*** The Official LECOM Dental Class of 2018 Interview/Acceptance Thread ***

Interviewing on 9/30!

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contacted on 9/18 for an interview on 11/11...there's still hope!
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Don't see an admissions tab under my lecom portal anymore.. guessing this is a rejection? ><
What were your stats if you don't mind me asking?

Overall GPA 3.4
Science GPA 3.5
(also have a master's degree in biomedical science)

AA 19, TS 19, PAT 22, QR 20, RC 19
Overall GPA 3.4
Science GPA 3.5
(also have a master's degree in biomedical science)

AA 19, TS 19, PAT 22, QR 20, RC 19

What sciences did you take in your biomedical sciences? And how long or what did you use to study for the DAT?
Interview is very low stress. Main focus on PBL (duh). Great faculty, admin. State of art facility.
What sciences did you take in your biomedical sciences? And how long or what did you use to study for the DAT?

Biochem, Pharmacology, Genetics, Cell Bio, Systems Bio, Microbiology, Immunology, Exercise Physiology, and a couple others.
Biochem, Pharmacology, Genetics, Cell Bio, Systems Bio, Microbiology, Immunology, Exercise Physiology, and a couple others.

Only those for the masters? What was the concentration in?
Don't see an admissions tab under my lecom portal anymore.. guessing this is a rejection? ><

This would not be a rejection. the portal is not that great, and is probably an error. Wait a day or so and it should come up, if not, give them a call.
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How did you guys study for the DAT?

They have specific treads on SDN for these types of questions. Not, to be mean or anything, but why do you keep asking these same questions in different threads? So far all the answers are the same.
Anyone interviewing on Monday (9/23)? I am flying down this weekend from TN.
They have specific treads on SDN for these types of questions. Not, to be mean or anything, but why do you keep asking these same questions in different threads? So far all the answers are the same.

Different strategies... Trying to see which ones i haven't tried to actually do well. And to see other people's interpretations which might be good to note.
Only those for the masters? What was the concentration in?

Sorry that was off the top of my head...here is a full list of the master's classes:
- Biochem & Molecular Biology
- Cell Biology
- Graduate Genetics
- Microbiology
- Immunology
- Biomedical Science Seminar
- Exercise Physiology
- Systems Biology
- Antimicrobial Drugs
- Pharmacology
- Epidemiology

It is a Master's Degree in Biomedical Sciences
Keep in mind these classes are in much more detail than undergraduate level and they are taught at an accelerated pace.
I'm interviewing there Monday! flying from Michigan!

Im interviewing there Monday as well. Just arrived at the Holiday Inn in Sarasota. When are you guys (or girls) arriving? Want to try and meet up for dinner tonight?
Im interviewing there Monday as well. Just arrived at the Holiday Inn in Sarasota. When are you guys (or girls) arriving? Want to try and meet up for dinner tonight?

dont go to the texas bbq restaurant in front of walmart!!

The food was terrible :(
Sorry that was off the top of my head...here is a full list of the master's classes:
- Biochem & Molecular Biology
- Cell Biology
- Graduate Genetics
- Microbiology
- Immunology
- Biomedical Science Seminar
- Exercise Physiology
- Systems Biology
- Antimicrobial Drugs
- Pharmacology
- Epidemiology

It is a Master's Degree in Biomedical Sciences
Keep in mind these classes are in much more detail than undergraduate level and they are taught at an accelerated pace.

Yes I know because I took 7 out of the 10 at Pcom and now doing concentration in organizational leadership and development in the bioscience health profession to complete my masters.
Im interviewing there Monday as well. Just arrived at the Holiday Inn in Sarasota. When are you guys (or girls) arriving? Want to try and meet up for dinner tonight?

I will not arrive there until tomorrow noon. You can PM and we will definitely meet up!
Who's going on 11/11?
I'll be there!

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Any suggestions/tips for interview day for those who have already interviewed? I'm interviewing tomorrow morning (9/23). Are there any curve balls to watch out for? Thanks!
If anyone is interviewing on 9/30 and is down to grab a bite/meet up 9/29 sunday PM me! i'll be around all day and im staying at the holiday inn close to the school... best of luck to everyone
If anyone is interviewing on 9/30 and is down to grab a bite/meet up 9/29 sunday PM me! i'll be around all day and im staying at the holiday inn close to the school... best of luck to everyone

Flying in from NY
FINALLY got the email stating my supplemental application has been processed and my app is being reviewed by the admissions committee! Hoping to hear some good news soon! :xf::)
If anyone is interviewing on 9/30 and is down to grab a bite/meet up 9/29 sunday PM me! i'll be around all day and im staying at the holiday inn close to the school... best of luck to everyone
me too flying from VA
Received an interview invitation for Nov today! Super excited and thankful! :banana:
hey! I am also interviewing nov 18th! just got the email today! woo!


