"Help Me Rank" IM 2022

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Looking at your programs list, you probably have not heard about programs where I got interviews from, but I'm an non-us IMG 😀 Still if you have any ideas, I would appreciate any kind of help 🙂 I applied in Internal Medicine
1. Hackensack University Medical Center/Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Program
2. St Mary's Hospital (Waterbury) Program
3. Eastern Virginia Medical School
4. Anne Arundel Medical Center

No geographic preference, Would like a fellowship ( Endo or Hem-Onc) if possible
Thanks in advance 🙂

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Looking at your programs list, you probably have not heard about programs where I got interviews from, but I'm an non-us IMG 😀 Still if you have any ideas, I would appreciate any kind of help 🙂 I applied in Internal Medicine
1. Hackensack University Medical Center/Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Program
2. St Mary's Hospital (Waterbury) Program
3. Eastern Virginia Medical School
4. Anne Arundel Medical Center

No geographic preference, Would like a fellowship ( Endo or Hem-Onc) if possible
Thanks in advance 🙂
EVMS is probably the best known of those programs. But just rank them how you like them (and if they have in-house fellowships) and go forward.
I'm looking to match Heme/Onc (seems to be a common trend here so far) and am looking for advice on how to rank the following! I prioritize research opportunities and general "prestige" for fellowship matching.

1. Baylor
2. Utah
3. Illinois - Chicago
4. Cincinnati
5. LSU
6. Arizona
7. UT San Antonio
8. UT Medical Branch
9. Arkansas
10. Oklahoma
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I'm looking to match Heme/Onc (seems to be a common trend here so far) and am looking for advice on how to rank the following! I prioritize research opportunities and general "prestige" for fellowship matching.

1. Baylor
2. Utah
3. Illinois - Chicago
4. Cincinnati
5. LSU
6. Arizona
7. UT San Antonio
8. UT Medical Branch
9. Arkansas
10. Oklahoma
I'd put UTSA 3 or 4 but otherwise seems fine.
Hi everyone, I am trying to decide my rank order list for residency and was thinking of ranking based on hem/onc fellowship match list and also how good the in-house hem/onc residency is. Does anyone have any thoughts on which of these programs will help set me up to match to a good hem/onc fellowship and/or has a good in-house hem/onc program?

UT Houston
UT San Antonio
Penn State


Future career goal is in academic medicine.
Please help me rank. IM candidate interested in hematology/oncology fellowship, h1 visa, good training.
1. MedStar washington
2. Zucker/staten island
3. Yale bridgeport
4. Akron neomed
5. Cook county
can you help me rank these 4 programs
1. Memorial Healthcare, Florida
2. UB-CHS, Buffalo NY
3. St Peters University Hospital, New Jersey
4. UCF-North Florida, Gainesville
I'm looking for a non malignant program which can help me in cardiology fellowship later.
Thank you
IM Candidate - Heme/Onc - Midwest Preference (all of them are) - good training and support - good fellowship match
1. UMich
2. Rush
3. IndianaU
4. U of Illinois Chicago
5. Loyola U
6. Saint Louis U
7. Med College of Wisc
IM Candidate - Heme/Onc - Midwest Preference (all of them are) - good training and support - good fellowship match
1. UMich
2. Rush
3. IndianaU
4. U of Illinois Chicago
5. Loyola U
6. Saint Louis U
7. Med College of Wisc
IU 2nd. Otherwise looks fine.
Hey everyone, here is my list:
1. Roger Williams Medical Center
2. Houston Methodist
3. Abington Jefferson
4. Flushing Hospital
5. St Luke's Bethlehem
6. Merit Health Wesleay

My goal is hospitalist/academic hospitalist (but you never really know until you're in the thick of it). Already done residency and a few years of attending job as IM in home country. No visa needed.

