Ignore a Member

You can use the ignore function to block posts from members who are annoying you. You won't see their messages, even if you are viewing a thread they are posting in. Here's how:

  1. Find one of their posts.
  2. Select their name displayed under their avatar.
    Post with member name circled
  3. The system will display a pop-up showing the member information.
  4. Select the "Ignore" option on the right hand side.
    Member information with Ignore option circled

If you change your mind and wish to Unignore, simply go back to the member pop-up via the Members function and select the "Unignore" option shown where the "Ignore" option was previously.

Here is a screenshot showing the thread before the ignore function was applied:
Thread with unignored post


Here is a screenshot showing the thread after the ignore function is applied:
Thread with post ignored
