Accepted with a dismissed misdemeanor...panicking

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7+ Year Member
Jan 26, 2015
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Hi All,

I had an MIP and a DIP Freshman year of college but both were dismissed, but still showed up on my certiphi background check. Now that I've been accepted I am freaking out. I specifically asked my lawyer, and he said that it was dismissed (as it was) and I should not report it, as AMCAS specifically says to exclude dismissed cases. However it seems that they'll see it anyway and I'm scared. Anyone got any advice for me?

Background check:
Count 1: Purchase/possess alcohol
Charge Type:
Disposition Type:
Disposition Details:
12 months probation; costs $84.00 - paid

AMCAS Question:
Have you ever been convicted of, or pleaded guilty or no contest to, a Misdemeanor crime, excluding 1) any offense for which you were adjudicated as a juvenile, 2) any convictions which have been expunged or sealed by a court, or 3) any misdemeanor convictions for which any probation has been completed and the case dismissed by the court (in states where applicable)?

You need NOT disclose any instance where you:
  • were arrested, but not charged;
  • were arrested and charged, but the charges were dropped;
  • were arrested and charged, but found not guilty by a judge or jury...

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Sounds like you'll be fine. Your charges were dismissed.

Though you should have gotten the arrest properly expunged a LONG time ago.
I agree. Unless the school's secondary specifically asked you about it, you had no reason to tell them about it and they'll probably ignore it. Schools don't want to rescind acceptances, it can turn into a real mess for them that they don't want to deal with. You'll be fine.
...I specifically asked my lawyer, and he said that it was dismissed (as it was) and I should not report it, as AMCAS specifically says to exclude dismissed cases. However it seems that they'll see it anyway and I'm scared. Anyone got any advice for me?

Bingo. You did nothing wrong or dishonest when applying by excluding it on the initial AMCAS. Now, if a secondary asked you about infractions, even those that were dismissed, you would have good reason to worry. But as for the AMCAS itself, you did everything by the book. As for what the school will think upon seeing it, they'll just shrug and move onto the next acceptee. You're absolutely, positively okay.

So my advice? Relax.