My main concerns are location (moving with husband and baby), QOL, culture of the program. Obviously not interested in malignant programs. We are currently in Houston and don't love the city and climate (hot, humid, stupid), but I'm conscious Methodist is a huge program.
Not sure how to order 1-3. Thoughts?
1. Baylor COM
3. Hopkins Bayview
4. Mayo AZ
5. Cedars-Sinai
6. Brown
7. UVA

Appreciate thoughts on 1-3? The Hopkins name is really tempting, and it has a really great match list past couple years.

I keep going back and forth between wanting a good QoL, and getting my ass handed to me to get good experience. I'm looking to apply Cardiology, and location is a consideration as well (originally from AZ).
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1. Baylor COM
3. Hopkins Bayview
4. Mayo AZ
5. Cedars-Sinai
6. Brown
7. UVA

Appreciate thoughts on 1-3? The Hopkins name is really tempting, and it has a really great match list past couple years.

I keep going back and forth between wanting a good QoL, and getting my ass handed to me to get good experience. I'm looking to apply Cardiology, and location is a consideration as well (originally from AZ).
UVA should be in your top 4. Otherwise, it's a fine list.
1. Baylor COM
3. Hopkins Bayview
4. Mayo AZ
5. Cedars-Sinai
6. Brown
7. UVA

Appreciate thoughts on 1-3? The Hopkins name is really tempting, and it has a really great match list past couple years.

I keep going back and forth between wanting a good QoL, and getting my ass handed to me to get good experience. I'm looking to apply Cardiology, and location is a consideration as well (originally from AZ).

BCM and UCSD are fairly comparable programs so really just a matter of preference to you. I wouldn't move Bayview above those places unless you're dead set in doing cardiology at Hopkins and kinda want an inside edge assuming you can rotate at the main program
Hello! Would love some insight into my top 3 programs regarding QoL as well as obtaining a heme/onc fellowship in SoCal. I am not as concerned with prestige, just the ability to match into a fellowship program after graduation. I am hoping for a program where I won't feel too burned out and will be able to enjoy my life outside of the hospital while still preparing me for fellowship.

- Cedars Sinai
- Scripps Green

Thank you in advance!
Hello! Would love some insight into my top 3 programs regarding QoL as well as obtaining a heme/onc fellowship in SoCal. I am not as concerned with prestige, just the ability to match into a fellowship program after graduation. I am hoping for a program where I won't feel too burned out and will be able to enjoy my life outside of the hospital while still preparing me for fellowship.

- Cedars Sinai
- Scripps Green

Thank you in advance!

If your goal is to just match into any random heme/onc fellowship, then you should be able to from any of these places and then really it comes down to personal preference like where you would rather live/do you want to be in a gigantic traditional academic program vs a more intimate community program. On the other hand, if you want to try to keep your door as open as possible to the heavy hitter programs, then USC/LAC carries a little more weight. Me personally, I would rank it USC/LAC > Cedars > Scripps
Hi all, would love some input on my tentative list. Priorities are being competitive for cardiology fellowship and quality of life (in terms of schedule/culture). Geography is not a huge concern; I think I would be okay pretty much wherever.

I'm actually couples matching, but my partner (rads) and I would like to come up with independent lists and then compare to determine our final rank list. There is a possibility that we could do long distance, so I would like be competitive for fellowship match in case I need to really target a specific institution that my partner is finishing radiology residency at.

  1. Wash U St. Louis
  2. UTSW
  3. Emory
  4. Baylor
  5. USC
  6. UVA
  7. Mayo AZ
  8. U Florida
  9. Cedars-Sinai
  10. Temple
11+ onwards includes UIC, Indiana U, Tulane, Santa Clara Valley, VCU, Baylor University (Dallas), Methodist Houston
Hi all, would love some input on my tentative list. Priorities are being competitive for cardiology fellowship and quality of life (in terms of schedule/culture). Geography is not a huge concern; I think I would be okay pretty much wherever.

