Tufts School of Dentistry Class of 2028 Interview/Acceptance Thread

is it still possible to get interviews?
I think they are done for this cycle. We had presentation day for the CDC program and they said that they have mostly finalized for this cycle.

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I think they are done for this cycle. We had presentation day for the CDC program and they said that they have mostly finalized for this cycle.
What's the CDC program? I know it has to do with differed acceptance but can't find any info on it. Is it like a postbacc or masters? Or is it a guided plan on what needs to be improved on our application?
What's the CDC program? I know it has to do with differed acceptance but can't find any info on it. Is it like a postbacc or masters? Or is it a guided plan on what needs to be improved on our application?
I had some friends who had to do it, after you interview they set you conditions like either improve your DAT score or finish a masters and if you complete the conditions they set you you’re guaranteed to be in the class next year
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I had some friends who had to do it, after you interview they set you conditions like either improve your DAT score or finish a masters and if you complete the conditions they set you you’re guaranteed to be in the class next year
Thanks for the info! I sent you a dm.
What's the CDC program? I know it has to do with differed acceptance but can't find any info on it. Is it like a postbacc or masters? Or is it a guided plan on what needs to be improved on our application?
You either have to do a one year masters in biomedical sciences and/or retake the DAT for certain score. The masters tufts and Barry offers has a dental path which means you will be taking classes with first year dental students.
You either have to do a one year masters in biomedical sciences and/or retake the DAT for certain score. The masters tufts and Barry offers has a dental path which means you will be taking classes with first year dental students.
At barry you don’t take classes with first year dental students it is it’s own masters program pretty sure you don’t at tufts either
At barry you don’t take classes with first year dental students it is it’s own masters program pretty sure you don’t at tufts either
I just had presentation day and Tufts told us we take classes with dental students during the masters and barry also offers a dental path for theirs i checked online. It might not be with the students themselves but you are taking the same classes first years take from what they told me.
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At barry you don’t take classes with first year dental students it is it’s own masters program pretty sure you don’t at tufts either
At Barry University, it is called the dental curriculum which falls under the masters of biomedical sciences one year program.
So I was just notified that I wasn't chosen to be a part of the CDC program (which is the Conditional Deferred Consideration Program at Tufts Dental), and I feel dumb. I received an email about a week ago telling me that I had the chance of joining the Tufts Class of 2029 class by completing steps to joining the CDC program. I had to complete a Kira Assessment, attend Presentation Day, and complete an interview all within a week. Mind you, I took time off work to complete all this. I was under the impression that people at presentation day were selected because admissions saw potential in us, we just had to improve something in our application. The admissions person made it seem that the interview was just a formality and that it was almost guaranteed we would selected for the program. Well interview day comes and I had the worst interview experience. Talk about unprofessional. The interviewer wasn't even paying attention to my answers. Another interviewer walks in 10 minutes in and asks the same questions the guy did. I had to repeat myself. The whole thing felt like a joke. They asked me questions as if they had no idea who I was. No knowledge of anything. Like what?

This whole experience has just really pissed me off. I feel misled and like I wasted my time pursuing something that was never going to happen anyway. Like why contact me and make me do all this bull**** just to not even tell me the condition I would've been under in the program. Like why tf even bother contacting me? it's insulting. I just had to get that off my chest. This whole process is so dehumanizing.
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I graduated from Barry so you can pm with questions
Hey I have a question about the personal statement for the masters program. Do we say along the lines of that the program will help me build a stronger foundation for dental school?
So I was just notified that I wasn't chosen to be a part of the CDC program (which is the Conditional Deferred Consideration Program at Tufts Dental), and I feel dumb. I received an email about a week ago telling me that I had the chance of joining the Tufts Class of 2029 class by completing steps to joining the CDC program. I had to complete a Kira Assessment, attend Presentation Day, and complete an interview all within a week. Mind you, I took time off work to complete all this. I was under the impression that people at presentation day were selected because admissions saw potential in us, we just had to improve something in our application. The admissions person made it seem that the interview was just a formality and that it was almost guaranteed we would selected for the program. Well interview day comes and I had the worst interview experience. Talk about unprofessional. The interviewer wasn't even paying attention to my answers. Another interviewer walks in 10 minutes in and asks the same questions the guy did. I had to repeat myself. The whole thing felt like a joke. They asked me questions as if they had no idea who I was. No knowledge of anything. Like what?

