The Offical "Oh Crap! I have to take shirt off in OMM lab in August" Workout Log

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Do you get down to your sports Bra at DMU? Just curious....

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I'm on my low-carb diet--made an exception to eat some matzo last night :) and also some scrumptious cake at my mom's birthday but otherwise have been pretty good, and I've been losing a pound a week since mid-Feb. I'd like to fit into my old 32-waist pants (or even the 31's) by the time school starts. They say you should throw out clothes that don't fit, but I'm too cheap. Anyway, I'd rather throw out my 34's.
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...well as for me, wish I had the mula for a tummy tuck! See, you laugh, but I kinda wish I wasn't waitlisted so I'd know for sure-- maybe I could pay by credit card and pay off with student loan if there was certainty in my future... hmm :laugh: Oh well. I guess my fellow students can practice on a little natural 'softness'.
...well as for me, wish I had the mula for a tummy tuck! See, you laugh, but I kinda wish I wasn't waitlisted so I'd know for sure-- maybe I could pay by credit card and pay off with student loan if there was certainty in my future... hmm :laugh: Oh well. I guess my fellow students can practice on a little natural 'softness'.

You must have kids....backyardigans and tummy tuck talk....definately! :)
Keep it simple.

1 Whey and other proteins for most should be renamed "wastes of time". Buy cholesterol free egg products and make omelletes, eat lots of chicken, salmon fillets and tuna.

2 Same thing goes for 2-hr workouts. Go 45 minutes hard. Do heavy squats and deadlifts regularly because that is where most of your muscle will be coming from. After keeping a to two-three week routine you should be switching things (like starting heavy when you usually start light, changing exercises, doing drop sets). For muscle and strength - moderately heavy 4-8 reps with varied weight for 4 sets. Keep track of what you work muscle groups you work out and how often. Chest workouts are most peoples favorites but you'll look like an idiot if it's all you do.

3 I've tried every category of supplement other than steriods and their lesser forms such as M1T's. It comes down to three things: time, taste, value. Before you buy expensive supplements pick up Dextrose in any form from your grocery store. Stackers that combine supplements work and some taste good (Creatine, Glutamine, Arginine and NO variants, and Taurine preferably for a little energy boost). XPAND is hands down the best value if you are will to spend 50-70$. If you like how things are going, try out Tribulan and other products which include Tribulus for testosterone enhancements and other herbs to combat conversion to bad testosterone (such as Avena Sativa, Longfolia...).

4 Lastly if you are just starting out, get to the gym often enough to become addicted to the post-workout endorphins. It'll happen.. you'll be obsessed with your bench and how many plates you can squat in no time.
You must have kids....backyardigans and tummy tuck talk....definately! :)

You know it :laugh: ! Proud mom of 2 little ones, and the "squishy" stomach (quoting my 4 year old) to prove it. And BTW, congrats on your acceptance to LMU-DCOM. Four little ones, I know you'll have your hands full-- but I know it'll pay off for your family. Best of luck to you!
Hmmmmm this might just be the motivation I have been looking for....
This is what I use:
It comes with a holder for your nano (that fits the receptor) and a holder for the transmitter on the laces of your shoes... all for under $30!:D

Thanks, I had already ordered a Shoe Pouch, but am struggling with my holder/armband that my wife got me with the Nano.

I put it all to it's first use last night...went a little over 2 miles doing a run/walk workout I found online.

I really need to get into better shape...and am not a huge fan of running, but the sports I enjoy are all more team this is what I have.
Oh, and if there are any other fat out of shape old farts like me out there that have the nike + thing, and would like to do challenges, keep motivated, let me know.
unfortunately, the only work out I like to do is running outside and it's gotten freakin' cold again. I haven't worked out in like 5 months (gained 8-10 lbs) so I'm not ready to brave the cold just yet. I'll have to hit the pavement hard when it gets warm so I can burn of my winter pudge. OMM will be great motivation.
Hmmmm just did a little walk/run with some ab rolls and arm/shoulder lifting. It's hard for me to get going consistently but once I do I always enjoy it...even that slighty stiff feeling the following day.
If you guys want some good info go to

Right now im strictly working on gaining muscle mass. So I lift heavy weights along light weights with much more reps. Im taking NO-Explode for energy while working out and it works FANTASTIC! As soon as im done working out I take a scoop and a half of muscle milk as my recovery drink! Its working great for me. Look at that website, it has tons of info and articles! Ill work on the trimming down a month a half before school starts!
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Keep it simple.