I'm actually couples matching, but my partner (rads) and I would like to come up with independent lists and then compare to determine our final rank list. There is a possibility that we could do long distance, so I would like be competitive for fellowship match in case I need to really target a specific institution that my partner is finishing radiology residency at.

  1. Wash U St. Louis
  2. UTSW
  3. Emory
  4. Baylor
  5. USC
  6. UVA
  7. Mayo AZ
  8. U Florida
  9. Cedars-Sinai
  10. Temple
11+ onwards includes UIC, Indiana U, Tulane, Santa Clara Valley, VCU, Baylor University (Dallas), Methodist Houston
Indy and Methodist (and maybe VCU and SCVMC) should be higher than your current 7-10. I mean, it's a fine list, but if you're going strictly on a "strength/opportunity" metric, that's the adjustment I'd make.
Indy and Methodist (and maybe VCU and SCVMC) should be higher than your current 7-10. I mean, it's a fine list, but if you're going strictly on a "strength/opportunity" metric, that's the adjustment I'd make.
Thanks for your feedback! Any changes, regardless of how minute, you might consider making for #1-6?
Thanks for your feedback! Any changes, regardless of how minute, you might consider making for #1-6?

Its fine how you have them IMO. I couples matched with my wife so I can understand the added stress that you are going through.
Hi, per title, my shot of getting into a Top 20 IM residency with the following:

US MD: Top 25
Step 1: 247
Clerkship grades: H on IM, HP on rest.
Step 2: ?
Research: Three 1st author original research pubs (not BS case reports/series) one-third author and 2 middle author.
Recs: 3 good ones, still might get one more.
ECs: none (is this a red flag?)

Am I on course for T20 or do I need to do something else?

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You are fine. Please note that there is an eternal What Are My Chances thread that you should have posted on
If your goal is to just match into any random heme/onc fellowship, then you should be able to from any of these places and then really it comes down to personal preference like where you would rather live/do you want to be in a gigantic traditional academic program vs a more intimate community program. On the other hand, if you want to try to keep your door as open as possible to the heavy hitter programs, then USC/LAC carries a little more weight. Me personally, I would rank it USC/LAC > Cedars > Scripps
Thanks for your reply! i realized my wording was a little confusing - for residency I'm not too concerned with prestige, I just want a program that will allow me to match into heme/onc, preferably in Southern California, also with decent research. However, QoL is very important to me so I am trying to balance these 2 factors into my rank. Thanks!
Hey everyone! I need your help to rank these 11 programs.
Priority is a solid program with good in-house fellowships over location.

The rank below is how I see it for now (based on a combination of reputation and gut feeling). Would really appreciate your input.
1. UPenn
2. UChicago
3. University of Iowa
4. Mount Sinai MW
5. Indiana University
6. Cleveland Clinic Foundation
7. Tufts
8. DMC/Wayne State University
9. Saint Louis University
10. University of Texas Medical Branches
11. University of Arkansas
Hey everyone! I need your help to rank these 11 programs.
Priority is a solid program with good in-house fellowships over location.

The rank below is how I see it for now (based on a combination of reputation and gut feeling). Would really appreciate your input.
1. UPenn
2. UChicago
3. University of Iowa
4. Mount Sinai MW
5. Indiana University
6. Cleveland Clinic Foundation
7. Tufts
8. DMC/Wayne State University
9. Saint Louis University
10. University of Texas Medical Branches
11. University of Arkansas
Seems fine. Is #4 "real" Mt Sinai? The one who's address is 1 Gustave Levy Place? if so, it's fine where it is. If it's one of the other 30 or so programs in NYC now named Mt Sinai Something or Other, it should be lower...like 13.

Looking at the fact that you have Penn and UofC on your list, I'm wondering what places you didn't apply to.
Seems fine. Is #4 "real" Mt Sinai? The one who's address is 1 Gustave Levy Place? if so, it's fine where it is. If it's one of the other 30 or so programs in NYC now named Mt Sinai Something or Other, it should be lower...like 13.

