :oops:

Me too. My friends are home, cultivating relationships with people they might marry eventually, being with their families, traveling, earning money! :( My friend keeps telling me I'll have time for things like that when I'm not so busy but it's depressing to think that that is still such a long way off
man you guys are getting me all depressed and stuff before i even get to school! :(
i'm not a vet student YET but will be soon -- remember that after this we get to be VETS!
(trying to be motivating here :))
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Thanks for the responses guys! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one. Lissarae, thank goodness I don't think it's burnout. Just boredom. I'm not even all that stressed out... just really really bored and tired of being a student. I think it's just really getting to me that it just seems like I'm sitting on my bum doing all this studying, and I just have nothing to show for it other than a transcript. It's kind of aggravating to feel like I've learned so much, but know so little. I just keep chanting to myself 'only one more year, only one more year, only one more year,' but that year just can't pass fast enough right now. I just dunno how much longer I can keep my sanity with the same ole book --> exam --> book --> exam cycle.
Thanks for the responses guys! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one. Lissarae, thank goodness I don't think it's burnout. Just boredom. I'm not even all that stressed out... just really really bored and tired of being a student. I think it's just really getting to me that it just seems like I'm sitting on my bum doing all this studying, and I just have nothing to show for it other than a transcript. It's kind of aggravating to feel like I've learned so much, but know so little. I just keep chanting to myself 'only one more year, only one more year, only one more year,' but that year just can't pass fast enough right now. I just dunno how much longer I can keep my sanity with the same ole book --> exam --> book --> exam cycle.
Soon enough it will be spring, and the days get longer, and suddenly like just isn't that horrible. No?
Not a second year, but this part really hit me. I was feeling the very same way just the other day when I realized how many of my friends are married/engaged/having babies/buying houses/just generally being in the prime of their lives. And I felt really sad because I feel like my life is on pause while I'm at school - all I can do is go to school and study and kind of go through the motions. I keep telling myself its worth it, and it will be in the end, but some days I just want to quit, go home, and be a housewife :oops:

i feel the same way. i just want to be a REAL person (thats how i describe the married/engaged/working/not in school people)! some days i wish i just wanted to be a housewife in life!
Soon enough it will be spring, and the days get longer, and suddenly like just isn't that horrible. No?

I did a small happy dance in my driveway this morning because the sky was pink when I left the house!!!!!!! Now if only I could convince them to get rid of daylight savings time so it won't go back to being dark right when it started being light out in the morning.
I'm feeling the second year second semester apathy too. I don't have nearly as much motivation to study as I did during last semester's crunch, and there aren't as many classes that really interest me. I've gotten this way during Spring semesters before...the light at the end of the tunnel (aka Summer) is just too bright! :eek:
Sixthed. Is that even a word?

I came home and felt like such a zombie that I had to lay down for just a few minutes...which turned into two hours. I usually feel like crap after long naps like that but actually felt waaaay better when I woke up. Meaning I really WAS that tired. Time to start the cycle all over again. FML.
SAME. I'm so sick of school. I enjoy what we are learning now, but I'm so tired of studying all the time. Exams just pass like they don't really mean anything anymore. This semester we have a couple classes that are mandatory and I HATE going to school. It has been horrible this quarter. For one, my studying schedule is completely changed and I'm falling more behind on audio lectures because I waste time at school. Second, I'm getting really tired of seeing some of my classmates. I hate hearing about drama. I hate accidentally getting involved with drama. It seems to be unavoidable now that I am forced to go to classes.
Spring break is coming and I'm not even excited because I'll just be catching up with anesthesiology. 4th quarter this year is supposed to be the worst at Penn and some people moved down a class year because of it. I just hope I have enough tiny bit of motivation left to finish out the year! Also, I applied to 2 lab animal/research related jobs for summer and haven't heard back so that really bums me out.
I have exactly one class that I love this semester, and I'm rocking it. The others, not so much. I will probably break out in tears tomorrow during my radiology exam.
I have exactly one class that I love this semester, and I'm rocking it. The others, not so much. I will probably break out in tears tomorrow during my radiology exam.

I dont even know if I'm going to make it til 3pm tomorrow without crying.
My beautiful Bact sticker is not enough to make up for this radiology hell.
I dont even know if I'm going to make it til 3pm tomorrow without crying.
My beautiful Bact sticker is not enough to make up for this radiology hell.
That Bac-T sticker is the only thing getting me through this week :laugh:
I dont even know if I'm going to make it til 3pm tomorrow without crying.
My beautiful Bact sticker is not enough to make up for this radiology hell.

I demand pictures! If a sticker has the power to get people through classes I need it. :D

First exam is tomorrow, but its one of the professors I actually learn from, so here's hoping. :xf:
Here it is!
They put stickers on anatomy practicals a couple of times here.

....unfortunately I only know that from my test files, since they don't make stickers that say "what the crap is wrong with you the levator ani is not even in the head idiot" on them.
Yeah, I missed the os penis last semester. Happens to the best of us.
Third year is much better :)

I promise.

You're all SO CLOSE!

It will fly by. I heard a quote somewhere about veterinary school (well, it wasn't about veterinary school, but it applies perfectly.)

"The days are long, but the weeks are short."

Also agree that longer days make life much better. It's now light when I take my dog out before and after school! Yay!
Totally jealous. I wish they gave us stickers. Of course, I probably wouldn't have gotten any last semster....

Last semester, I got a smiley face on our very first Virology exam.

Needless to say, things plummetted after that, and there were no more smiley faces. I'm surprised I didn't get sad faces, to be honest
Hopefully that won't happen again this semester...
Totally jealous. I wish they gave us stickers. Of course, I probably wouldn't have gotten any last semster....

They gave us stickers on our BacT exams last semester. And since it was different graders for each page, if you did well, you could have multiple stickers. Definitely made me feel like I was in 3rd grade again (not that that's a bad thing)
Hmmm....I wonder if I still have the laminated sheet of stickers from 8th grade math? Putting it in my binder might at least give me a laugh. I always was overly amused by the multiple "one of a kind" stickers on it.
One of our professors writes "Excellent job, Dr. Breenie" on your quiz/exam if you get an A, and "Good job, Dr. Breenie" if you get a B.

No doctor for Breenie when she gets C's. :rolleyes:
Okay...I have to say it....
SOV, your avatar looks like it is eating mechanically separated chicken.
You been quieter than usual, minnerbelle. Everything ok now?

yeah, everything's all good! Thanks for asking. I'm kind of at the cusp of realizing that my lack of motivation/apathy in the past 2 months will possibly put me in danger of doing well in school. Still don't have that fire under my a**, but I think it's getting there. It's stewing though. I can feel it. Maybe another week or two (and hopefully not too many mediocre exams later) and I'll be back a chugga chuggin. This semester's just been building up so slowly it's hard to get that sense of urgency. Like, a seriously half-a**ed night before exam cramming has been good enough so far... and that does not bode well for aperson like me who only has two speeds, full steam ahead or total sloth. This is especially true when the material covered is stuff that I have 0 interest in whatsoever (e.g. repro :lame:.).


(why does SDN hate it when I put things in all caps?)
Like, a seriously half-a**ed night before exam cramming has been good enough so far... and that does not bode well for aperson like me who only has two speeds, full steam ahead or total sloth. This is especially true when the material covered is stuff that I have 0 interest in whatsoever (e.g. repro :lame:.).

Pretty sure we are the same person with respect to study habits.