Re-Introduction and Network for Non-trad Thread

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5+ Year Member
Nov 22, 2016
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Hey all,

Been reading for awhile, but haven't been able to post anything because I couldn't get my phone to authorize and my computer required online authorization from my phone. Go figure. I'm going to be a non-traditional student in a few years (hopefully). I was a biology major, spanish minor in college. I just exited (actually tomorrow) the Army as an infantry officer and just began shadowing a doctor today and began the process to volunteer at the hospital. I'm married and have 3 kids. My cumulative GPA when I left school was a 3.67, but I test pretty well. There. Basic information out of the way.

That all being said, I'm looking to generally keep in touch with other non-traditional students hoping to apply in a year or two or whenever or already in and past this step. I'd like to share ideas related to most all aspects of the application process and preparation necessary to go apply and succeed. I'd like to hear from anyone who is doing roughly the same. I'm looking to probably take the MCAT in late 2017 or early 2018 (open to advice here) in order to apply for the 2019 matriculation cycle as soon as it open in the summer. My goal is to be an MD, but that could (likely) be just unwarranted bias towards DO (I know the training is becoming more and more indistinguishable). So, I'd like to hear ideas on that, as well.

Any questions for me, feel free to ask. My old account was DocHopeful89. I've done a fair amount of research into my plan to go to school. I've spent a lot of time looking into the various avenues that exist for going to medical school through USUHS, HPSP and many of the other programs that are available. I will be using my GI Bill as best as I can (3 years from ETS date to be considered in-state in any state's public school!).

As I told my last 1SG who doubted my resolve, I'm on the home stretch. My plan to go to med school has been a long time coming involving my service through the Army and wanting to have a family started prior to attending. So, with school done, Army time finished, and a family obviously created, this is just ensuring all the blocks fall into place as well as the last hard step: getting in. I look forward to hearing from everyone else and making some new acquaintances trying to reach their dream, non-trad or otherwise.

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Hey all,

Been reading for awhile, but haven't been able to post anything because I couldn't get my phone to authorize and my computer required online authorization from my phone. Go figure. I'm going to be a non-traditional student in a few years (hopefully). I was a biology major, spanish minor in college. I just exited (actually tomorrow) the Army as an infantry officer and just began shadowing a doctor today and began the process to volunteer at the hospital. I'm married and have 3 kids. My cumulative GPA when I left school was a 3.67, but I test pretty well. There. Basic information out of the way.

That all being said, I'm looking to generally keep in touch with other non-traditional students hoping to apply in a year or two or whenever or already in and past this step. I'd like to share ideas related to most all aspects of the application process and preparation necessary to go apply and succeed. I'd like to hear from anyone who is doing roughly the same. I'm looking to probably take the MCAT in late 2017 or early 2018 (open to advice here) in order to apply for the 2019 matriculation cycle as soon as it open in the summer. My goal is to be an MD, but that could (likely) be just unwarranted bias towards DO (I know the training is becoming more and more indistinguishable). So, I'd like to hear ideas on that, as well.

Any questions for me, feel free to ask. My old account was DocHopeful89. I've done a fair amount of research into my plan to go to school. I've spent a lot of time looking into the various avenues that exist for going to medical school through USUHS, HPSP and many of the other programs that are available. I will be using my GI Bill as best as I can (3 years from ETS date to be considered in-state in any state's public school!).

As I told my last 1SG who doubted my resolve, I'm on the home stretch. My plan to go to med school has been a long time coming involving my service through the Army and wanting to have a family started prior to attending. So, with school done, Army time finished, and a family obviously created, this is just ensuring all the blocks fall into place as well as the last hard step: getting in. I look forward to hearing from everyone else and making some new acquaintances trying to reach their dream, non-trad or otherwise.

Welcome back. As you know, I'm sure, there are tons of vets and active duty here. I'm currently Navy looking to go to USUHS on active duty. I'm planning on applying in the 2018-2019 cycle. Good luck!
Someone had a thread going for 2017-ish applicants here: Might be useful to you for networking with future applicants.

If you have specific questions feel free to post them on the forum anytime, we're a pretty good bunch with helping out. I'm also happy to answer PMs (I'm a non-trad M1) if you have questions about the process that you'd rather not post publically.
Someone had a thread going for 2017-ish applicants here: Might be useful to you for networking with future applicants.

If you have specific questions feel free to post them on the forum anytime, we're a pretty good bunch with helping out. I'm also happy to answer PMs (I'm a non-trad M1) if you have questions about the process that you'd rather not post publically.

Hey, thanks for checking in. I really am an open book in real life, and since this is anonymous pretty much, I don't mind leaving anything up here. I am open to PMs, as well, but I'd like to hear about your experience so far. How did you lead in to going to medical school look like? Or an even more broad questions, what kind of non-trad are you? lol What was life like before medical school?