Texas Pre-Meds

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Okay, first of all, I've got questions about which schools to apply to. I am an out of state applicant. In fact, I'm from *gasp*....Oklahoma!, your neighbor to the north with an inferiority complex (do you think it'll hurt my chances that OU has beaten Texas three years in a row?:D). I lived in Texas for three years growing up and have great, idyllic childhood memories. So I like Texas (except during football season) and want to apply there. UTSW is so far the only school on my list, because it's closer to home, in a big city, and really into both research and primary care. Then I thought, "Well, I'm already paying the big application fee, shouldn't I apply to a few more?" I'm thinking maybe Houston, Galveston, and San Antonio. Considering the way Texas does its acceptances, will applying to those schools hurt my chances of getting into UTSW? Do I have any chance anyways, being an OOS applicant?

I'll come back later with questions about the app itself.....

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UTSW and Baylor are prolly your best chance as an out-of-stater
Originally posted by soonerpillow
Considering the way Texas does its acceptances, will applying to those schools hurt my chances of getting into UTSW?

The way Texas "does its acceptances" has no bearing on your chances of getting in (overall). If you are targetting Southwestern, you have to secure an interview there, and be sure to rank them first in the match. The match will place acceptees at the school highest on their preference list, so rank accordingly when the time comes.

Texas schools accept at least 90% TX residents, so although your chances look slim from that perspective, there are also fewer applicants at most schools compared to other schools in the Northeast or California.

I did run into some Oklahomans on the interview trail, so I think its definitely doable.

Good luck, and feel free to PM or fire away with other questions to us TX application veterans :D
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Hello my fellow SDN members,

I am new to this website and find it very interesting and enlightening to say the least. I have been reading some of the old post from this thread and it stated that Texas pre-meds have like a 50% chance of receiving an interview considering the application to acceptance ratio. Does anyone know if this statistic is true.

Originally posted by soonerpillow
I just started the TMDSAS this morning. It sure is different from AMCAS! They ask a lot of weird questions. I can't believe they ask what other schools you are applying to.

Should we turn this into the TMDSAS Help Thread or just piggy back on the 2004 AMCAS Help Thread? I have a lot of questions. How is yours coming along?

Yep, I started TMDSAS last week...and I agree. It's very confusing, especially the way they make you list your ECs and honors and jobs and research (in 6 lines??????) I never thought I'd say this, but I almost prefer AMCAS--at least they give you a whopping 510 characters per experience.... :rolleyes:

I have tons of questions too...Number one being how on earth do you list all the things in just 6 lines--do you just completely omit descriptions of activities? Or not hit enter to separate 2 experiences?

As far as your ? about schools goes, I think you should apply to all the TX schools to max your chances, and rank UTSW as your top choice like Mike59 said (by the way, Baylor isn't part of the TMDSAS). That's what I'm doing, anyway...UTSW is my 1st choice in Texas as well.

Hopefully more ppl are doing/have done tmdsas who can help us out? Good luck, soonerpillow....
Originally posted by spumoni620
Yep, I started TMDSAS last week...and I agree. It's very confusing, especially the way they make you list your ECs and honors and jobs and research (in 6 lines??????) I never thought I'd say this, but I almost prefer AMCAS--at least they give you a whopping 510 characters per experience.... :rolleyes:

I have tons of questions too...Number one being how on earth do you list all the things in just 6 lines--do you just completely omit descriptions of activities? Or not hit enter to separate 2 experiences?

As far as your ? about schools goes, I think you should apply to all the TX schools to max your chances, and rank UTSW as your top choice like Mike59 said (by the way, Baylor isn't part of the TMDSAS). That's what I'm doing, anyway...UTSW is my 1st choice in Texas as well.

Hopefully more ppl are doing/have done tmdsas who can help us out? Good luck, soonerpillow....

