MCAT - Berkeley Review Passages

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5+ Year Member
Feb 5, 2018
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Hey everyone, long time lurker here. I just started my first week of content review (following Sn2ed & Nymerias schedule) so everything seems overwhelming at first lol I have a question for y’all because I’m in need of some help

After reviewing the content in the Berkeley Review books (for example in OCHEM Book 1) I would attempt to do the passages however some of the passages contain information I havent learned yet (its in future chapters). How do I approach this? Continue to do the passages and learn/review the errors i made and then re-do them once I went over the new chapter information or only do Phase 1 until i learn the future chapters? It’s very hard to do a passage and not know what they’re talking about but do i do them anyway?

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Get used to that. It's part of their philosophy. It's tough at first and can be demoralizing, but you'll appreciate the mixing of topics later in your studies.