2022-2023 San Juan Bautista

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

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are you puerto rican?

No, I'm not. I'm Mexican but I go to Puerto Rico often and love the culture there which is why I decided to apply. I also like how they teach in both Spanish and English which is a big plus for me because I want to be able to practice in both languages (I'm fluent in Spanish since it's my first language but would like to practice more of the medical side of Spanish)
Hi, is anyone else here applying this cycle?
Me 🙂
Im from cali, urm, I interviewed last cycle but did not get off the waitlist (I also applied mad late like in January)
This cycle currently waiting for II, secondary submitted in late Sept
Me 🙂
Im from cali, urm, I interviewed last cycle but did not get off the waitlist (I also applied mad late like in January)
This cycle currently waiting for II, secondary submitted in late Sept
Nice! how was the interview last year? This is my first time applying. I submitted my secondary on October 18 this time since I didn't think about applying to this school until last minute
Nice! how was the interview last year? This is my first time applying. I submitted my secondary on October 18 this time since I didn't think about applying to this school until last minute
It was honestly so conversational, it was all in Spanish!
I believe this year they're having in-person interviews. I'm not sure if they're also offering zoom as well. If you're out of state and never been to PR, I recommend doing an in-person interview.
I believe this year they're having in-person interviews. I'm not sure if they're also offering zoom as well. If you're out of state and never been to PR, I recommend doing an in-person interview.
For the 2022-2023 cycle I believe they will still be all virtual. 😊
I believe this year they're having in-person interviews. I'm not sure if they're also offering zoom as well. If you're out of state and never been to PR, I recommend doing an in-person interview.

Do you know when they start sending interview invites?
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I don't know 🙁
I do know they are one of the MD schools that starts interviewing later than the average school. In the 2021-2022 SJB thread the first II reported was in Nov...again this is only what's on SDN so take this info with a grain of salt
Do you know when they start sending interview invites?
similar here, interviewed mid Nov, accepted mid Dec shortly before first deposit
similar here, interviewed mid Nov, accepted mid Dec shortly before first deposit

Congrats! When did you get the interview invitation? I haven't heard anything since submitting the secondary and paying the fee
Congrats! When did you get the interview invitation? I haven't heard anything since submitting the secondary and paying the fee
the invite came in mid-end of October if i'm not mistaken. i wouldn't worry yet. unlike in the states, the PR schools seem to start interviewing later in the season (start in November) and judging from previous years' threads, it seems interviews well continued on during spring.
Hi everyone!! For the people who were accepted or rejected, would you be able to share your stats with me either on the thread or on PM? I’m applying this upcoming cycle and I’d like to know how competitive my app is and what I can do to better it. Thanks!!
For anyone who got accepted in Dec, did you receive the “welcome package” from them yet? I haven’t and am not sure if they just haven’t sent it or if it is lost in the mail somewhere
II this morning!
I’ll be declining since I’m oos, wish there was a virtual option 🙁
II this morning!
I’ll be declining since I’m oos, wish there was a virtual option 🙁
I hear you. this was the only one of all the other interviews i had that mandated in-person. some did offer in-person as an option. keep going though!
is the interview in person or virtual? the invitation email says in person (?) but on their website it says


Application Year: 2022-2023

Due to the health and travel concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will continue implementing virtual interviews for all of our MD candidates for the 22-23 application cycle."
is the interview in person or virtual? the invitation email says in person (?) but on their website it says


Application Year: 2022-2023

Due to the health and travel concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will continue implementing virtual interviews for all of our MD candidates for the 22-23 application cycle."
no literally this is why I was so confused T_T
when you log in to book an interview date it says that the interview will take place at facilities at the school but their website is reflecting otherwise...estoy confusion
100% in person. of note, my group of 4 consisted of 3 mainlanders (myself included)
100% in person. of note, my group of 4 consisted of 3 mainlanders (myself included)
this totally is the right move for the school, they will retain applicants that really have their heart set on sjb and weed out the rest
SJB and Ponce seems to end up with a fair amount of mainlanders every year. Not sure why UCC hardly ever does.
it's funny you say that actually. i got rejected by ucc post-interview and i honestly felt i did superbly better in my interview with ucc so i was rather surprised. in fact, i thought i'd get a rejection from sjb instead as i caught myself botching up my words in Spanish lol
just emailed them to withdraw my A, I hope one of you lovely people gets the spot!
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Any new acceptance? when is the school orientation and start date this year ???
They emailed me the link to the accepted students Telegram group on the same day the acceptance email came in, came in a separate email though from the acceptance
I’m currently in CA and was accepted last month. I was checking all my emails but couldn’t see the link for the telegram group chat. Do you know who sent it? Or if you could share the link? Thanks! Really appreciate it! 🙂 or can someone share it?