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Nov 5, 2015
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Hey everybody. Anybody apply or interview at Scripps this year? :welcome:

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Hi I just submitted my application last week. I'm hoping to hear back soon!
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I applied on 11/15!

@musicalfeet- How long did it take you to hear back for an interview after submitting an application? Thank you!
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@@N@mari3 Yes I did about few weeks ago! I haven't heard back yet about the decision. How about you? Have you heard back from them since your submission?

No I haven't heard back. I know they will soon! Where else have you applied?
@musicalfeet How was your experience at Scripps? Are you in medical school now?

Currently applying this year. Honestly, I loved my time at Scripps and thought the courses were top-notch as well as the support and advising. We had a lot of workshops that helped us out too. The way everything is laid out makes it super manageable but preps you well (VERY well) for the MCAT. Your content knowledge definitely won't be lacking after your education at Scripps. They also have an optional MCAT review course, which seems like most students will do alongside their regular courses. The advising also continues throughout your application year (although most students aren't around anymore...but DeEttra has been really helpful both emotionally and practically throughout this really tough process!)

PM me for any specific questions :).
@musicalfeet Thank you for sharing about your experience at Scripps! Good Luck on your current med school applications!

@kipling123 That's awesome! What part of the US are you located? Is Scripps your top choice? Im from CA and I would prefer to stay in CA but open to moving out of state.
Just got a call for an interview!!
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I applied a little more than a week ago, how long did it take to hear back?
Have they confirmed that they received all of your materials? Once I submitted everything it took about 2 weeks for them to confirm that it all got there. After they confirmed my application I heard back two days later, so pretty quick turnaround. But that was earlier in the application cycle, it might take longer now.
Yes, they confirmed all of my materials on 1/22. Have you already been accepted?
I was supposed to do my interview in California last week, but my flight was cancelled. So I have a rescheduled skype interview this week.