2024-2025 NYU (Grossman)

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2024-2025 NYU (Grossman) Secondary Essay Prompts:
Questions 3-6 are limited to 2500 characters each.

  1. If applicable, please comment on significant fluctuations in your academic record which are not explained elsewhere on your application.
  2. If you have taken any time off from your studies, either during or after college, please describe what you have done during this time and your reasons for doing so.
  3. The Admissions Committee holistically evaluates a range of student qualities and life experiences that complement demonstrated academic excellence. What unique qualities do you possess that make you uniquely suited to become a physician or physician scientist? How have your individual lived experiences shaped your core values and desire to be a future leader in our profession? (2500 characters)
  4. Please answer ALL 3 OF of the following questions:
    1. The most meaningful achievements are often non-academic in nature. Describe the personal accomplishment that makes you most proud. Why is this important to you? (2500 characters)
    2. Conflicts arise daily from differences in perspectives, priorities, worldviews and traditions. How do you define respect? Describe a situation in which you found it challenging to remain respectful while facing differences? (2500 characters)
    3. Describe a situation in which working with a colleague, family member or friend has been challenging. How did you resolve, if at all, the situation as a team and what did you gain from the experience that will benefit you as a future health care provider?Conflicts arise daily from differences in perspectives, priorities, worldviews and traditions. How do you define respect? Describe a situation in which you found it challenging to remain respectful while facing differences? (2500 characters)
  5. NYU Grossman School of Medicine strives to provide our students with the option of accelerating their medical educational training. In order to guide our curricular efforts to provide additional opportunities for early career exploration for our students, please select up to three residency specialties that are currently of interest to you. Please note that your selection in no way impacts your admissions decision (i.e., there are no right or wrong selections), that it is not binding in any way, and that you may select “Undecided” if you are unsure of your future career path. (2500 characters)
  6. Please upload your most recent CV, ensuring the CV includes updated publications, abstracts, and presentations. (PDF format)

Good luck to all applying!
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I am pre-writing and looking at the prompts from last year -

"The Admissions Committee holistically evaluates a range of student qualities and life experiences that complement demonstrated academic excellence. What unique qualities do you possess that make you uniquely suited to become a physician or physician-scientist? How have your individual lived experiences shaped your core values and desire to be a future leader in our profession? (2500 characters)"

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to approach this question?
I am struggling to decide how I should structure my answer- when talking about qualities that make me "uniquely suited to become a physician" , I would want to talk about experiences of mine that have shaped those qualities, or examples of them in action, right? (for example, if i think a quality of mine is empathy - not using this, just an example - I'd assume I should talk about what has shaped my empathy as well as a story to "show" this empathy?)
But then the next part of the question asks about specific experiences that shaped my core values and desire to be a leader in medicine.
I just don't know how to even begin to structure the writing, if anyone has any tips
I am pre-writing and looking at the prompts from last year -

"The Admissions Committee holistically evaluates a range of student qualities and life experiences that complement demonstrated academic excellence. What unique qualities do you possess that make you uniquely suited to become a physician or physician-scientist? How have your individual lived experiences shaped your core values and desire to be a future leader in our profession? (2500 characters)"

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to approach this question?
I am struggling to decide how I should structure my answer- when talking about qualities that make me "uniquely suited to become a physician" , I would want to talk about experiences of mine that have shaped those qualities, or examples of them in action, right? (for example, if i think a quality of mine is empathy - not using this, just an example - I'd assume I should talk about what has shaped my empathy as well as a story to "show" this empathy?)
But then the next part of the question asks about specific experiences that shaped my core values and desire to be a leader in medicine.
I just don't know how to even begin to structure the writing, if anyone has any tips
They're looking for applicants that can have an unique impact on their schools and its local community, applicants that can do something for medicine beyond what doctors traditionally do. The only ones that have this are the ones who are driven, the ones who have been working on their own projects and then reached out to doctors to help bring it to life, the ones who create their own opportunities. I wouldn't be surprised if most applicants can't give a genuine answer to this question.

Edit: I think that question was designed so that less than half of applicants can answer it.
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Please share the Secondary essay prompts when available and tag a moderator.

Good luck to all applying!
Interview Feedback:

NYU's website has a link to this file for secondary application essays.
It's on their website as part of the most recent application cycle (2024-2025).