Looking at the fact that you have Penn and UofC on your list, I'm wondering what places you didn't apply to.
Haha I got the feeling everyone in NYC trains at Mt. Sinai now.
Seems fine. Is #4 "real" Mt Sinai? The one who's address is 1 Gustave Levy Place? if so, it's fine where it is. If it's one of the other 30 or so programs in NYC now named Mt Sinai Something or Other, it should be lower...like 13.

Looking at the fact that you have Penn and UofC on your list, I'm wondering what places you didn't apply to.

Yeah.... seems kinda kinda random to have a place like UPenn and then UTMB on the same rank list
Hey everyone, here is my list:
1. Roger Williams Medical Center
2. Houston Methodist
3. Abington Jefferson
4. Flushing Hospital
5. St Luke's Bethlehem
6. Merit Health Wesleay

My goal is hospitalist/academic hospitalist (but you never really know until you're in the thick of it). Already done residency and a few years of attending job as IM in home country. No visa needed.

My main concerns are location (moving with husband and baby), QOL, culture of the program. Obviously not interested in malignant programs. We are currently in Houston and don't love the city and climate (hot, humid, stupid), but I'm conscious Methodist is a huge program.
Not sure how to order 1-3. Thoughts?
Bumping this again, I'm adding also Bridgeport Yale to the list. Thoughts?
Hello everyone, I am a USMD applying to categorical IM aiming for PCCM or CC fellowship eventually, and am trying to decide on some of the programs in the middle of my rank list. Pretty set on the top 2 programs and the bottom programs. My number 1 priority is quality of life, i.e. fewer hours with hopefully a good schedule, non-malignant culture, 2nd priority is fellowship match to PCCM/CC. Below is my tentative ranking, any and all help very appreciated.

1. Stonybrook
2. Vermont

3. SUNY Upstate
4. University of Arizona Tuscon
5. Westchester (somewhat scared of their 6+2 schedule)
6. SUNY Buffalo
7. Albany
8. SIU (Southern Illinois University)
9. Greenwhich Hospital Program
10. Creighton University
Hi everyone! I am a US DO that has applied IM this application cycle, and the ultimate goal is to be a hospitalist/outpatient medicine. I'm having a fairly difficult time ranking my top 5 and wanted to seek some advice. Majority of family is in TX and have half a mind to stay in-state, but am very undecided as of now.

1. Brown University
2. Kent Hospital/Brown University
3. Texas Health Resources (Fort Worth) (new program)
4. UT HSC (San Antonio)
5. Franciscan Health (Olympia Fields)

I really liked my 3rd choice; however, I do have some reservations when it comes to a new program, so if anyone has insight to ranking newer programs, please share!
My husband and I are doing a couples match for internal medicine. Both of us have interviews from the following:
1) SUNY downstate
2) West Virginia University
3) Westchester medical center
4) Cleveland clinic Fairview hospital
5) Abington
6) mount auburn
7) St Joseph mercy Ann Arbor
We want to pursue cardiology fellowships. Please help us decide how to rank!
Hi all,

I'm a USMD applying categorical IM. Leaning towards general medicine after residency (though fellowship isn't totally off the table). Biggest priorities are location (strong preference for larger cities), getting strong/well-rounded clinical training, and work/life balance. Prestige isn't super important and i'm not interested in research. Applied broadly but leaning more towards NE and Chicago programs. This shifts every day but my current list is as follows:

1. UIC
2. Northwell LIJ/NS
3. Temple
4. UNC
5. Montefiore
6. Mt Sinai MSW
7. Loyola
8. VCU
9. Utah
10. Maryland
11. Wake Forest
12. Mt Sinai Beth Isreal
13. U Chicago Northshore
14. Tulane

UIC, Temple, and Monte seem like such similar programs (hardworking w/ focus on an underserved population, fairly reputable). Chicago > Philly imo, and i'm not sure about the Bronx/NYC overall. I have concerns about Monte- one of the residents mentioned that they frequently manage ICU-level patients on the floor (that seems unsafe??) and they occasionally perform scutwork (it seems like most NYC programs have improved in that regard but it's still something they deal with).

