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2+ Year Member
Mar 8, 2019
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Hello everyone,
I haven't seen a current thread for UConn's post baccalaureate program for 2019-2020. Where is everyone in their application and has anyone heard back?

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I have been accepted and am in the process of officially being admitted now!
I have been accepted and am in the process of officially being admitted now!
May I ask when your interview was and how long did it take to hear back? Also if you dont mind what were your stats?
My interview was early in February and it took a little over a month for me to hear back (late March). I am coming in with a BS in biology and a BA in psychology with an overall GPA of a 3.4! I didn't have many volunteer/patient care hours when I interviewed but was in the process of obtaining my EMT license, have since obtained my license and am currently working on building up hours.