It took them exactly 1 week starting from the e-mail of LECOM has processed the Supp App. to when you got the interview invite? I was just wondering because I received the "processed Supp. App." today.
can't believe people want to attend this sketchy school haha. like cmon. the name of the school is a friggin acronym. the library has no books. everything there is like...blue. the school's not even accredited. man I wouldn't wanna pay thousands of dollars to go to school there. they also have a very low retention rate
can't believe people want to attend this sketchy school haha. like cmon. the name of the school is a friggin acronym. the library has no books. everything there is like...blue. the school's not even accredited. man I wouldn't wanna pay thousands of dollars to go to school there. they also have a very low retention rate

can't believe people want to attend this sketchy school haha. like cmon. the name of the school is a friggin acronym. the library has no books. everything there is like...blue. the school's not even accredited. man I wouldn't wanna pay thousands of dollars to go to school there. they also have a very low retention rate

Coming from the same person who believes that NYU kicks a bunch of students out each year, it's a shocker you're so uninformed.
At the end of my interview day i jotted down that on Dec 1st (or 2nd,whatever the Monday is) LECOM emails 50 acceptances and 130 alternates. If you're rejected, you get snail mail later in the month. Can anyone confirm i wrote down the correct info?

It took them exactly 1 week starting from the e-mail of LECOM has processed the Supp App. to when you got the interview invite? I was just wondering because I received the "processed Supp. App." today.

Hawkeye- yes, it only took a week or so give or take a few days for me! Hope the same for you! :luck:
At the end of my interview day i jotted down that on Dec 1st (or 2nd,whatever the Monday is) LECOM emails 50 acceptances and 130 alternates. If you're rejected, you get snail mail later in the month. Can anyone confirm i wrote down the correct info?

I interviewed on the same day as you if I remember correctly. Sept 13 right?

They said they will send out 115 acceptances on Dec 2.
~130 people will be wait listed and about 50 people eventually will be accepted from that list.
We have a pretty good chance:)
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can't believe people want to attend this sketchy school haha. like cmon. the name of the school is a friggin acronym. the library has no books. everything there is like...blue. the school's not even accredited. man I wouldn't wanna pay thousands of dollars to go to school there. they also have a very low retention rate

get a life
Thanks for the information Longcat & Jps17kl !
Does that mean no post Dec. interviews if they are giving out that many acceptances/waitlisters?

They interview ~550 students a year. I am guessing 300-350 people will interview pre-december. ~200 post december. Out of the 300 that interview pre december, 115 of them will hear back on Dec 2 with an acceptance. The number 130 for the waitlst is for both pre and post december interviews I believe. My guess is on Dec 2, that 115 acceptance, ~80 waitlist, and 100 rejections will go out?

but I can be wrong lol... what do you guys think?

oh and doctoothache's data shows that 47% of those interviewed are accepted:)
I interviewed on the same day as you if I remember correctly. Sept 13 right?

They said they will send out 115 acceptances on Dec 2.
~130 people will be wait listed and about 50 people eventually will be accepted from that list.
We have a pretty good chance:)

Ah, thanks for the clarification! I take awful hand-written notes haha
They interview ~550 students a year. I am guessing 300-350 people will interview pre-december. ~200 post december. Out of the 300 that interview pre december, 115 of them will hear back on Dec 2 with an acceptance. The number 130 for the waitlst is for both pre and post december interviews I believe. My guess is on Dec 2, that 115 acceptance, ~80 waitlist, and 100 rejections will go out?

but I can be wrong lol... what do you guys think?

oh and doctoothache's data shows that 47% of those interviewed are accepted:)

Also, I think it's way more than 300-500 people interviewed. It seems like they have 2 interviews each week. On tuesdays and thursdays. Let's say that LECOM started interviews the last week of august and continues them until the last week of November. Also, let's say they interview apprx. 25 people each time. That means by Dec 1, they would have interviewed about 700 people.
Dang, am I the only one with a post December 2nd interview? I wonder if it mattered that I waited two days before confirming my invite lol.
Also, I think it's way more than 300-500 people interviewed. It seems like they have 2 interviews each week. On tuesdays and thursdays. Let's say that LECOM started interviews the last week of august and continues them until the last week of November. Also, let's say they interview apprx. 25 people each time. That means by Dec 1, they would have interviewed about 700 people.

In the ADEA guide, apparently they interviewed 290 in-state and about the same number (I think it was 293) OOS for the previous cycle. They obviously send out more acceptances than the actual class number because not everyone that's accepted will want to attend, but this is true with all schools.
I think at the interview we were told they would send out approximately 500 invites, and 100 acceptances on dec 2. But LECOM knows they're few people's top choice and will surely have to send out more than 100 acceptances over the long haul. This is pure speculation, but I think being on the waitlist here means something very different, in terms of your chances of admittance, than being on the waitlist at your state school.