UNC seems like the most prestigious (great if I decide to pursue fellowship), and was exceptional in terms of clinical training and quality of life. I'm just not sure about living in chapel hill/durham. Similar feelings towards Wake Forest and Utah.

Thanks 🙂
Hello! Would love some insight into my top 3 programs regarding QoL as well as obtaining a heme/onc fellowship in SoCal. I am not as concerned with prestige, just the ability to match into a fellowship program after graduation. I am hoping for a program where I won't feel too burned out and will be able to enjoy my life outside of the hospital while still preparing me for fellowship.

- Cedars Sinai
- Scripps Green

Thank you in advance!
QoL in residency I would say cedars and scripps are higher because they have a big private hospitalists groups team meaning the residents are expected to admit everyone. Scripps green sits literally right next to Scripps Research Institute, Salk, Sanford, LJI, and UC San Diego so in terms of research it is bar none at the very top. San Diego is very expensive as is LA so pick your poison there.
My husband and I are doing a couples match for internal medicine. Both of us have interviews from the following:
1) SUNY downstate
2) West Virginia University
3) Westchester medical center
4) Cleveland clinic Fairview hospital
5) Abington
6) mount auburn
7) St Joseph mercy Ann Arbor
We want to pursue cardiology fellowships. Please help us decide how to rank!
Is that your order?
Hi all,

I'm a USMD applying categorical IM. Leaning towards general medicine after residency (though fellowship isn't totally off the table). Biggest priorities are location (strong preference for larger cities), getting strong/well-rounded clinical training, and work/life balance. Prestige isn't super important and i'm not interested in research. Applied broadly but leaning more towards NE and Chicago programs. This shifts every day but my current list is as follows:

1. UIC
2. Northwell LIJ/NS
3. Temple
4. UNC
5. Montefiore
6. Mt Sinai MSW
7. Loyola
8. VCU
9. Utah
10. Maryland
11. Wake Forest
12. Mt Sinai Beth Isreal
13. U Chicago Northshore
14. Tulane

UIC, Temple, and Monte seem like such similar programs (hardworking w/ focus on an underserved population, fairly reputable). Chicago > Philly imo, and i'm not sure about the Bronx/NYC overall. I have concerns about Monte- one of the residents mentioned that they frequently manage ICU-level patients on the floor (that seems unsafe??) and they occasionally perform scutwork (it seems like most NYC programs have improved in that regard but it's still something they deal with).

UNC seems like the most prestigious (great if I decide to pursue fellowship), and was exceptional in terms of clinical training and quality of life. I'm just not sure about living in chapel hill/durham. Similar feelings towards Wake Forest and Utah.

Thanks 🙂
Love Raleigh/Durham/CH area… very diverse, and lower COL. 2 hours to the mountains, 2 hours to the beach. Weather is decent, though summers are hot and humid.
Hi all,

I'm a USMD applying categorical IM. Leaning towards general medicine after residency (though fellowship isn't totally off the table). Biggest priorities are location (strong preference for larger cities), getting strong/well-rounded clinical training, and work/life balance. Prestige isn't super important and i'm not interested in research. Applied broadly but leaning more towards NE and Chicago programs. This shifts every day but my current list is as follows:

1. UIC
2. Northwell LIJ/NS
3. Temple
4. UNC
5. Montefiore
6. Mt Sinai MSW
7. Loyola
8. VCU
9. Utah
10. Maryland
11. Wake Forest
12. Mt Sinai Beth Isreal
13. U Chicago Northshore
14. Tulane

UIC, Temple, and Monte seem like such similar programs (hardworking w/ focus on an underserved population, fairly reputable). Chicago > Philly imo, and i'm not sure about the Bronx/NYC overall. I have concerns about Monte- one of the residents mentioned that they frequently manage ICU-level patients on the floor (that seems unsafe??) and they occasionally perform scutwork (it seems like most NYC programs have improved in that regard but it's still something they deal with).

