transferring from UT to UTD...does it matter?

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Jul 14, 2016
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I just transferred to UT Austin from a Junior College where i played 2 years of college baseball. This is my first semester at UT and I'm not very happy...I am from Dallas and that's basically where my life is. I would be a lot happier attending UT Dallas, and I would save money. Does graduating from UTD rather than UT Austin put me at any sort of disadvantage? While i care about my personal happiness, i also want to make the best decision for my Med School aspiration.
I'm a psych undergrad major. UT does have a very solid psych program, which makes me kind of hesitant to leave. What do yall think? thanks in advance!

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UT Dallas was very well represented on the interview trail when I was an applicant. If you have the grades, MCAT, and EC's, UT vs UT Dallas will probably have no effect whatsoever.

Go where you're happy, man.
UT Dallas had the third largest representation at UTSW in my class. 1st was UT Austin, 2nd was Rice U (significantly smaller school but ridiculous representation), 3rd was UTD, and 4th was Texas A&M. Historically A&M has always been no. 3, but my year UTD had quite a lot of people. Don't know if that trend stayed for the following years.
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UT Dallas had the third largest representation at UTSW in my class. 1st was UT Austin, 2nd was Rice U (significantly smaller school but ridiculous representation), 3rd was UTD, and 4th was Texas A&M. Historically A&M has always been no. 3, but my year UTD had quite a lot of people. Don't know if that trend stayed for the following years.

UT Dallas was very well represented on the interview trail when I was an applicant. If you have the grades, MCAT, and EC's, UT vs UT Dallas will probably have no effect whatsoever.
Go where you're happy, man.

Thanks for the responses guys. Y'all have helped me feel more comfortable about the transfer, I will probably end up doing it. Where'd yall go to undergrad?
Or you could be smart and go to UT Arlington where there is no +/- grading system or even UNT (same reason). Your undergraduate institution matters way less than your GPA. University of Podunk with a 4.0 and a strong MCAT trumps a big name school with a 3.0. Acceptance rates are similar for UT Arlington and UTD, neither are very selective. But 2 years of 90's will get you a ~3.7 at UTD and will get you a 4.0 at UT Arlington. Now if it's just about the commute, go to UTD for sure.
Or you could be smart and go to UT Arlington where there is no +/- grading system or even UNT (same reason). Your undergraduate institution matters way less than your GPA. University of Podunk with a 4.0 and a strong MCAT trumps a big name school with a 3.0. Acceptance rates are similar for UT Arlington and UTD, neither are very selective. But 2 years of 90's will get you a ~3.7 at UTD and will get you a 4.0 at UT Arlington. Now if it's just about the commute, go to UTD for sure.

I always thought AMCAS uses a standard method for GPA calculation, and the school's specific way of calculating didn't matter. is this wrong?
Or you could be smart and go to UT Arlington where there is no +/- grading system or even UNT (same reason). Your undergraduate institution matters way less than your GPA. University of Podunk with a 4.0 and a strong MCAT trumps a big name school with a 3.0. Acceptance rates are similar for UT Arlington and UTD, neither are very selective. But 2 years of 90's will get you a ~3.7 at UTD and will get you a 4.0 at UT Arlington. Now if it's just about the commute, go to UTD for sure.

Tmdsas does not do +/- so my A- at UT Austin were A's to all the Texas schools I applied to (excluding Baylor). The +/- does apply to amcas, however. But as a Texas resident you will most likely want to stay instate and apply tmdsas

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Thanks for the responses guys. Y'all have helped me feel more comfortable about the transfer, I will probably end up doing it. Where'd yall go to undergrad?

The only school which gets a preference is essentially Rice (ONLY if you graduate with a top notch GPA from there). Rice with it's 1000 total graduates (10 times less graduates than UT Austin) still has the highest proportion of students at Baylor, and the 2nd highest at UTSW, which are obviously the two best medical schools of Texas. Rice has a 95% acceptance rate of it's premed students.