2023-2024 NYU (Grossman)

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  • 92 MDs, 10+ MD/PhDs will be in this year’s class
  • 165-170 students on the waitlist (original intent was to have 200 or fewer on it)
  • 20 have withdrawn As and 100 have kept their As so far
  • More PTE than last year at the same time (~20% increase from last year)
  • NYU will only accept people once the number of held As drops below 92
  • Students will drop all but 1 A on April 30, expect waitlist movement after May 1: either May 1 in the afternoon or May 2
  • Dean Rivera estimates 75 students will remain PTE after Apr 30 (so ~17 students from the waitlist will join NYU’s class)
  • Expect 30-50 additional acceptance offers (of which some will decline)
  • Unusual for withdrawals/any more acceptances in June: 0, 1, or 2 maximum
  • Check your email! Notification only by email. 1 week to accept.
    • Email will include an invitation to Brightspace instance for accepted students
    • Lots of information about financial aid, student housing, health forms, and recordings of previous Zoom meetings will provided
  • Office hours on May 7
  • In-person campus event on Wed, May 8 (tentative)
  • What to do in the meantime?
    • Update letters are accepted but do not have a meaningful impact (unless there was a tremendous accomplishment)
    • LOI dated after Apr 23 should only be sent if you might be forced to drop waitlists to CTE on Apr 30
    • Send ANOTHER LOI if the previous one is dated before Apr 23 (you can just resend a copy of the earlier one with a new date )
    • Keep LOIs and update letters separate because the admissions committee does not review LOIs
  • Financial aid is minimum full tuition (FAFSA is still mandatory)
    • 2234 CSS profile code, 002785 FAFSA code
    • Submit CSS the same day as receiving an A
    • Financial aid offers will be made within ~2-3 days
  • The waitlist is not ranked! Everyone would be valued as a member of the class. I.e. they draw from the WL to keep a balanced class, e.g. geographic/gender diversity.
  • 3-year pathway open slots:
    • 5 people in this entering class have already taken spots
      • Both neurology slots are filled
      • 1 ortho taken (of 2)
      • 1 EM taken (of 2)
  • The WL will be whittled down ASAP, mostly rapidly when the class is filled to 92 students
  • Rs will likely start in mid-May, most will be complete by the end of May
  • CTE is June 17th for NYU
  • By mid to late June, the WL will be at 10-15 students
  • You can direct questions to [email protected]
Thanks for that great summary!

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One thing I'm a little confused about is I thought Dean Rivera said in a previous session that all students now do med school in 3 years at NYU, but then in yesterday's session he said it's only for students with the guaranteed residency spot?
The direct 3 yr program has a guaranteed residency spot after 3 years. Everyone else also does med school in 3 years, but is not guaranteed a spot and will do the regular matching process
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Sorry if this was already clarified before - but can you get accepted off the waitlist without sending a letter of intent? I know you need one if you are CTE somewhere else, but what if you are only PTE somewhere else??
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Sorry if this was already clarified before - but can you get accepted off the waitlist without sending a letter of intent? I know you need one if you are CTE somewhere else, but what if you are only PTE somewhere else??

Yes! The only reason you would need to send a letter of intent is if you know you will have to CTE or if you suspect you will have to CTE prior to the time NYU will be sending offers. If you are only PTE, and you know for a fact that it will stay that way, then there is no need to send a letter of intent and it will not affect your chances in any way.
Just curious, do you guys know which way you're leaning? For me NYU is my top choice, but I know that's not the case for absolutely everyone. Trying to gauge my WL chances and stay optimistic 😅
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Many people have left the accepted student chat, so it's possible that there will be movement. Rooting for all of you guys where NYU is your top choice!
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Did anyone else receive the A today?? do we think there will be more tomorrow?? I am soo anxious because this is my only possible A before reapplying so if anyone can give any information it would be so appreciated (maybe # of ppl that joined the accepted chat today)? thank you so much
Did anyone else receive the A today?? do we think there will be more tomorrow?? I am soo anxious because this is my only possible A before reapplying so if anyone can give any information it would be so appreciated (maybe # of ppl that joined the accepted chat today)? thank you so much
I also got the A today off waitlist, I'm not in any chat yet so don't have any # to share from that though
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I’m wondering why they don’t reject people on the waitlist, then
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I’m wondering why they don’t reject people on the waitlist, then
This is just a guess -- but if some people who have "planned to enroll" at NYU and are holding other waitlist spots, they may get accepted by another school and ditch. Then a spot would open and one of the NYU waitlists could get an offer. So, I'd guess NYU is holding out for cases like this.

But I say I suspect the class is filled because no people are entering/exiting the chat, and everyone is discussing move-in plans, filling out the required forms, etc.
I’m wondering why they don’t reject people on the waitlist, then
I'm not 100% on this, but I think Dean Rivera said Rs will likely come out on May 15. Just a few more days, folks - we can make it!
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This is just a guess -- but if some people who have "planned to enroll" at NYU and are holding other waitlist spots, they may get accepted by another school and ditch. Then a spot would open and one of the NYU waitlists could get an offer. So, I'd guess NYU is holding out for cases like this.

But I say I suspect the class is filled because no people are entering/exiting the chat, and everyone is discussing move-in plans, filling out the required forms, etc.
Thank you so much for this information. Is the chat still over 100 or has it whittled down to 92 (only if you are comfortable sharing)? Sorry for all the questions, just as others mentioned it is super anxiety provoking to have little to no info :(
Thank you so much for this information. Is the chat still over 100 or has it whittled down to 92 (only if you are comfortable sharing)? Sorry for all the questions, just as others mentioned it is super anxiety provoking to have little to no info :(
A filled class would be 92 MDs + and 10ish MD/PhDs, so it probably won’t drop much lower
They will know they would have filled up their entire class when their CTE numbers = class size

until then they need the waitlist incase someone drops their school to go to another school.

CTE = only one acceptance and dropped all waitlists/acceptances
PTE = only one acceptance as of May 10, but may remain on waitlists
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Thank you so much for this information. Is the chat still over 100 or has it whittled down to 92 (only if you are comfortable sharing)? Sorry for all the questions, just as others mentioned it is super anxiety provoking to have little to no info :(
Over 100 still!
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I’m curious if people have been being removed from the waitlist. I’m still twiddling my thumbs hopefully.
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If I just got three new pubs from a paper mill, do you think I should submit an update letter or is it too little too late at this point?
One of my friends got accepted off the WL last week, so it’s definitely moving!
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Is anyone else still on the waitlist? Confused since they had their commit to enroll deadline two days ago and feeling strung along with no chance at this point
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