UNC seems like the most prestigious (great if I decide to pursue fellowship), and was exceptional in terms of clinical training and quality of life. I'm just not sure about living in chapel hill/durham. Similar feelings towards Wake Forest and Utah.

Thanks 🙂
Northwell is a fine program but even based on geography should be way lower. You have some great programs on there so definitely can’t go wrong but it should not be #2. If you’re interested in staying in NY, Monte should be above northwell. As far as the others, not sure about UIC but you hit the nail on the Head, UNC and Utah in particular are more reputable programs.
Hi everyone! I am a US DO that has applied IM this application cycle, and the ultimate goal is to be a hospitalist/outpatient medicine. I'm having a fairly difficult time ranking my top 5 and wanted to seek some advice. Majority of family is in TX and have half a mind to stay in-state, but am very undecided as of now.

1. Brown University
2. Kent Hospital/Brown University
3. Texas Health Resources (Fort Worth) (new program)
4. UT HSC (San Antonio)
5. Franciscan Health (Olympia Fields)

I really liked my 3rd choice; however, I do have some reservations when it comes to a new program, so if anyone has insight to ranking newer programs, please share!

As a Texan, I would have a very difficult time recommending ranking a brand new program based out of a community hospital with THR Ft Worth over an established well regarded academic program within the state with UTHCSA
Hello, please help me rank the following 🙂 My major considerations are: Location (family, friends & support system are in the Carolinas + wanna be near a moderate sized city), great training, great culture and Quality of Life, I want to eventually settle in the Southeast (I most likely won't do fellowship).

1. Carolinas Medical Center
2. Prisma Greenville
3. UF Jacksonville (not close to support system but great vibes from sub-I)
4. Medical College of Georgia (I know academically it may be better than UF Jacksonville, but vibes seem better at UF Jax?)
5. Prisma Columbia
6. Methodist Dallas (is this too low because it's far from the SE? Should I rank it above 4 or 5?)
7. Virginia Tech (is this too low?)
8. WakeMed (it's new program but it's close to family so juggling that pro and con?)

Thank you!
Hello, please help me rank the following 🙂 My major considerations are: Location (family, friends & support system are in the Carolinas + wanna be near a moderate sized city), great training, great culture and Quality of Life, I want to eventually settle in the Southeast (I most likely won't do fellowship).

1. Carolinas Medical Center
2. Prisma Greenville
3. UF Jacksonville (not close to support system but great vibes from sub-I)
4. Medical College of Georgia (I know academically it may be better than UF Jacksonville, but vibes seem better at UF Jax?)
5. Prisma Columbia
6. Methodist Dallas (is this too low because it's far from the SE? Should I rank it above 4 or 5?)
7. Virginia Tech (is this too low?)
8. WakeMed (it's new program but it's close to family so juggling that pro and con?)

Thank you!

From what I remember, the bolded program was very strict about ITE scores and used to make residents remediate in a painful way. Not sure if that's still the case. Just an FYI
Northwell is a fine program but even based on geography should be way lower. You have some great programs on there so definitely can’t go wrong but it should not be #2. If you’re interested in staying in NY, Monte should be above northwell. As far as the others, not sure about UIC but you hit the nail on the Head, UNC and Utah in particular are more reputable programs.
Thanks for the input folks! I know northwell isn't in the same tier as some of these other programs, but I was pleasantly surprised on my interview day. Many of their residents live in Queens and have decent access to NYC, working with the Queens/Long Island population affords an enormous amount of patient diversity, and the residents seem to have a great work/life balance compared to other NYC programs. Does anyone have insight into why exactly northwell is seen as being in a "lower tier"?
Anything that may be altered on my tentative rank order list for training strength/fellowship opportunities? @gutonc @CanIMakeIt

U Utah
Wake Forest
Mayo J
Zucker NSLIJ
Rutgers NJMS
Penn State
Mt. Sinai Beth Israel (rumors of downsize/shutdown?)
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Anything that may be altered on my tentative rank order list for training strength/fellowship opportunities? @gutonc @CanIMakeIt

U Utah
Wake Forest
Mayo J
Zucker NSLIJ
Rutgers NJMS
Penn State
Mt. Sinai Beth Israel (rumors of downsize/shutdown?)

