CLASS OF ya doing?

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Well I certainly hope that nobody asks me to draw and label the parts of a precision variable bypass vaporizer on an exam ever again.

Stop using those filthy words!

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I'll be glad to as long as it means I pass Anesthesiology. Which is anything but a given following today's trainwreck of an exam. At least it was the first exam in the class and only worth 1/3 of the grade, I guess?

so I guess its "worst class ever" status extends beyond Penn?
Today our lecturer showed up halfway through class time, couldn't make the powerpoint work, mumbled for thirty minutes without the powerpoint, and left. That's a good day for anesthesia.
so I guess its "worst class ever" status extends beyond Penn?
Today our lecturer showed up halfway through class time, couldn't make the powerpoint work, mumbled for thirty minutes without the powerpoint, and left. That's a good day for anesthesia.

I'm surprised your class was still there when the lecturer finally showed up...
so I guess its "worst class ever" status extends beyond Penn?
Today our lecturer showed up halfway through class time, couldn't make the powerpoint work, mumbled for thirty minutes without the powerpoint, and left. That's a good day for anesthesia.

Wasn't quite worst class EVER for me, but definitely top five. I'm still not entirely sure what I was supposed to have retained from anesthesia last semester...
so I guess its "worst class ever" status extends beyond Penn?
Today our lecturer showed up halfway through class time, couldn't make the powerpoint work, mumbled for thirty minutes without the powerpoint, and left. That's a good day for anesthesia.

Wow, that bad, huh? It was probably my favorite class this semester. I guess Wisconsin stole all the competent, likeable anesthesiology professors?
Wow, that bad, huh? It was probably my favorite class this semester. I guess Wisconsin stole all the competent, likeable anesthesiology professors?

To be fair, ours seems fairly cool and most likely competent too (though I don't know how to judge that really at this point!), just the exams are, well, they're a thing alright.
Wow, that bad, huh? It was probably my favorite class this semester. I guess Wisconsin stole all the competent, likeable anesthesiology professors?

I wish we could get the "best" teaching professors from all the vet schools for every topic to put together podcasts and lab/exams/assignments/online learning tools to spread around to all accredited vet schools. Caring is sharing, no? I mean, we can still keep the physical vet schools and professors... and all the topics can be broken up into whatever courses suits the school's curriculum... but there are definitely profs I'd rather have as facilitators you go to for support/questions rather than the actual teachers. Cause I definitely end up learning from google and wikipedia (and other vet schools' awesome websites) for some classes.
I wish we could get the "best" teaching professors from all the vet schools for every topic to put together podcasts and lab/exams/assignments/online learning tools to spread around to all accredited vet schools. Caring is sharing, no? I mean, we can still keep the physical vet schools and professors... and all the topics can be broken up into whatever courses suits the school's curriculum... but there are definitely profs I'd rather have as facilitators you go to for support/questions rather than the actual teachers. Cause I definitely end up learning from google and wikipedia (and other vet schools' awesome websites) for some classes.

Funny you mentioned this, our anesthesia course director told us the other day they are considering doing exactly that - supposedly it will cut down on tuition significantly because they won't have to pay the professors at each school...they were asking our input as to whether we liked having actual professors in an actual classroom or preferred to do everything online (our lectures are recorded already, so it's a step in the 'getting rid of professors' direction).

While it seems like a good idea for students (if you are willing to learn everything on your own w/o a prof present), the idea kinda makes me worried about all the vets in academia who would be without jobs if every school used the same podcast of a know?? The job market is already fairly saturated without taking away more jobs from vets. But interesting that they are considering it
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Funny you mentioned this, our anesthesia course director told us the other day they are considering doing exactly that - supposedly it will cut down on tuition significantly because they won't have to pay the professors at each school...they were asking our input as to whether we liked having actual professors in an actual classroom or preferred to do everything online (our lectures are recorded already, so it's a step in the 'getting rid of professors' direction).

While it seems like a good idea for students (if you are willing to learn everything on your own w/o a prof present), the idea kinda makes me worried about all the vets in academia who would be without jobs if every school used the same podcast of a know?? The job market is already fairly saturated without taking away more jobs from vets. But interesting that they are considering it

haha I don't remember this happening!
Funny you mentioned this, our anesthesia course director told us the other day they are considering doing exactly that - supposedly it will cut down on tuition significantly because they won't have to pay the professors at each school...they were asking our input as to whether we liked having actual professors in an actual classroom or preferred to do everything online (our lectures are recorded already, so it's a step in the 'getting rid of professors' direction).

