UFCVM c/o 2028

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Interesting. I wonder if they would send out multiple professional programs on the same day. Fingers crossed we hear something soon
Were they just regular masters or masters through the cvm
Were we supposed to upload transcripts to the portal? I never saw that😢
Were we supposed to upload transcripts to the portal? I never saw that😢
I think it was only if they requested it from you, as the box there says to upload requested documents and to ignore it if there were no requested documents but I’m definitely second guessing myself now.
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My heart stopped and I went into panic mode🥲 I did not receive a request so hopefully everything was good. I don’t like playing the waiting game, it is too stressful.
I really hope it’s today! I really thought that since they said interviews start Nov that we’d hear early! Waiting another week would be agony haha
I really hope it’s today! I really thought that since they said interviews start Nov that we’d hear early! Waiting another week would be agony haha
Me too! This is my second cycle and I thought the waiting game would get easier but it definitely hasn’t
Last year I got my email at 11:38am Fl time, it’s 11:48 now 🥴
I guess if they haven’t gone through transcripts yet on the portal we might not hear back for a while
Can someone send the link to the portal? I think I accidentally deleted the email with it so I can’t access mine 🙁
I hope it's today too but why would it have to be next week then? Couldn't they possibly do it tomorrow?
Tomorrow is Veterans Day observed so it’s not likely they’d send it on a technical holiday but who knows maybe they will!
Tomorrow is Veterans Day observed so it’s not likely they’d send it on a technical holiday but who knows maybe they will!
The school is closed tomorrow for Veterans Day - I wouldn’t count on it. Just so you’re not manically checking your email like I know I was 😂❤️
Tomorrow is Veterans Day observed so it’s not likely they’d send it on a technical holiday but who knows maybe they will!
Oh I didn't know that, my school isn't out so I didn't know.
Did anyone receive a confirmation email that they completed the survey? or just the completion screen at the end ?
IS rejected. i thought i was emotionally ready if this were the case, but wow. this is rough.

This was the first time I didn’t cry. Truly my last shot. Last year was going to be it, but I was hoping the histo experience I gained would help, but they see no value in me so I’ll just move on.
Is UF research-based? Have those who were invited for interviews have ample research hours?