
  1. M

    USMLE 1online study partner

    I am looking for an online study partner to study for USMLE 1 .I am a beginner and planing to apply for the exam next year so I want to study in a slow pace.
  2. C

    What undergrad should I choose?

    I’m a non-traditional student - 24 years old and just starting my undergrad. Going to a brick and mortar university for me right now isn’t possible, so I’m getting my undergrad from Arizona State University’s online program. I’m planning to get my undergrad and take extra prerequisites at my...
  3. C

    Pre-Med Inquiry at 24 years old

    I’ve just recently started my undergrad at Arizona State University for Biological Sciences. The only concern is it’s an online degree, but the prerequisite classes that require a lab are on campus. I live in Georgia, so as an example: Organic Chemistry’s lecture portion is taught online. I’ll...
  4. M

    Prereqs Question

    Hi, everyone! I just got into a two-year postbac program (USC) that will allow me to take my science prereqs (foreign degree holder here). However, in order to open up my application pool for med school, I've decided to take a couple more GEs to boost my total credit hours to 60. I'm currently...
  5. MedBoardTutors

    Experienced USMLE, COMLEX and NBME Tutors!

    Dear Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE, NBME, or COMLEX scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors staff can help! We have extremely high average scores compared to other USMLE tutoring companies with an average Step 1 and Step 2 CK of 260+. We...
  6. MedBoardTutors

    Experienced USMLE, COMLEX and NBME Tutors! 260+ Scores!

    Dear Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE, NBME, or COMLEX scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors staff can help! We have extremely high average scores compared to other USMLE tutoring companies with an average Step 1 and Step 2 CK of 260+. We...
  7. MedBoardTutors

    Expert USMLE, COMLEX and NBME Tutors! 260+ USMLE Average

    Dear Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE, NBME, or COMLEX scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors staff has among the highest average scores compared to all other USMLE tutoring companies with an average Step 1 and Step 2 CK of 260+. We also...
  8. G

    Post Bac Online or Community College Classes?

    I'm graduating in April and will be working full-time as a dental assistant during my gap year. I want to retake orgo 2 lecture and physics 2 with calc (C and B- respectively). Would it be possible to take science classes online if they're offered at a 4 year institution? What if I took classes...
  9. chemdoctor

    EMT Certification ?

    I want to pursue an EMT certification. I was looking at some online. I found one at "RC Health Services". I was wondering if you guys found this to be legit? I find it to be very interesting. It is done online but could it be fraudulent? What do y'all think? Has anyone ever done this before...
  10. MedBoardTutors

    Expert USMLE, COMLEX, and NBME Tutors Available Now!

    Dear Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE, NBME, or COMLEX scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors staff have the highest average scores among USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1 and >260 on Step 2 CK. We also have...
  11. MedBoardTutors

    Expert USMLE, COMLEX and NBME Tutors Available Now!

    Dear Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE, NBME, or COMLEX scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors staff have the highest average scores among USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1 and >260 on Step 2 CK. We also have...
  12. MedBoardTutors

    Expert USMLE, COMLEX and NBME Tutors Available Now!

    Dear Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE, NBME, or COMLEX scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors staff have the highest average scores among all USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1 and >260 on Step 2 CK. We also have...
  13. MedBoardTutors

    Expert USMLE, COMLEX and NBME Tutors Available Now!

    Dear Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE, NBME, or COMLEX scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors staff have the highest average scores among all USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1 and >260 on Step 2 CK. We also have...
  14. P

    Seeking health professionals for part-time, web-based gigs

    We are an emerging wellness platform that provides people with all the resources they need to be healthy and stay healthy - when they want, how they want, where they want. Think Fiverr for health services. We are looking for entrepreneurial health professionals who are ready to embrace...
  15. G

    6 failed classes - MD Chance?????

    Okay I know 6 is a lot but please read. I started a degree online back in 2013 and hated it. I pretty much neglected it because my parents borderline forced me (as I had a good job in a small town without a Uni). It was in HR and after i just didn't bother with the first semester but said I...
  16. MedBoardTutors

    Expert USMLE, COMLEX and NBME Tutors Available Now!

    Dear Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE, NBME, or COMLEX scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors staff have the highest average scores among all USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1 and >260 on Step 2 CK. We also have...
  17. T

    PhD/PsyD Second Doctorate

    Hey, everyone! A little bit of background: I am currently finishing my didactic phase and entering my research and dissertation next year, PhD Forensic Psychology; I expect to be finished/conferred sometime in 2019. Immediately following this, I intend to enroll in an APA-accredited PhD Clinical...
  18. MedBoardTutors

    Step 3 Tutors!