This whole experience has just really pissed me off. I feel misled and like I wasted my time pursuing something that was never going to happen anyway. Like why contact me and make me do all this bull**** just to not even tell me the condition I would've been under in the program. Like why tf even bother contacting me? it's insulting. I just had to get that off my chest. This whole process is so dehumanizing.
Im so sorry that you had that experience with the interview people and thats crazy that they had people coming in and out to interview you. If you don't mind me asking you, did u already do a masters?
Hey I have a question about the personal statement for the masters program. Do we say along the lines of that the program will help me build a stronger foundation for dental
Kind of confused on the question, I don’t think I had to do a personal statement when I applied
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Kind of confused on the question, I don’t think I had to do a personal statement when I applied
Sorry! They said to write a statement of purpose on what my future goals are. This is something I have to attach in my application.
So I was just notified that I wasn't chosen to be a part of the CDC program (which is the Conditional Deferred Consideration Program at Tufts Dental), and I feel dumb. I received an email about a week ago telling me that I had the chance of joining the Tufts Class of 2029 class by completing steps to joining the CDC program. I had to complete a Kira Assessment, attend Presentation Day, and complete an interview all within a week. Mind you, I took time off work to complete all this. I was under the impression that people at presentation day were selected because admissions saw potential in us, we just had to improve something in our application. The admissions person made it seem that the interview was just a formality and that it was almost guaranteed we would selected for the program. Well interview day comes and I had the worst interview experience. Talk about unprofessional. The interviewer wasn't even paying attention to my answers. Another interviewer walks in 10 minutes in and asks the same questions the guy did. I had to repeat myself. The whole thing felt like a joke. They asked me questions as if they had no idea who I was. No knowledge of anything. Like what?

This whole experience has just really pissed me off. I feel misled and like I wasted my time pursuing something that was never going to happen anyway. Like why contact me and make me do all this bull**** just to not even tell me the condition I would've been under in the program. Like why tf even bother contacting me? it's insulting. I just had to get that off my chest. This whole process is so dehumanizing.

thats weird they did an in person interview with cdc program when students for class of 2028 had virtual interviews. sorry you had that experience dude
Im so sorry that you had that experience with the interview people and thats crazy that they had people coming in and out to interview you. If you don't mind me asking you, did u already do a masters?
nope. I wasn't even accepted into the program, so they didn't even tell me what they wanted me to do. They just said "after careful consideration, we can't accept you." very strange. literally last week thye said they were interested in me lol idk what's up. seems really unprofessional on their part. i'm really upset.
has any one heard of any movement on the waitlist lately? Or has anyone been accepted off the waitlist recently? If so, when did you submit your waitlist forms?
I haven’t heard anything :/ i got waitlisted on April 1st and then received an email saying they received all forms (including the disciplinary thing) on April 3rd
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I withdrew my spot at tufts. Good luck y’all I hope it goes to one of you guys waiting here!
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I haven’t heard anything :/ i got waitlisted on April 1st and then received an email saying they received all forms (including the disciplinary thing) on April 3rd
Same, I’ve just been waiting since 😭 I expected to maybe see some waitlist movement (thru here or reddit) on the 26th based on previous tufts threads from 2026 and 2027, but nothing yet 💔
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i did the same thing and looked at the threads from the last two years :(( keeping my fingers crossed for us
There has been some people dropping. And the official GroupMe has 168 students in it. There's still plenty of room left. Hope you all hear something soon.
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here to report some waitlist movement. i got waitlisted april 1 and just got my acceptance today! guys keep your hopes up. i didn’t think i was going to hear anything at all.
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here to report some waitlist movement. i got waitlisted april 1 and just got my acceptance today! guys keep your hopes up. i didn’t think i was going to hear anything at all.
Did you have any communication with the school between acceptance and waiting? ALSO CONGRATULATIONS 😭🎆❤️
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Did you have any communication with the school between acceptance and waiting? ALSO CONGRATULATIONS 😭🎆❤️
THANK YOU!! 😭😭 and yes! i sent letters of continued interest to the admissions committee
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what interview questions are asked at Tufts??? Is the Tufts interview fully traditional 100% without any ethical scenario based questions?
Reporting some waitlist movement! I was waitlisted on April 1st and received an acceptance today around 3 pm PST😭🙏🏼
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Has anyone heard anything after the last waitlist survey?
Just wanted to report some waitlist movement, as I was waitlisted on 4/1 and taken off the waitlist yesterday around 4 PM EST so keep your hopes up, anything can happen!
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