While it seems like a good idea for students (if you are willing to learn everything on your own w/o a prof present), the idea kinda makes me worried about all the vets in academia who would be without jobs if every school used the same podcast of a know?? The job market is already fairly saturated without taking away more jobs from vets. But interesting that they are considering it

Our class beta tested a neurology course last summer for Vet Ice last summer. The idea is that they could streamline content in areas that not every vet school would have a specialist in. It was, to put it nicely, poorly done, and not very informative. I don't see that idea killing off faculty jobs just yet.

What would be nice if more professors started posting lectures (like Dr. Najeeb or Shotgun histology) on youtube, and people could choose to learn from the professors who meshed with the individual's learning styles. If somebody was good enough at teaching, they could probably supplement their income through ad-supported internet content.
One more final and I'm a 3rd year!

I feel bad for the people in my class on the equine/small animal combined track. Two huge finals today and two tomorrow, plus the one our whole class had yesterday (Anesthesiology). :eek:

Oh yeah, that's something to talk about for those of us entering 3rd year in the Fall...if your school does tracking, have you chosen yet? Anyone have any good externships lined up for this year or 4th year (overachievers/equine people who apparently have to get externships before they emerge from the womb to ever have a shot)?
Oh yeah, that's something to talk about for those of us entering 3rd year in the Fall...if your school does tracking, have you chosen yet? Anyone have any good externships lined up for this year or 4th year (overachievers/equine people who apparently have to get externships before they emerge from the wound to ever have a shot)?

Can't say I've ever emerged from a wound!
Good luck on your last final!
One more final and I'm a 3rd year!

I feel bad for the people in my class on the equine/small animal combined track. Two huge finals today and two tomorrow, plus the one our whole class had yesterday (Anesthesiology). :eek:

Oh yeah, that's something to talk about for those of us entering 3rd year in the Fall...if your school does tracking, have you chosen yet? Anyone have any good externships lined up for this year or 4th year (overachievers/equine people who apparently have to get externships before they emerge from the wound to ever have a shot)?

Oh me me me!! I'm one of those crazy equine peeps!

They just completely revamped our course so my year is the first that REALLY gets to track besides just doing core and going either equine or farm. Now we have individual schedules for final year and can basically track in anything from Fish to Pigs. SO excited. I chose equine tier one and then for a specialized block i'm going to Morocco to work for Working Equìds at American Fondouk. Woot woot!:)
They just completely revamped our course so my year is the first that REALLY gets to track besides just doing core and going either equine or farm. Now we have individual schedules for final year and can basically track in anything from Fish to Pigs. SO excited. I chose equine tier one and then for a specialized block i'm going to Morocco to work for Working Equìds at American Fondouk. Woot woot!:)

For us, each track has certain rotations that are absolutely required for x amount of weeks, so like, if you're small animal you HAVE to take x weeks of SA internal medicine and x weeks of SA surgery...etc. And then there are rotations that are grouped and you have to pick at least 1 or 2 from each group, then a certain number of elective weeks which can be used for externships/addiitional rotations at the teaching hospital/vacation. There is no core that everyone has to take though as far as clinics go (except clin path, everyone has to do 1 week of clin path). They don't schedule us until mid-end of 3rd year into our clinical rotations but we do have to schedule any externships before then since those will be inflexible dates that they have to put into our 4th year schedules that they will build around.

It all seems so far away and it's a bit mind-boggling that we already have to start planning for this, but apparently equine and zoo stuff fills up pretty quick!
For us, each track has certain rotations that are absolutely required for x amount of weeks, so like, if you're small animal you HAVE to take x weeks of SA internal medicine and x weeks of SA surgery...etc. And then there are rotations that are grouped and you have to pick at least 1 or 2 from each group, then a certain number of elective weeks which can be used for externships/addiitional rotations at the teaching hospital/vacation. There is no core that everyone has to take though as far as clinics go (except clin path, everyone has to do 1 week of clin path). They don't schedule us until mid-end of 3rd year into our clinical rotations but we do have to schedule any externships before then since those will be inflexible dates that they have to put into our 4th year schedules that they will build around.

It all seems so far away and it's a bit mind-boggling that we already have to start planning for this, but apparently equine and zoo stuff fills up pretty quick!

Def mind boggling. We had to submit our choices for final year during our 3rd year exams. So not only had I not passed 3rd year at that point, I haven't even started fourth year. And I am supposed to plan 5th year? :scared:

We have "core"-which is I think 6 blocks. anaesthesia/imaging, out of hours, small animal, production animal. equine, and public health/path. Then our track is tier one so equine, niche, international, small animal, large animal-which is one four week block. Then you can either do another tier one for 4 weeks, or specialize within your track. 4 more blocks are open for externships, as we have to have 26 weeks of clinical externships to graduate :)

I feel like I just applied to vet school. So weird.
It all seems so far away and it's a bit mind-boggling that we already have to start planning for this, but apparently equine and zoo stuff fills up pretty quick!

