So I'm a 4th year DO student looking to apply for DR residency but I'm not too sure of my chances of matching and if I should risk it. I've talked to a few new residents at different programs and they said if I apply broadly I should have a good chance, but I'd like to know what you guys think.
My grades first 2 years were pretty good, always near the top of my class.
Comlex 1 - 540-550
Usmle 1 - 215-220
Waiting on level/step 2 scores.
I've got a LOR from a rads department head (although not from a residency program) and have 2 allopathic audition rotations lined up after discussing with the radiology coordinators my scores.
Most of my attending and residents I've worked with seem to like me (for whatever that is worth).
I have plenty of volunteering/EC experiences but no research.
I'm obviously not trying to match in a top tier program. I'll be happy matching anywhere.
Do I have any chance at all or should I be focusing my efforts elsewhere?
My grades first 2 years were pretty good, always near the top of my class.
Comlex 1 - 540-550
Usmle 1 - 215-220
Waiting on level/step 2 scores.
I've got a LOR from a rads department head (although not from a residency program) and have 2 allopathic audition rotations lined up after discussing with the radiology coordinators my scores.
Most of my attending and residents I've worked with seem to like me (for whatever that is worth).
I have plenty of volunteering/EC experiences but no research.
I'm obviously not trying to match in a top tier program. I'll be happy matching anywhere.
Do I have any chance at all or should I be focusing my efforts elsewhere?