1 Whey and other proteins for most should be renamed "wastes of time". Buy cholesterol free egg products and make omelletes, eat lots of chicken, salmon fillets and tuna.

2 Same thing goes for 2-hr workouts. Go 45 minutes hard. Do heavy squats and deadlifts regularly because that is where most of your muscle will be coming from. After keeping a to two-three week routine you should be switching things (like starting heavy when you usually start light, changing exercises, doing drop sets). For muscle and strength - moderately heavy 4-8 reps with varied weight for 4 sets. Keep track of what you work muscle groups you work out and how often. Chest workouts are most peoples favorites but you'll look like an idiot if it's all you do.

3 I've tried every category of supplement other than steriods and their lesser forms such as M1T's. It comes down to three things: time, taste, value. Before you buy expensive supplements pick up Dextrose in any form from your grocery store. Stackers that combine supplements work and some taste good (Creatine, Glutamine, Arginine and NO variants, and Taurine preferably for a little energy boost). XPAND is hands down the best value if you are will to spend 50-70$. If you like how things are going, try out Tribulan and other products which include Tribulus for testosterone enhancements and other herbs to combat conversion to bad testosterone (such as Avena Sativa, Longfolia...).

4 Lastly if you are just starting out, get to the gym often enough to become addicted to the post-workout endorphins. It'll happen.. you'll be obsessed with your bench and how many plates you can squat in no time.

I agree with your food suggestions. It seems weird to eat lots of extracts and formulas--kinda unnatural.

But I do a lot of biking, and my quads and glutes are just fine. I need to strengthen my upper body so I guess I'm the exception to your approach.
My OMM workout plan is doing great! This is a pic of me the first time I went to Fort Lauderdale for my interview:

And this is my recent "second-look" visit:


PM me if you want details of my workout plan.
Luckily I'm safe because I shan't be taking off a single piece of clothing, no matter what anyone says :D
I just ran 10 miles in the last two days....pretty good after 0 miles the last 6 months:D
Luckily I'm safe because I shan't be taking off a single piece of clothing, no matter what anyone says :D
I don't know you well enough to tell if you're kidding or not.....but just so you know its really not an option....check one of the contracts you signed for pcom....your clothes will be coming off in lab...
Keep it simple.

1 Whey and other proteins for most should be renamed "wastes of time". Buy cholesterol free egg products and make omelletes, eat lots of chicken, salmon fillets and tuna.

2 Same thing goes for 2-hr workouts. Go 45 minutes hard. Do heavy squats and deadlifts regularly because that is where most of your muscle will be coming from. After keeping a to two-three week routine you should be switching things (like starting heavy when you usually start light, changing exercises, doing drop sets). For muscle and strength - moderately heavy 4-8 reps with varied weight for 4 sets. Keep track of what you work muscle groups you work out and how often. Chest workouts are most peoples favorites but you'll look like an idiot if it's all you do.

3 I've tried every category of supplement other than steriods and their lesser forms such as M1T's. It comes down to three things: time, taste, value. Before you buy expensive supplements pick up Dextrose in any form from your grocery store. Stackers that combine supplements work and some taste good (Creatine, Glutamine, Arginine and NO variants, and Taurine preferably for a little energy boost). XPAND is hands down the best value if you are will to spend 50-70$. If you like how things are going, try out Tribulan and other products which include Tribulus for testosterone enhancements and other herbs to combat conversion to bad testosterone (such as Avena Sativa, Longfolia...).

4 Lastly if you are just starting out, get to the gym often enough to become addicted to the post-workout endorphins. It'll happen.. you'll be obsessed with your bench and how many plates you can squat in no time.

Number one is a great suggestion for everyone trying to lose some weight. Number 2 is great for men who want bulk, but women don't want bulk they want tone and lean. I may suggests that you do lighter weights at higher reps (12-15) for women. Pick up a group fitness class or personal trainer. They will know what to do. But I am biased because I am an instructor and personal trainer. Number 3 the only supplements I suggest is a multi vitamin, water, and if you don't get enough fiber (20+grams a day) then add flaxseed to everything. Number 4: yes you will be addicted. So get a trainer who can ease you into a workout so you don't get SOOO sore you need a week to recover. Good luck!
I don't know you well enough to tell if you're kidding or not.....but just so you know its really not an option....check one of the contracts you signed for pcom....your clothes will be coming off in lab...