Hey future texas medical students!
Don't sweat the Texas app too much. It's actually a lot less time consuming than that AMCAS one. As far as putting everything down in 6 lines, I focused on the ones that stood out. And then I put more stuff in the big paragraph time line that they ask you to write. Unfortunately there isn't much room on that app to put too much info. But if you really think it's important just include it in your personal statement.
The only other BIG thing is to submit EARLY! I think the first of June or sometime in May is the earliest that you can submit so make sure that you finish Texas before AMCAS. I think I submitted sometime early June and started to get interviews pretty soon after. There are no secondaries for Houston and UTMB so they will notify really early. GOOD LUCk!:clap: And feel free to ask us questions. Learn from our mistakes! ;)
Hey Good Luck Everyone!
Okay, couple of questions:

It seems like TMDSAS processes their apps a lot faster than AMCAS. Just looking at how fast some of you guys got interviews, etc. I'm concerned that if I submit my app now, they might consider it before they get my newest MCAT scores. My old scores are good, but I don't know if they're good enough, since I'm out of state. What do you guys think?

Also, what's up with the question about "what I consider my hometown?" Does that mean anything? I've lived several places while growing up. Which do I put? Would it be best to put the time that I did live in Texas?
Originally posted by soonerpillow
Okay, couple of questions:

It seems like TMDSAS processes their apps a lot faster than AMCAS. Just looking at how fast some of you guys got interviews, etc. I'm concerned that if I submit my app now, they might consider it before they get my newest MCAT scores. My old scores are good, but I don't know if they're good enough, since I'm out of state. What do you guys think?

Also, what's up with the question about "what I consider my hometown?" Does that mean anything? I've lived several places while growing up. Which do I put? Would it be best to put the time that I did live in Texas?

Hey Soonerpillow,
Actually I think it still might be better to put in your app because you never know with the texas schools. I know people that didn't think they would get interviews bc of MCAT or GPA scores. Keep in mind that most of these schools interview LOTS of candidates and it's nice to get early ones out of the way. :) I think it might be good to notify that you took the august mcat and then they can keep that in mind too.
Originally posted by texasgal1112
Hey Soonerpillow,
Actually I think it still might be better to put in your app because you never know with the texas schools. I know people that didn't think they would get interviews bc of MCAT or GPA scores. Keep in mind that most of these schools interview LOTS of candidates and it's nice to get early ones out of the way. :) I think it might be good to notify that you took the august mcat and then they can keep that in mind too.

So, I should submit my application now, with just my scores from August 2002? I don't want my April 2003 score to be wasted, though. I studied a lot for that thing! I just want to make sure that it is considered, too. I am pretty confident that it will be at least 2 points higher than my last one. If I submit today (hypothetically), will schools have already considered my app before the April scores are released on June 24?
Originally posted by soonerpillow
So, I should submit my application now, with just my scores from August 2002? I don't want my April 2003 score to be wasted, though. I studied a lot for that thing! I just want to make sure that it is considered, too. I am pretty confident that it will be at least 2 points higher than my last one. If I submit today (hypothetically), will schools have already considered my app before the April scores are released on June 24?

Hey soonerpillow,
Actually if it's your april exam it should be fine and just in time for the texas applications. It is going to take them a while to review everything anyways ie a couple of weeks. so your june 24 date should be fine. Just make sure to send in the money and pictures ASAP after you submit, bc they don't process until after they received them. GOOD LUCK!
Originally posted by texasgal1112
Hey soonerpillow,
Actually if it's your april exam it should be fine and just in time for the texas applications. It is going to take them a while to review everything anyways ie a couple of weeks. so your june 24 date should be fine. Just make sure to send in the money and pictures ASAP after you submit, bc they don't process until after they received them. GOOD LUCK!

Thanks, I'd better get busy!
Is there any way to print the application before submitting it? How do you do it?
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You can print out your applications from both AMCAS and TMDSAS, in fact both strongly suggest that you do so you can keep them in your records. This helps so that you're fresh with what you wrote down for your interviews. AMCAS is pretty easy to print. I forgot how to do it for the Texas app. It shouldn't be too difficult either. I just remember it taking alot of paper, but they have have changed things from last year.
I had my transcript sent in two weeks ago. It hasn't shown up yet. Any idea how long it usually takes for it to appear on the website?
Originally posted by soonerpillow
I had my transcript sent in two weeks ago. It hasn't shown up yet. Any idea how long it usually takes for it to appear on the website?

Okay, now it's been about 3 weeks. Should I just have my school send another transcript?
Originally posted by soonerpillow
Okay, now it's been about 3 weeks. Should I just have my school send another transcript?

