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7+ Year Member
Nov 23, 2015
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Do medical schools really take this trend into account?

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I am channeling my inner Donald Trump as hard as I can...

If you don't do well in Freshman chemistry, you can't be a good doctor. I'm sorry, but medical schools simply will not want you. Just because your grades keep getting better, because you didn't do well before, nobody will ever want you. It doesn't matter what you want, you are stuck with it.


You making this thread portends a worse outcome than your grades. In all seriousness, consider talking to someone in person.
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I am channeling my inner Donald Trump as hard as I can...

If you don't do well in Freshman chemistry, you can't be a good doctor. I'm sorry, but medical schools simply will not want you. Just because your grades keep getting better, because you didn't do well before, nobody will ever want you. It doesn't matter what you want, you are stuck with it.


You making this thread portends a worse outcome than your grades. In all seriousness, consider talking to someone in person.
Lol... ??
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In short, here is your appeasement:
A sub-par grade in gen chem will not significantly impact your chances
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OP if your GPA is around the median of an MD matriculant why do you think it will have some sort of lively negative impact on your chances. Ask yourself that.
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