Breaching Dental Residency non-match contract

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Dec 11, 2022
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Hi I was wondering what the consequences are for pulling out of a non-match dental residency contract and entering the match? (Other than the non-match program being upset at you and your references/dental school) Would you be banned from the match?

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why did you say yes?
They talked about this previously. Probably no legal repercussions. However, the field in which you specialize might be a small world..

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They talked about this previously. Probably no legal repercussions. However, the field in which you specialize in might be a small world..

Would you be banned from the match? Is it considered a Match violation?
Only do it if absolutely necessary. For example, not liking the location may not cut it. It's a small world and PD are likely to know each other.
Consequence may be getting banned from the match process if the schools or NMS finds a violation of the applicant agreement.

#3 - " If I choose to accept a position at a program that is not participating in the Match, or decide not to participate in the Match for any other reason, then I will submit a withdrawal from the Match and will not submit a Rank Order List for the Match."