    Dear Prospective Students, Are you looking to improve your Step 3 scores to get past the last USMLE hurdle and gain full licensure? MedBoardTutors has the highest average board scores among all USMLE tutoring companies. We also have thousands of hours of tutoring experience for the USMLE...
  19. S

    How do med schools check if your course was online? One of my pre-reqs is online (Biochem)

    So unfortunately, I have already submitted a couple secondary applications before reading that these schools DO NOT accept online courses for pre-requisites (University of Miami Miller and John's Hopkins). All but one of my pre-reqs have been satisfied through AP or through in-person...
  20. MedBoardTutors

    Experienced USMLE STEP 1, STEP 2 CK and COMLEX Tutoring

    Dear Prospective Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE and COMLEX board scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors has the highest average Step 1, Step 2 CK and COMLEX scores among all USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1, >260...
  21. G

    Manual Therapy Certification + tDPT courses

    Hello. I'm a foreign-educated PT and I got my B.S. in PT last year. My FCCPT evaluated my education to be substantially equivalent to the first professional degree in the US (which was Master's degree). Now I'm thinking of taking a tDPT course to at least be "educationally on par" with the...
  22. MedBoardTutors


    Dear Prospective Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE Board scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors has the highest average Step 1 and Step 2 CK scores among all USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1 and >260 on Step 2 CK.We...
  23. Juleczka

    pre dental online

    Does anyone have taken Biology and chemistry online for the pre dental ? I need a school name if you did and did you get into dental school. Thanks!
  24. MedBoardTutors

    Experienced USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK and COMLEX Tutors

    Dear Prospective Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE Board scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors has the highest average Step 1 and Step 2 CK scores among all USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1 and >260 on Step 2 CK.We...
  25. T

    Please help!!! Study/Learn all MCAT stuff with a poor science background?

    Hey everyone, Trying out SDN since I have no one else to really talk to about this stuff... I graduated college 5 years ago, was premed and somehow got through with mediocre science grades, but now I really don't remember a lot of it. Recently applied to a few post-bacs that didn't require...
  26. C

    Harvard Extension School Online Courses for med school

    Does anyone know how online courses from Harvard Extension school are viewed for med school? I am looking at taking some courses through HE as refreshers so to speak. I already have the pre reqs for med school, but it has been a few years since I have taken them. I wasn't originally intending on...
  27. Mosaicity

    Summer remediation support thread

  28. MedBoardTutors


    Dear Prospective Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE Board scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors has the highest average Step 1 and Step 2 CK scores among all USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1 and >270 on Step 2 CK.We...
  29. MedBoardTutors


    Dear Prospective Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE Board scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors has the highest average Step 1 and Step 2 CK scores among all USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1 and >270 on Step 2 CK.We...
  30. MedBoardTutors

    MedBoardTutors - Experienced USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK Tutoring

    Dear Prospective Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE Board scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors has the highest average Step 1 and Step 2 CK scores among all USMLE tutoring companies with an average of >260 on Step 1 and >270 on Step 2 CK...
  31. MCAT Self Prep

    MCAT Private, Online MCAT Tutoring with 99th Percentile MCAT Tutor

    MCAT Self Prep offers students the best prep for the best price: Best Prep: MCAT Self Prep only hires tutors that scored in the 99th percentile or higher on the new MCAT. While many prep companies are willing to hire anyone who did somewhat decent on the exam, MCAT Self Prep holds to its...
  32. AM732

    Looking for MCAT Study Partner in Phoenix/Tempe Area or Online

    Looking for an MCAT Study Partner in the Phoenix/Tempe Arizona State University Area. I have a variety of resources to share. Serious work ethic only, looking to study 6 hours + a day. If partner is still serious definitely would not mind studying online via Skype. Please let me know! Taking...
  33. MedBoardTutors

    MedBoardTutors - USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK Tutoring

    Dear Prospective Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE Board scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? MedBoardTutors has the highest average Step 1 and Step 2 CK scores among all USMLE tutoring companies. We also have hundreds of hours of tutoring experience...
  34. S

    For Sale 20% OFF MCAT Princeton Review Tutoring

    I have purchased 30+ hours of tutoring (that I can no longer refund in any way) so I would like to hand it over at a cheaper price to any pre-medical students who would be interested in Princeton Review's Tutoring services. 100% online comes with 10+ practice tests online hundreds of additional...
  35. M

    Looking to Purchase Kaplan MCAT Online Access

    I'm interested in purchasing access to someone's Kaplan subscription for its duration...I just want the MCAT Qbank, and tests, so no need for the entire package. Apparently Kaplan used to let you just buy the Qbank but they don't anymore...I don't want to pay $2000 to get it. Willing to pay fair...
  36. rads17


    Dear Prospective Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE Board scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? My name is Michael Shriver and I currently am a 4th-year medical student at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. I will be...
  37. rads17


    Dear Prospective Students, Are you looking to improve your USMLE Board scores to have the best opportunity for any residency program? My name is Michael Shriver and I currently am a 4th-year medical student at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. I will be...
  38. examsandyams

    Selling ALL Kaplan 2016 MCAT Material -- Want it to go

    Hi everyone, I'm selling the "MCAT Complete 7-Book Subject Review: Online + Book (Kaplan Test Prep) 3rd Edition (2016)." Neither the online or the books have been used, so they're in new condition. I'm trying to get rid of them ASAP, so I'm willing to negotiate the price. PM if you're...
  39. A


    FOCUS IT LABS offer SAP BPC Online Training. Our SAP BPC Online training methodology is dealing with We use the best web conferencing technology to give the high Quality Training. This is very useful to get ultimate knowledge for better future. It’s proud to be we are one of the top leading SAP...
  40. K


    FOCUS IT LABS offer SAP BPC Online Training. Our SAP BPC Online training methodology is dealing with We use the best web conferencing technology to give the high Quality Training. This is very useful to get ultimate knowledge for better future. It’s proud to be we are one of the top leading SAP...