2023-2024 Meharry

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wb the EOY comprehensive NBME one?
There’s the CBSE but we’re not sure what role it’s going to play with step 1 being moved back to before clerkships.

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Had anymore from the 04/27 student panel gotten an A or WL yet? I’m getting nervous
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ms. dixon had a familial death so she just came back to the office tonight. maybe more will happen tmrw or next week?
Oh my God I feel so selfish now! She definitely should take all the time she needs. I hope she’s okay☹️
Oh my God I feel so selfish now! She definitely should take all the time she needs. I hope she’s okay

no no not at all. she just let us know so i thought i’d let you know bc i know how neurotic one can feel when it’s radio silent.

on another note, someone needs to get ms. dixon a chiropractor bc she’s carrying admissions on her back : )
no no not at all. she just let us know so i thought i’d let you know bc i know how neurotic one can feel when it’s radio silent.

on another note, someone needs to get ms. dixon a chiropractor bc she’s carrying admissions on her back : )
Real bad. Or at least a fruit basket. That check better be fat, the way she does so much!
Would it be doing too much to send a follow up email post interview? my anxiety is through the roof rn lol.
Waitlisted. I guess ill pay the seat deposit at my other school now. Was really holding out for them
I wanna know too. Because I know there are people that would still love a shot at this point in the cycle. It’s hard out here.

I absolutely agree and hope they extend every opportunity to everyone. It’s just unprofessional they said they conduct interviews until April on their website and yet it’s May and they haven’t concluded them. Best of luck to everyone 🙂