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New Member
Oct 8, 2021
Reaction score
Date of submission: Have not submitted, planning on submitting June 1, 2023
Overall GPA: 3.3
Science GPA: 3.4

Deleted. —

School list: **** NEED SUGGESTIONS!
midwestern az

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These are my stats. I just want to know if my chances are good or if I should pursue a post bac/ masters before applying.
GPA-overall 3.38 Science 3.4
I took the DAT for the 2nd time and got a 23AA
I’m a certified dental assistant with over 3,500hrs of experience in general dentistry and oral surgery. 200+ hours, shadowing in all specialties
Compelling personal statement + strong LORs
300hrs of volunteering at the science center, local food banks and my dads church.
For extracurriculars I am in the pre dental society and art club.
If there are any suggestions to bulk up my resume before applying I’d appreciate it!
Also want to note I had a rough time my first 2yrs in college, so I do have 2 F’s (re took the classes for an A&B) and have withdrawn from 10 classes. This is explained in my personal statement, however I know will hurt me and have affected my GPA!
if you apply broadly and wisely, you have a shot...
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I see you're hoping to stay in Florida; if you are applying to midwestern AZ you might as well apply to ATSU-ASDOH. With your statistics, I would probably try to apply to at least 10+ schools (depending on the states you are interested in). You could look at UNE (Maine-beautiful location, but coolldddd), BU (Boston), maybe look at Creighton (Nebraska) or Loma Linda (Cali) - religious schools - they are catholic & Christian (Seventh-day Adventist) - church volunteering they would love to hear about your dental mission trip, Marquette (catholic, Wisconsin) I doubt you would get an acceptance they like people from Illinois if you are out of state, but you'd most likely get an interview. Look at schools where you would be interested in living. If you like LECOM, you would like Roseman (20 minutes out of SLC, UT), but if you like NYU then apply to schools in urban areas.