Need Help Deciding on a School

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Saint Richie

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7+ Year Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Since the beginning of December, I've been in a bit of a bind. I received acceptances to VCU, LECOM, and Nova. Obviously, only one of them can be chosen, but I suppose it would be best to get other opinions.

Despite being a Florida resident, VCU seems to be the cheapest option since LECOM and Nova are both private schools, and the students at VCU mentioned how easy it was to get in-state tuition after their first year.

VCU seems to have a longer history, a focus on student-faculty relationships, and they seemed to be pretty up to date with new technologies and techniques in the field. Nova also seemed like their program was well put together, but they have the highest tuition rates.

I love the idea of LECOM's PBL style, but some students there remarked how they seemed to be backpeddling a few courses towards LBL, so that has given me doubts on the style's refinement in the real-world. LECOM made it a point to say that they are not focused on anything but GDs. I am not sure if I want to specialize yet, but if I do go down that path - it would be nice to attend a school that helps me achieve that.

All-in-all, I keep leaning towards VCU. As a Jersey boy, the balance between chilly winters and warm summers is nice, the price is right, and I enjoyed the tour/program. Nova seems similar to VCU with their facilities, program, etc, but are pricer. Then LECOM requires relocation for clinics, dis-encouragement for students who want to specialize, but they are working with a learning style that studies have found to be effective (on paper at least).

Am I missing anything in my analysis? Are there any dental students from these schools that can give some insight? Forum users with some backed-up opinions on these schools? This would be helpful for me, as well as any students choosing amongst these schools.

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How sure are you about how easy it is for VCU students getting in-state tuition after their first year? I asked admissions directly, and they said it was very difficult and basically impossible unless you have family in the area.