We will NOT be accepting any secondary essays that are submitted to us through e-mails or attachments. All essays MUST be submitted through the application portal in order to be considered.
Questions 3-6 are limited to 2500 characters each.
  1. If applicable, please comment on significant fluctuations in your academic record which are not explained elsewhere on your application.
  2. If you have taken any time off from your studies, either during or after college, please describe what you have done during this time and your reasons for doing so.
  3. The Admissions Committee holistically evaluates a range of student qualities and life experiences that complement demonstrated academic excellence. What unique qualities do you possess that make you uniquely suited to become a physician or physician scientist? How have your individual lived experiences shaped your core values and desire to be a future leader in our profession?
  4. Please answer only one of the following three questions:
    1. The most meaningful achievements are often non-academic in nature. Describe the personal accomplishment that makes you most proud. Why is this important to you?
    2. Conflicts arise daily from differences in perspectives, priorities, worldviews and traditions. How do you define respect? Describe a situation in which you found it challenging to remain respectful while facing differences?
    3. Describe a situation in which working with a colleague, family member or friend has been challenging. How did you resolve, if at all, the situation as a team and what did you gain from the experience that will benefit you as a future health care provider?
  5. NYU Grossman School of Medicine strives to provide our students with the option of accelerating their medical educational training. In order to guide our curricular efforts to provide additional opportunities for early career exploration for our students, please select up to three residency specialties that are currently of interest to you. Please note that your selection in no way impacts your admissions decision (i.e., there are no right or wrong selections), that it is not binding in any way, and that you may select “Undecided” if you are unsure of your future career path.
  6. Please upload your most recent CV, ensuring the CV includes updated publications, abstracts, and presentations. (PDF format)
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I am a bit confused on NYU's LOR policy. Can we only submit two LORs from professors that taught us, or is that the minimum and we can submit others too? For those who don't have a committee letter.

I am a bit confused on NYU's LOR policy. Can we only submit two LORs from professors that taught us, or is that the minimum and we can submit others too? For those who don't have a committee letter.

In MSAR, their max letter is 8.
I just got an email from NYU saying secondaries are open with the link to access them on their portal.
The questions are the same as those listed above, but the instructions that say to only answer one of those of three questions is missing, does anyone know if we are supposed to answer all three now? The main NYU website still has the link to this list of their secondary questions, where they state to only answer one of the three questions. But there is nothing on their secondary application portal that indicates we should only choose one...
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OOS secondary also received! Primary submitted 5/28.

Waiting to hear back from admissions about the secondary being different.
Has anyone who submitted primary in June received a secondary?

FWIW I submitted my primary on May 30 and still haven’t received a secondary which is, admittedly, a minor inconvenience.

However the NYU 2024 MSAR Secondary Policy says that anyone who has a bachelors degree from an accredited US or Canadian school will get a secondary.

So, my mantra is “hang tight and pre write!”
I got verified 6/3 and still haven't received my secondary. Is this something to worry about? Sorry, my first time applying
I got verified 6/3 and still haven't received my secondary. Is this something to worry about? Sorry, my first time applying
Even though your app was verified on 6/3, AMCAS held on to all the apps and released them to your schools on June 28.
You should get some soon
Sorry, I meant I haven't gotten the secondary from NYU. I have from other schools. Just wondering if there is a screening process or something I need to do on my end for NYU.
Sorry, I meant I haven't gotten the secondary from NYU. I have from other schools. Just wondering if there is a screening process or something I need to do on my end for NYU.
I haven't received one either and was verified around the same time! I think they're just sending them in waves. There are other schools that I haven't received secondaries for yet that others have.
To anyone who has received the secondary already - is question 5 not a drop-down menu this year? Is it a text box now?
quick question about the NYU CV, sorry if it's dumb...should we include all the activities on our primary app on the CV? even hobbies? is this like a list of everything we've done in undergrad basically? my prehealth committee also required a CV for writing the committee letter and they said we should have everything on our amcas primary app on it, is the same true here?
sorry again if this question is silly, I feel silly even asking it
quick question about the NYU CV, sorry if it's dumb...should we include all the activities on our primary app on the CV? even hobbies? is this like a list of everything we've done in undergrad basically? my prehealth committee also required a CV for writing the committee letter and they said we should have everything on our amcas primary app on it, is the same true here?
sorry again if this question is silly, I feel silly even asking it
Just an applicant so also not super sure, but I feel like it's more of a professional/academic CV, so I think leaving hobbies off is okay
I saw that their admissions requirements say that "Nontraditional applicants are encouraged to submit two letters of recommendation from colleagues with whom you’ve worked closely." I am taking two gap years before medical school - I'm not sure if that qualifies as nontraditional. Does anyone have insight into this recommendation?

Adding on to the questions above, it's also not clear to me if they otherwise just want 2 letters, or if they are open to more.
what would an appropriate length for question 2 (gap year) be? I took a year off both during and after college, so I have a decent amount of ground to cover if I want to explain what I did and why I did it well, and am wondering how long of an essay would probably be too long?
what would an appropriate length for question 2 (gap year) be? I took a year off both during and after college, so I have a decent amount of ground to cover if I want to explain what I did and why I did it well, and am wondering how long of an essay would probably be too long?

I probably wouldn't go over 2500-3000 characters, but they don't have a limit for a reason! So just do what you need to paint a picture of why you would be a good physician with your gap year experiences
Would anyone be able to share how they thought about/approached the question about a time where it was difficult to remain respectful? I am feeling pretty stuck...wasn't thinking I would need to write that one lol