2021-2022 University of Chicago (Pritzker)

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Oh BOY. Well at least this hopefully means any need/merit-based I would’ve received will be redistributed to others! Rip.

Thank you for the help! I will take your advice immediately and email them. Fingers crossed 🙂
Just noting for anyone else who missed the deadline like I did, the Director of FA responded saying that everything was going to be okay. The deadline is set early to ensure the office doesn't get inundated, so as long as you get in the FA application and FAFSA as soon as you can, it'll be alright haha. Good luck folks

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Very late but also got the WL Thursday after an August interview. Will be withdrawing, good luck everyone!
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Anyone know when they start looking at the waitlist? I have a paper under review and likely to be accepted at a good journal. Deciding whether to update them now or after I receive the decision. I could also do both, but I know a number of schools do not like to be bombarded with letters.
Bruh how’s it only March.. we gotta wait till MAY for the WL movement 😭😭😭
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I'm just curious to know if anybody got a full of cost of attendance scholarship?
I'm just curious to know if anybody got a full of cost of attendance scholarship?
I haven’t heard anything, but I heard that the max they provide is full tuition. However, I wonder if someone gets a full tuition via merit aid, could their need based aid cover CoL?
I haven’t heard anything, but I heard that the max they provide is full tuition. However, I wonder if someone gets a full tuition via merit aid, could their need based aid cover CoL?
Thanks girl
I was trying to see if I could negotiate getting the full COA
i wonder if they are releasing the financial aid offers in random order 😵
Anyone accepted in Feb hear about aid yet?
Anyone get an email regarding missing financial aid information and it asks you to fill out the returning student application?? I’m not a returning student and I have email confirmation of submitting the form they sent us right after being accepted.
Anyone get an email regarding missing financial aid information and it asks you to fill out the returning student application?? I’m not a returning student and I have email confirmation of submitting the form they sent us right after being accepted.
I got it too (accepted applicant and even got financial aid package 2 days ago). I think it's an error and they sent it to everyone including accepted and current students. I emailed the fin aid office so once i get a response I will post it here.
Anyone get an email regarding missing financial aid information and it asks you to fill out the returning student application?? I’m not a returning student and I have email confirmation of submitting the form they sent us right after being accepted.
Yeah I just go that too and freaked out a little bit lol. I also emailed them about this as I had a Pritzker application confirmation email to show. I will let you know what they say when they get back to me.

Slightly unrelated, did any admitted students get their UChicago ID/log in information? The email I got says we should be able to check our financial aid status through the my.uchicago portal but I can't seem to find that information anywhere.
Is there an accepted student groupme for Pritzker? I know there is a facebook group but it's super quiet there haha 😀
Can current students at PSOM tell me if a letter of intent is well received by the admissions committee? I'm thinking about submitting one to Pritzker next week or so, but I want to be sure that it will (hopefully) increase chances of acceptance. Thank you!!
Can current students at PSOM tell me if a letter of intent is well received by the admissions committee? I'm thinking about submitting one to Pritzker next week or so, but I want to be sure that it will (hopefully) increase chances of acceptance. Thank you!!
I am not a current student. I am waitlisted and when I emailed admissions they said that they do review letters of interest/intent when they review the waitlist. It won't hurt to submit one.
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Have any waitlisted students started hearing back?
not me at least haha. I have a feeling that Pritzker is sitting pretty in the CYMS dashboard of many students that narrowed to 3 this past Friday and that so few As were dropped it's not worth summoning the committee over it. But I am sure that we'll have waitlist movement in May!
as far as I know Pritzker hasn't done this before - curious as to what that might imply. I feel like there might be an abnormally small or large number of openings in the class this year
Lets hope it’s the latter 😩😓😪
as far as I know Pritzker hasn't done this before - curious as to what that might imply. I feel like there might be an abnormally small or large number of openings in the class this year
as far as I know Pritzker hasn't done this before - curious as to what that might imply. I feel like there might be an abnormally small or large number of openings in the class this year
I'm not sure that it means anything, since plenty of schools do it and they might just be joining the bandwagon. If I had to pick one, though, it would make more sense that they are looking to narrow the field because they need to make a larger than typical number of calls.
anyone know if wl movement starts today? or tomorrow?
Probably tomorrow because today’s the last day to notify Pritzker you’re interested in staying on the WL.