Uh, no they won't.
Ok ... obviously you're waiting for someone to ask you why your clothes won't be coming off in OMM lab. So I'll oblige ... do tell.

I dont think PCOM has any authority towards a commader of the starfleet. If anything Commander Riker can tell PCOM to take their clothes off...
I dont think PCOM has any authority towards a commader of the starfleet. If anything Commander Riker can tell PCOM to take their clothes off...

I dont think PCOM has any authority towards a commader of the starfleet. If anything Commander Riker can tell PCOM to take their clothes off...

Yeah ... let me know when you've gotten a life.
please check the contract that you signed when you accepted their offer for admission.....I would call them now if you have a problem w/ it

Don't waste your time with this. This guy is a real tool and I don't believe he has even been admitted to PCOM. I remember reading in another thread that he was trying to decide between two DO schools - and PCOM wasn't one of them. The reason is probably something asinine like PCOM can't make him take his clothes off in OMM lab because he's not going there. :rolleyes:
This is what I use:

It's written by Mark Verstagen, a contributor to Men's Health Magazine. He's worked with athletes such as Nomar, Mia Hamm, Billy Mayfair (Golfer), Mary Pierce and others. It's a simple 10 week program that uses cardio, circuit training, free weights and my favorite the physioball. We had to use this for hockey and it worked out so well. I dropped from 195 to about 180 in 10 weeks while becoming stronger than my body. Spend the $20 and change your life!
"I heard" that we almost had someone let go from the class last year because they refused for religious reasons. They are still in the class, so not exactly sure what came of it. I had forgot about it til now, but its not an option, just like in physical exam class. How can I effectively examine someone's abdomen or thorax without looking at the skin for signs of pathology? Don't you think a primary care physician for example would be doing a disservice to their patients if they didn't ask them to remove their clothes and check for abnormal nevi? Last time I checked skin cancer was the most common, although usually easily treatable, malignancy.

I'm not trying to be a pain, just saying that once you get into a professional environment at med school its not as big of a deal as you might think. You have to learn to be a physician on someone, so the easiest, most cost effective way is on each other and then patients during clinical years. Just this week we practiced drawing blood on each other. The only thing we don't do at pcom on each other is pelvic, breast, prostate, testicular exams. We have paid personnel come in for that, but I know some nurse practitioner schools do those on each other.

Seriously though, people in OMM lab are of all shapes and sizes and it doesnt really phase anyone. I know it might seem like a big deal, but you get used to it. For anatomy we changed in front of each other (coed) in and out of scrubs since you can't walk around the entire school in the scrubs you just wore in the cadaver lab, no one really cared. Your colleagues seeing you topless is the least of things you will be worrying about in a few months. Good Luck to everyone next year, you made it this far and will be fine next year.

"Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential" ~Churchill~
"I heard" that we almost had someone let go from the class last year because they refused for religious reasons. They are still in the class, so not exactly sure what came of it. I had forgot about it til now, but its not an option, just like in physical exam class. How can I effectively examine someone's abdomen or thorax without looking at the skin for signs of pathology? Don't you think a primary care physician for example would be doing a disservice to their patients if they didn't ask them to remove their clothes and check for abnormal nevi? Last time I checked skin cancer was the most common, although usually easily treatable, malignancy.

I'm not trying to be a pain, just saying that once you get into a professional environment at med school its not as big of a deal as you might think. You have to learn to be a physician on someone, so the easiest, most cost effective way is on each other and then patients during clinical years. Just this week we practiced drawing blood on each other. The only thing we don't do at pcom on each other is pelvic, breast, prostate, testicular exams. We have paid personnel come in for that, but I know some nurse practitioner schools do those on each other.

Seriously though, people in OMM lab are of all shapes and sizes and it doesnt really phase anyone. I know it might seem like a big deal, but you get used to it. For anatomy we changed in front of each other (coed) in and out of scrubs since you can't walk around the entire school in the scrubs you just wore in the cadaver lab, no one really cared. Your colleagues seeing you topless is the least of things you will be worrying about in a few months. Good Luck to everyone next year, you made it this far and will be fine next year.

"Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential" ~Churchill~

I dont know about all that, but I know that not every school requires people to take off their clothes in OMM lab...I know DMU is one and I dont about others, so it seems that to these schools it doesnt really hinder the learning.
Don't waste your time with this. This guy is a real tool and I don't believe he has even been admitted to PCOM. I remember reading in another thread that he was trying to decide between two DO schools - and PCOM wasn't one of them. The reason is probably something asinine like PCOM can't make him take his clothes off in OMM lab because he's not going there. :rolleyes:

We will see :D
Ok ... obviously you're waiting for someone to ask you why your clothes won't be coming off in OMM lab. So I'll oblige ... do tell.