We only send transcript for AMCAS only? Or is it also for TMDSAS? I don't remember anything that TMDSAS requires a transcript.
No, both AMCAS and TMDSAS require the most current transcripts you have from ALL institutions where you took classes. Even those with credits not going towards your degree(s).
gotta quick question for all the Texas med school gurus... for those of you who submitted TMDSAS very early (June/July) and got interview invites in July/August, etc, did TMDSAS already have your Committee Letters from your undergrad school?

just wondering because I've already submitted my application for this year, but I know my school only starts sending out the Committee letter in late august, so i wanted to know if i'd have a chance for the early interviews! thanks for the help!
Yeah, I think they pretty much have the committee evaluations in-hand before interview invites are sent out.......my committee eval was submitted in June, and I had interviews beginning in August. Early interviews are nice, but don't fret too much if you don't get any until later.....I'm an MS-1 at the school where I interviewed at the end of October. Hang in there, and all the best to ya.
Yea, I'm applying now through the TMDSAS system as well. Anyone know how to print the application once you're done? B/c i'm just about there....
hey guys, i'm nearly done with the TMDSAS application as well...but some major questions...

since the secondary apps also have to be sent to texas schools alongside sending the TMDSAS one...should u fill those out now and send those out AFTER you send the primary TMDSAS app?

Also, when should we have submitted our transcript or a transcript release request form to our registrar's office so they can send it to TMDSAS
for those of you filling out the TMDSAS, take my advices:

1) get everything in as soon as possible. don't lounge around all summer and get your transcript requests in whenever you feel like it. the sooner you get it all in, the better. TMDSAS is not perfect, and they take their time sometimes, and i promise you that one or more of you will have a transcript lost in the process. the earlier you submit them and the letters, the more time you have to fix any problems along the way.

2) the sooner you're done applying, the better. it is a known fact that once some of the schools reach a certain number of interview invites, they stop (except for houston, who interview 9,450,000 people each year)

3) to get all your extracurriculars in those 6 lines: semicolons, my friends.
(ex: 2002 bowling league champion; 2000 cake decorating queen of wisconsin; 2003 most popular archbishop of new jersey). i had alot to put in those six lines and even with semicolons, i had to leave a few out. it happens and you usually have a chance in interviews to bring up anything you've left out.

4) apply to all schools apply to all schools apply to all schools

i have a pal with a 4.0 (double major) and a 38 on his MCAT who did not get into any school in texas. why? he only applied to two.
I would get started on your secondaries ASAP. On most of the schools' websites it says that they won't look at your application until they've received all materials - rec letters, SECONDARIES, mcat scores, etc.
okay i'm ready to submit but one question, should TMDSAS already have my transcript and my evaluation letters before submitting?

thanks for all the help
No, but try to have them in as soon as you can.
Hi everyone,
Back after a brief vacation....so anyone know when the TX app is to be sent out to schools? I checked my status...everything is in...just wondering when the schools will get the primary.
Also, are you guys waiting until the primary has been submitted to send the secondaries?

good luck to y'all...:)

p.s. for those wanting to print the app...i didn't find an easy way to do it...i just printed one screen at a time...a LOT of paper...
I called TMDSAS... and checked my app status, and i am pretty sure that the first round of apps were processed and sent to schools on June 25.

Does anybody know when interview invites should hopefully start coming in?

i can already feel the nerves.......
if last year is any indication of how things might go this year, UTMB had their first interview session in the middle of August....i think the invite came in the mail about a month earlier...........
u know for the personal biography section, for jobs we list during our school years, there's a section for "GRADUATE" now this is going to be a dumb question, but does that apply to seniors who've just graduated from university and are currently working while applying? LIke i just graduated from college and am working in research, so would i put down that Research job in the GRADUATE section??
I will second the above comment about applying to all schools. I was told by the dean of admissions at two schools that I should apply to all the Texas schools. Not only does it spread your application out (and your chances), the schools know where you apply to in the state. If you don't apply to, say Texas Tech, then they may well ask you "Why not?". What are you going to say? Better have a good answer...your interviewer may have gone to Texas Tech!!!


