letter of rec

  1. ArtMajor

    Letter of Rec Advice?

    So I have 4 of my letters pretty nailed down at this point (got 3 professors that know me well.. 2 science 1 non, + a PI/doc) but for a last one I thinking of using the parent of the kid that I have been volunteering with through Big Brothers Big Sisters. She seemed to enthusiastic to write...
  2. T

    Do med schools prefer a LOR written specifically towards them?

    Hey all, I was recently waitlisted at a school that I would love to attend, and I'm going to get another LOR from a mentor. Would it be good to have them direct the LOR as: Dear X SOM, trolligummishark would be an excellent applicant at X SOM because of reasons... (these reasons would fit...
  3. aharr157

    Haven't heard back from potential LORs

    I finished taking some DIY post bacc classes this year and I got A's in all but 2, anyway, I emailed 2 professors last week asking to discuss them potentially writing me a LOR. I knew one fairly well, he even recommended me to tutor and one was my premed advisor, but it's been radio silence...
  4. Fluffy123

    Should I add another letter?

    Hi everyone. I am currently going through the MD and DO application process and I was wondering if I should upload another letter of recommendation. I capped out on the normal letters of recommendations but I have worked full time as a medical scribe and can get a solid letter of recommendation...
  5. F

    Summer 2017 Application Timeline

    Hello! I am planning on applying to medical school next summer, and I am planning on taking the MCAT in Spring 2017. I am going to be a junior this Fall semester. A short summary of my college experience so far: 3.8+ cumulative GPA in molecular biology (science GPA roughly equal to cumulative...
  6. ayothen

    Should I use different letters of rec?

    I've received all letters of rec for medical school applications for this term BUT I recently got my MCAT score and it wasn't so good (500, GPA 3.02)...so I'm thinking of applying to some SMPs or similar programs and they need letters of rec as well, BUUUT their applications are due next year...
  7. R

    Letter of rec from a PA?

    Hi everyone! I'm a reapplicant for the 2016-2017 cycle and wanted to know what you good people thought about getting a letter of rec from a PA. I've worked with two PAs for the last year and a half who know me well and have volunteered to write the letters if I asked. I know the letters would...
  8. B

    Letter of Rec Timeline

    I asked my PI from last summer if he could write me a letter of recommendation for medical school, but I recently decided that I want to apply next cycle instead of this summer. Is it possible for me to hold onto that letter for next year OR for him to upload it onto TMDAS to be considered for...
  9. DMikes

    Letter of Recommendation Question

    Hi everybody, I was #1 out of ~1,000 students in one of my classes (Ochem Lab). However, in the structure of this class there is very minimal interaction with the "professors" as it is directed and run by teaching assistants. Due to my performance in this class and a relatively strong...
  10. DMikes

    Employer Letter of Recommendations?

    Hi everybody, Some dental schools require a letter of recommendation from an employer. I've actually owned & operated my own business and I've never worked for anybody else. Frankly, I'm not sure what to do in this scenario. Does anybody have any experience with this? Advice? Suggestions?
  11. D

    How to get Letter of Rec whenever taking two years off???

    I am a graduating senior and waiting until the summer to study for my DAT and applying in the next June 2017 cycle. I only have 3 more months at school so I need to gather my letter of recs now. Since I am not applying now, where do I tell my professors/dentist to send the letter too. Is there a...
  12. LindaAccepted

    Medical What if the President of the United States Wrote Your Letter of Recommendation?

    Substance matters, not fame. On this President’s Day, let’s ponder the following: Would a letter of recommendation from President Barack Obama, President of the United States himself, ensure your acceptance? I’m sure a letter from President Obama would get passed around the admissions office...
  13. Ericles

    Letters of Rec for Career Changers @ Post-Baccs

    Hi, From what I understand, the application for Med school is centralized. You gather a few great LORs, and they're submitted to all the schools you apply to. If I'm applying to a Post-Bacc with the intent of applying to Med School not long after, how does one manage these letters of Rec...
  14. hsk013

    Professor just uploaded her letter on AMCAS today. How do I update schools?

    Hi guys, My professor just uploaded her letter to AMCAS today. My submitted application (back in June) only has letters from a pre-med committee, a physician, and a volunteer supervisor. If I want to update schools regarding this 4th letter, do I just email them and ask them to re-download my...
  15. D

    Would this have hurt my application?

    Hi all, So I have a question...when I was submitting my application in early June, I had already received confirmation from a professor that she would write a LOR for me. So I assigned her letter to all my schools, thinking she would send it soon. However, all throughout July, she stopped...
  16. G

    Letter of Recommendation

    Hello, I'm currently shadowing a pediatric cardiologist. I have shadowed him for about 10-11 days for about 1-3 hours a day. Is it worthy to ask him for a letter of recommendation? I am a freshman in college, so I hope he doesn't say that I have plenty of time to get letters or something along...