Even though everything about Riker leads me to believe he's some kind of huge athletic stud ;), perhaps he needs to make some visits to the holodeck before OMM..."Computer, run exercise program..."
Ran Monday and this evening...starting slow on this run/walk thing...

Not quite 5 miles and almost 1000 calories burned during the two workouts.

Oh, dance class for an hour on Tues. night...which is surprisingly a pretty decent workout.

I've got a long ways to go, but things will get easier once it warms up....if it ever does....I just need to remember this is going to be a slow process...
Bringing this thread back on track along with MJB. I play basketball and other sports almost 6 days a week, but I am still not in great shape. I was in very good shape a couple of years ago but since then I stopped lifting and watching what I eat as well as I used to, but yesterday I started the lifting again and I have been laying off the bad food so far. I am going to start with a solely core muscle group type lifting plan to try and get those testosterone levels up. Wish me luck:luck:
I went from best body in my HS class to "fat body" in the last several years...bulked up for college football, then quit playing (and thus working out much) but kept eating the same and developed a beer habit. Needless to say, I've got a lot of work to do, but know I have it in me to be in great shape if I put my mind to it and have motivation. I don't eat unhealthily necessarily, but portions tend to be an issue...couple that with a job that has me on my arse about 9 hours a day plus studying at night...yuck.

Hopefully we can all keep each other motivated.

I'm really hoping to get in decent enough shape to try a 5K the first part of May that is here in town.
This thread's too fun to fall into oblivion.... off for a run....
Re-started my working out 2 weeks ago.

Then I went for my physical yesterday, and I weigh a whopping ###! I thought I had lost some, not gained...looks like more running for me between now and August.
please check the contract that you signed when you accepted their offer for admission.....I would call them now if you have a problem w/ it

That is if he's been accepted. Chances looking unlikely.
My OMM workout plan is doing great! This is a pic of me the first time I went to Fort Lauderdale for my interview:

And this is my recent "second-look" visit:


PM me if you want details of my workout plan.
I want to know what you typed into google to come up with that? lol. Or did that come from the gf? :p
For anatomy we changed in front of each other (coed) in and out of scrubs since you can't walk around the entire school in the scrubs you just wore in the cadaver lab, no one really cared. Your colleagues seeing you topless is the least of things you will be worrying about in a few months.

??? I'm pretty sure my boyfriend would definitely worry about me being topless in front of other guys!!! As most boyfriends/husbands/fiances would be, I imagine! And that's aside from girls that would feel uncomfortable doing it.
Even though everything about Riker leads me to believe he's some kind of huge athletic stud ;), perhaps he needs to make some visits to the holodeck before OMM..."Computer, run exercise program..."

The only person seeing me without a shirt is my future wife, not people who've slept with god-knows how many others. At P.C.O.M., any male want a male partner? Send me a private message if you do too.
It's 1 AM and I really want pizza or fast food....but no....I can't .....OMM lab is coming up!
as a waitlister, i don't have the motivation to tone up yet. if i'm lucky enough to get in, watch it be like the first week of school when i get my acceptance while you guys will have had all summer to get buff. oh well, i'm sure that'll be the least of my worries then:p
This is a message board for people going into health care. Using it as a place to troll for homosexual encounters is a violation of the TOS.

I was talking about a partner for the O.M.M. laboratory.
Riker, people have way too much fun at your expense. I'm glad you take it in stride. By the way if your looking for a partner I've heard both Warf and Troy are available. ;)

PS - Riker can and does have near ultimate authority over any DO school. Only Jean Luke Piccard can over turn Riker and I don't seem him anywhere on these boards........
The only person seeing me without a shirt is my future wife, not people who've slept with god-knows how many others. At P.C.O.M., any male want a male partner? Send me a private message if you do too.
fyi... you change OMM groups and partners frequently and during just about every lab you have to work on people of different sizes, shapes and sexes......diagnosing a problem w/ palpation on a 200lb dude is pretty different then on a 100lb woman
fyi... you change OMM groups and partners frequently and during just about every lab you have to work on people of different sizes, shapes and sexes......diagnosing a problem w/ palpation on a 200lb dude is pretty different then on a 100lb woman

Riker knows this, he is just using this thread to continue trolling like he does in every other thread he replies in.