Yeah, zoo stuff is pretty early. I have one externship locked down already (with specific dates), another application outstanding, and my third application is due in early September . . . all for late 2013/Spring 2014 dates. Good thing I like to plan things in advance :rolleyes:

Two more finals and then FINALLY summer break (last one ever :cry:). It feels like everyone else on SDN has been done forever already! Even our first years have been gone for a couple of weeks.
I feel like I just applied to vet school. So weird.

So true! They did a little mini session on the new system for picking fourth year rotations before we finished finals, and cajoled us to start at least looking into internships. We don't have tracking at all, except the ability to pick electives, which kind of makes me sad. And to top it off, the rotation elective services that must have students to run are pre-combined and students get to pick in order by lotto number. I'm just crossing my fingers that the 10 or so elective combos that DON'T involve equine and large animal aren't all taken by the time my lotto number rolls around. :xf: (Sorry equine peeps, but horses just should not exist, and equine surgery is definitely reason to throw myself down a flight of stairs....)

I haven't even thought about internships yet. Here's hoping that I can find some local clinics around town that will let me intern, because leaving town is not an option for me anymore. :scared::scared:
I chose equine tier one and then for a specialized block i'm going to Morocco to work for Working Equìds at American Fondouk. Woot woot!:)

Oh my gosh, that sounds so cool. I'm kind of jealous!
I really want to hear how it is when you go!
So true! They did a little mini session on the new system for picking fourth year rotations before we finished finals, and cajoled us to start at least looking into internships. We don't have tracking at all, except the ability to pick electives, which kind of makes me sad. And to top it off, the rotation elective services that must have students to run are pre-combined and students get to pick in order by lotto number. I'm just crossing my fingers that the 10 or so elective combos that DON'T involve equine and large animal aren't all taken by the time my lotto number rolls around. :xf: (Sorry equine peeps, but horses just should not exist, and equine surgery is definitely reason to throw myself down a flight of stairs....)

I haven't even thought about internships yet. Here's hoping that I can find some local clinics around town that will let me intern, because leaving town is not an option for me anymore. :scared::scared:

Good luck with that. 13 weeks straight of large animal. Not my favorite (and didn't get to take an elective in my interest because of it). Your class should have an easier time of it.
(Sorry equine peeps, but horses just should not exist, and equine surgery is definitely reason to throw myself down a flight of stairs....)

This just makes me sad. But I sort of feel the same way about cats....

Oh my gosh, that sounds so cool. I'm kind of jealous!
I really want to hear how it is when you go!

:D Now just the bit about waiting 2 years for it ;)
This just makes me sad. But I sort of feel the same way about cats....

Lol. I blame my childhood allergy to horses for thwarting my aspirations of riding lessons when i was young. By the time the allergy faded, so had my horse obsession. I don't mind horses in general, but equine surgery in particular just does not appeal. Unfortunately it requires twice as many people as any other "elective" rotation, so only about 1/3 of the block combinations don't have it. I'm pretty sure I'm one of those people that automatically gets flagged as "not a horse person" by horse owners...

And thanks Dyachei! I do think it will be better now that they're revamping the system. I'm looking forward to LA mostly (love ruminants! :love:). I'm honestly more worried about getting internships in town than anything else, only because there aren't any local on the list that they gave us. Yay for digging up contacts at old jobs.....
Lol. I blame my childhood allergy to horses for thwarting my aspirations of riding lessons when i was young. By the time the allergy faded, so had my horse obsession. I don't mind horses in general, but equine surgery in particular just does not appeal. Unfortunately it requires twice as many people as any other "elective" rotation, so only about 1/3 of the block combinations don't have it. I'm pretty sure I'm one of those people that automatically gets flagged as "not a horse person" by horse owners...

And thanks Dyachei! I do think it will be better now that they're revamping the system. I'm looking forward to LA mostly (love ruminants! :love:). I'm honestly more worried about getting internships in town than anything else, only because there aren't any local on the list that they gave us. Yay for digging up contacts at old jobs.....

Internships? Do you want to stay in knoxvegas next year? I can check with some contacts.
Internships? Do you want to stay in knoxvegas next year? I can check with some contacts.

I probably mean externships, but yeah, the 4-6 weeks that we are required to do some time outside the teaching hospital next year. I need to stay in knoxvegas for it because I don't think my husband would appreciate being stranded with a small (possibly still not eating solid foods) child all by himself if I went cavorting off somewhere far away.
I probably mean externships, but yeah, the 4-6 weeks that we are required to do some time outside the teaching hospital next year. I need to stay in knoxvegas for it because I don't think my husband would appreciate being stranded with a small (possibly still not eating solid foods) child all by himself if I went cavorting off somewhere far away.