All solid programs but one thing to note is mayo J / CC (florida) are both relatively "cush" programs. That can be a good or bad thing depending on what you want. In florida there are lots of retiree's and the blend of patients will not be as well balanced as other places. So many programs / hospitals in florida many places become "specialty referral centers" for certain things. I did not train there but most of those state university programs you have on your list will most likely give you a much more hands education and balanced patients.

Now that I am a fellow seeing colleagues from other programs my opinion is that mid tier university programs produce better hospitalists than many of the "elite" programs focused on research and with fellows taking opportunities from residents. Obviously this is a generalization and work ethic trumps the program.
Anything that may be altered on my tentative rank order list for training strength/fellowship opportunities? @gutonc @CanIMakeIt

U Utah
Wake Forest
Mayo J
Zucker NSLIJ
Rutgers NJMS
Penn State
Mt. Sinai Beth Israel (rumors of downsize/shutdown?)
I'd swap Wake and Miami, and move Penn State up a bit. But it's fine as is if that's how you liked them. Utah and Indy are the two "best" programs on the list for sure.
Hello! How would you all rank the following in terms of training and reputation? Below is my attempt at creating a list. Realistically speaking need advice on which ones to rank in top 6/7.

Thank you!

  1. Baylor
  2. Rutgers NJMS
  3. UTMB
  4. Beaumont Royal Oak
  5. UChicago Northshore
  6. Yale Waterbury
  7. SUNY Upstate
  8. UCF Orlando
  9. IUSOM Southwest (Vincennes)
  10. U of Maryland Midtown Campus
  11. Einstein Philly
  12. SUNY Downstate
  13. Western Michigan U
  14. University of Missouri - Columbia
  15. Medstar Washington Hospital
  16. U of Mississippi
  17. University of South Dakota
  18. UMass Baystate
  19. WVU
  20. LSU Shreveport
Hello! How would you all rank the following in terms of training and reputation? Below is my attempt at creating a list. Realistically speaking need advice on which ones to rank in top 6/7.

Thank you!

  1. Baylor
  2. Rutgers NJMS
  3. UTMB
  4. Beaumont Royal Oak
  5. UChicago Northshore
  6. Yale Waterbury
  7. SUNY Upstate
  8. UCF Orlando
  9. IUSOM Southwest (Vincennes)
  10. U of Maryland Midtown Campus
  11. Einstein Philly
  12. SUNY Downstate
  13. Western Michigan U
  14. University of Missouri - Columbia
  15. Medstar Washington Hospital
  16. U of Mississippi
  17. University of South Dakota
  18. UMass Baystate
  19. WVU
  20. LSU Shreveport
Is that Baylor College of Medicine in Houston or Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas ? Assuming that it is BCM, I would rank it 1st and then in no particular order Rutgers, SUNY Upstate, UTMB, Mississippi, Missouri, and Medstar Washington as your top 7. Aside from BCM, I have no direct experience with any of these other programs aside from them being more standard academic type programs.
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Is that Baylor College of Medicine in Houston or Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas ? Assuming that it is BCM, I would rank it 1st and then in no particular order Rutgers, SUNY Upstate, UTMB, Mississippi, Missouri, and Medstar Washington as your top 7. Aside from BCM, I have no direct experience with any of these other programs aside from them being more standard academic type programs.
Thank you for the insight! It is Baylor COM in Houston