2022-2023 Meharry

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2022-2023 Meharry Secondary Essay Prompts
1. Why do you wish to attend Meharry Medical College School of Medicine?

2. Please describe a personal situation of failure, significant challenge, or a major obstacle that you have overcome. Include a description of your coping skills and lessons you learned from that situation.

No word or character limits are specified and you are asked to upload the essays as directed in their email.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Any current student from MeHarry here to answer some questions? 🙂
After further consideration, I will not be applying to Meharry this cycle. I wanted to give everyone applying a heads up that I email the admissions office and asked if there was an actual limit on the number of LOR you can submit. There response was "Please do not submit more than 5 letters of recommendation."
After further consideration, I will not be applying to Meharry this cycle. I wanted to give everyone applying a heads up that I email the admissions office and asked if there was an actual limit on the number of LOR you can submit. There response was "Please do not submit more than 5 letters of recommendation."
Why did you change your mind about applying?
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Can anyone post the prompts? I have yet to receive a secondary 🙁

Also can anyone explain the discrepancy between their 24 OOS II and the 91 OOS Matriculants?
Lol, don't worry. According to the older app cycle threads for Meharry, they tend to run a little later, going into September. We may get a secondary sometime between now and mid-September.
Current M2 at Cooper (which I love so far), but also received an interview invite at Meharry. I was complete at Meharry in late September 2020 because they sent out secondaries in late September that year. And then I didn’t receive an interview invite (II) until late May!! So don’t worry if you’re waiting on a secondary still.

Also, consider applying to Cooper too even if you’re out of state (it’s in NJ, right next to Philly), PARTICULARLY if you have a strong service background! I was OOS and I still applied to Cooper and I’m so happy I chose it. I live in Philly (Center City, along with about half my classmates) and I have a 10 min train to Cooper. And it’s a smaller class size with more individualized attention and early patient interaction (all students are required to work at free community clinic). And it’s not too late to apply if you submit soon, because they truly take a holistic look at each student!
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Are we all recieving this or have some people recieved a secondary yet.
Are we all recieving this or have some people recieved a secondary yet.

i don’t think anyone has received a secondary bc they screen for it and also this is the first communication they’ve sent to applicants.
Ok just making sure, because I read last year's thread and was confused.
NVM, I Just got the Acknowledge email. I think it might be time-dependent on primary submission.
I received two emails essentially saying the same thing but with minor changes:

first email (Sept 12):
"This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your 2022 AMCAS electronic application. You will receive further communication regarding next steps and the supplemental application as the admissions committee reviews your application. Thank you for your patience during the review process as the committee completes a holistic evaluation of your credentials."

second email (Sept 14):
"This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your 2022 AMCAS electronic application. You will receive further communication regarding next steps, including additional information about the secondary application, as the admissions committee reviews your application. Thank you for your patience during the review process as the committee completes a holistic evaluation of your credentials."

I submitted my primary June 11th, processed July 12th.