Look into Young-Williams. I've heard it is really good for surgical experience and the mentors are great. (if you want small animal)

FWIW, my husband did fine without me. And the 4-6 weeks can be split up between multiple places. IF you have no other options, VCA and Banfield do have some externships, as well.
(Sorry equine peeps, but horses just should not exist, and equine surgery is definitely reason to throw myself down a flight of stairs....)


I'm not too fond of equine surgery, but I do enjoy equine medicine. I'm one of those weird people who would love to just do equine and feline medicine.

I really haven't thought much about externships yet...I just finished up an equine externship a that I had set up for the summer. Hopefully I can set up a few for 4th year at a mixed practice or SA clinic without having to travel too far. Chattanooga would be nice, since that's where I hope to end up after school. Ugh, things to stress about already!
*Beats head on desk* Why did they have to ruin my summer vacation with learning normal radiology? I'm beginning to think this is one area where I could go for knowing less...ugh!!!
words of advice - memorize the pictures on the powerpoints.

Good to know, and yay! because already I'm making flashcards out of them. I can already tell I'm learning most of it just by making them, but it takes hours and hours to get through. Just frustrating when the last thing my pregnant brain wants to do is sit down at a desk and focus.
Good to know, and yay! because already I'm making flashcards out of them. I can already tell I'm learning most of it just by making them, but it takes hours and hours to get through. Just frustrating when the last thing my pregnant brain wants to do is sit down at a desk and focus.

You're due soon, right?
Two weeks-ish.

Hope everything goes smoothly for you!

I haven't even started on the radiology objectives yet--been too busy with an externship followed by moving all of my crap across town. I did buy a couple of radiology books, so that's a start, right? :oops:
Hope everything goes smoothly for you!

I haven't even started on the radiology objectives yet--been too busy with an externship followed by moving all of my crap across town. I did buy a couple of radiology books, so that's a start, right? :oops:


Don't feel too bad. I would probably still be ignoring them and telling myself there's still plenty of time, but I get the feeling looking at flashcards is probably all I'm going to be able to manage in a few weeks. So I'm trying to finish organizing myself ASAP. :laugh:

Though being a mighty 3rd year is pretty sweet. And nothing can be worse than last semester.

How are my fellow '14-ers doing? I haven't been on in awhile...what cool things did everyone get up to this summer? I did a lab animal externship here at Penn which was pretty cool. Anyone else do anything cool? Go anywhere awesome? Any places you'd recommend for externships this year?! I can't believe we're going into clinics soon....:scared::D
We started Monday. Not gonna lie- I'm pretty bored and so over this whole lecture thing. I have no attention span whatsoever and can't focus in class at all. Going to be a long semester at this rate. It doesnt help that some days we have 2 hours of a class back to back.

Was supposed to have a free afternoon today, and found out at 1pm that I had to be at the school at 5pm to prep for anesthesia practicum tomorrow. Took over 90 minutes - would have been nice to about this ahead of time.

Looking forward to electives and wish they met more often- advanced small animal med, advanced equine med, and bovine therio
We started Monday. Not gonna lie- I'm pretty bored and so over this whole lecture thing. I have no attention span whatsoever and can't focus in class at all. Going to be a long semester at this rate. It doesnt help that some days we have 2 hours of a class back to back.

Was supposed to have a free afternoon today, and found out at 1pm that I had to be at the school at 5pm to prep for anesthesia practicum tomorrow. Took over 90 minutes - would have been nice to about this ahead of time.

Looking forward to electives and wish they met more often- advanced small animal med, advanced equine med, and bovine therio

It took 90 minutes to run bloodwork? Did they make you do more than that? I have mine next week.
We started Monday. Not gonna lie- I'm pretty bored and so over this whole lecture thing. I have no attention span whatsoever and can't focus in class at all. Going to be a long semester at this rate. It doesnt help that some days we have 2 hours of a class back to back.

Class for us started Wednesday and I feel the exact same way. I just feel burnt out on the whole school thing. A lot of my friends have already graduated or are in their last year. And I can already tell that cardiology and radiology are going to be the bane of my existence. :(
Class for us started Wednesday and I feel the exact same way. I just feel burnt out on the whole school thing. A lot of my friends have already graduated or are in their last year. And I can already tell that cardiology and radiology are going to be the bane of my existence. :(


Though being a mighty 3rd year is pretty sweet. And nothing can be worse than last semester.

How are my fellow '14-ers doing? I haven't been on in awhile...what cool things did everyone get up to this summer? I did a lab animal externship here at Penn which was pretty cool. Anyone else do anything cool? Go anywhere awesome? Any places you'd recommend for externships this year?! I can't believe we're going into clinics soon....:scared::D
It was cool to see soo many V14ers at the V16 welcome party. I :love: you guys/gals. What an awesome class!