MS1- Texas A&M University College of Medicine
When I talked to TMDSAS in early June, they told me that the 1st round of apps was sent out in May. They said mine would be sent with the 2nd round, and it was sent on June 18. So maybe those sent on June25 were the 3rd group.
Originally posted by md2banthony
I will second the above comment about applying to all schools. I was told by the dean of admissions at two schools that I should apply to all the Texas schools. Not only does it spread your application out (and your chances), the schools know where you apply to in the state. If you don't apply to, say Texas Tech, then they may well ask you "Why not?". What are you going to say? Better have a good answer...your interviewer may have gone to Texas Tech!!!


MS1- Texas A&M University College of Medicine

What if we don't want to go to any of the other schools?
Originally posted by longhornknaus
When I talked to TMDSAS in early June, they told me that the 1st round of apps was sent out in May. They said mine would be sent with the 2nd round, and it was sent on June 18. So maybe those sent on June25 were the 3rd group.

longhornknaus ,
When did you finish submitting all your info into TMDSAS? I had everything in by May 31.... and i talked to them a few times and they assured me that apps were not going to be sent out until late June (i guess they were waiting for the majority of MCAT scores to come in.... i took it last august). I am assuming they are just processing the apps and then sending the first round out all together... June 25.

Has Anybody else talked to TMDSAS lately? Isn't May way to early for TMDSAS to send apps to schools? I'm confused
The earliest TMDSAS starts transmiting applications is June 15th. I don't know longhornknaus is getting his info.. but thats what it says on the tmdsas site..

i called them around the 15th, and they said they had not even begun processing them.

so it makes sense the first round went out on June 25th..
dustin04ag, was yours transmitted to the schools on June 25th?
I'm not making this stuff up....

Jennifer Hutchins with TMDSAS told me in early June, "Well, we've already sent out one round in May so you won't be in the first group but you should be in the second."

My application status on TMDSAS reads "Date sent to schools...6/18/03"
By the way dustin04ag,
I completed my application of 5/15. They received my cert page, photos, & fee on 5/19, and all my transcripts & recs were received by 5/20.
Hope this helps.
could someone please answer my question written above...i know it's a dumb ojne...but please don't ignore it

I am really not sure on your question. But, if you are planning on working there until you enter med school.... you could list it in the planned activites section in Chronology of Activites. You could always call TMDSAS and ask, they are always really helpful.


my letter from TMDSAS says it was sent out on the 25th... i think i am calling TMDSAS tomorrow and finding out what tha dang deal is.
Okay so i just got off the phone with TMDSAS and here is tha deal......

There was one "test batch" of apps sent out on June 20th. On your account it may say earlier, but this is just the day it was processed, not sent out. They send them out on Fridays, so June 20th a few apps were sent just to make sure the system was working or whatever. But these were the very first apps sent out.

The first TRUE round of apps was sent to schools on June 27th. Again, it may say earlier on your info, but TMDSAS doesnt send them out until Friday.

The second round of apps will be sent out this Thursday, July 3 (because Friday is a holiday)

Hope that clears it up................................

Now we just have to wait for the interviews..... this torture never ends!
Oh no, just when you think it's over, it's not! :laugh: Then you've got the FAFSA and all of the financial aid applications and paperwork to look forward to as well.
Wow! No clue then why they told me they sent a group out in May!
Just a lil update. A friend of mine had all her materials in by June 5, and she checked her status today..and it said under Initial processing date/sent to schools, that it had been sent today, 07/02
That's about right, it takes about a month from the time you submit it to TMDSAS
Has anyones application that was submitted 6/10 or later been processed and sent to the schools?
How soon should you expect to hear about interviews after TMDSAS sends your application to the schools?
I can't remember exactly since it's been about a year now. But I think it took about 2 to 3 weeks from the processed date until I got my first interview letter in the mail.
i'm getting confused... did most of you guys apply to the Fort Worth Osteopathic medicine school as well?
could someone please answer the above mentioned question.

Also on the TMDSAS application, there is a box in the Personal Biography section where they ask for jobs held and the boxes are Freshman, Sophemore, Junior, Senior, GRADUATE and Summer.

If i have already graduated from an undergraduate program (graduated in may 2003) but am working/have a job from may 2003 to june 2004, should that job be listed in the GRADUATE box or in the Senior box...