Official 2012-2013 Help Me Rank Megathread

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Hey, looking for any quick feedback, interested in cards/academics and being competitive for fellowships that are competitive, any major poor choices here?

1. Chicago
2. Northwestern
3. MGH
4. Wash U
5. Michigan
6. Stanford
7. UW

Those are all basically interchangeable with one another.

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My list is finalized as well. Major thanks to those who gave their opinions freely over the last few months. I'm not sure what we will all be doing on this forum between now and match day, but I hope everyone plans to pay it forward after receiving their matches. I certainly intend to post a detailed entry to the "Where did you match" thread as soon as I'm sober enough to use a keyboard. It's not fair for all of us to get a bunch of free advice and not take 5 minutes to share some outcomes data with next year's applicants.
My list is finalized as well. Major thanks to those who gave their opinions freely over the last few months. I'm not sure what we will all be doing on this forum between now and match day, but I hope everyone plans to pay it forward after receiving their matches. I certainly intend to post a detailed entry to the "Where did you match" thread as soon as I'm sober enough to use a keyboard. It's not fair for all of us to get a bunch of free advice and not take 5 minutes to share some outcomes data with next year's applicants.

Agree 100%, I also plan to contribute.
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quick q before rank lists are due, NYU vs Stanford. I liked them both during interview, stanford has a better name and better fellowship match, but NYU has way better location (im from ny, friends and family here)... interested in cards... opinions?
quick q before rank lists are due, NYU vs Stanford. I liked them both during interview, stanford has a better name and better fellowship match, but NYU has way better location (im from ny, friends and family here)... interested in cards... opinions?

yeah, you would be trading prestige with stanford for more rigorous clinical training with NYU essentially. if you want to end up at a super top tier cards program, then stanford will probably give you an edge but if you don't mind, then i'd go with NYU as i was never really impressed with stanford
My list is finalized as well. Major thanks to those who gave their opinions freely over the last few months. I'm not sure what we will all be doing on this forum between now and match day, but I hope everyone plans to pay it forward after receiving their matches. I certainly intend to post a detailed entry to the "Where did you match" thread as soon as I'm sober enough to use a keyboard. It's not fair for all of us to get a bunch of free advice and not take 5 minutes to share some outcomes data with next year's applicants.

I know a bunch of you have been hoping I (or one or more of the other long-time users) would step in and help you with your lists but I'm way too busy right now and the number of lists (especially from brand new users) is just too overwhelming. I'm not going to be able to respond to them. And please don't PM me your lists...I have long had a policy of not responding to those via PM.
Oops, on my phone, didn't quote this right. I agree with obiwan's reply to jarmen.

agree with this. Stanford may buy you a bit more prestige while applying for cards-- but if you do well at NYU, it certainly wouldn't close any doors. I noticed you had interviewed at other Manhattan programs, may I ask why NYU and not Cornell or Columbia?
Oops, on my phone, didn't quote this right. I agree with obiwan's reply to jarmen.

agree with this. Stanford may buy you a bit more prestige while applying for cards-- but if you do well at NYU, it certainly wouldn't close any doors. I noticed you had interviewed at other Manhattan programs, may I ask why NYU and not Cornell or Columbia?

I'm ranking them too, actually NYU is my lowest out of the NYC programs. I liked the location and autonomy but felt like there was too little actual education. Also, not sure if manhattan VA will reopen after sandy so that is a big question mark bc right now the residents have to commute to brooklyn va....
I'm ranking them too, actually NYU is my lowest out of the NYC programs. I liked the location and autonomy but felt like there was too little actual education. Also, not sure if manhattan VA will reopen after sandy so that is a big question mark bc right now the residents have to commute to brooklyn va....

oh i see, i misunderstood what you were asking initially.
Just wanna thank everyone for their contributions. Got some great feedback and support here!
yep, thanks gutonc and everyone else who helped this year! the countdown begins now
not to sound like a broken record, but thanks everyone! good luck to all of us class of 2013ers!
Agree 100%, I also plan to contribute.

My list is finalized as well. Major thanks to those who gave their opinions freely over the last few months. I'm not sure what we will all be doing on this forum between now and match day, but I hope everyone plans to pay it forward after receiving their matches. I certainly intend to post a detailed entry to the "Where did you match" thread as soon as I'm sober enough to use a keyboard. It's not fair for all of us to get a bunch of free advice and not take 5 minutes to share some outcomes data with next year's applicants.

really appreciate you guys paying it forward for next years applicants!