Columbia Waitlist

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10+ Year Member
Sep 30, 2009
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Has anyone heard anything from Columbia post WL

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i think it's a bit early for that news. i'm waiting too!
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I didn't mean acceptance but 2nd interviews or response letters that were at all encouraging

yeah, no. all i got was the standard "thanks for your update" letter at the end of march. the letter said it was too early to tell how much WL movement there would be. my hopes are not up too high.
yeah, no. all i got was the standard "thanks for your update" letter at the end of march. the letter said it was too early to tell how much WL movement there would be. my hopes are not up too high.

are you on their "very highly ranked" list or regular?
so did everyone who accepted a WL position get that "more letters in the spring" letter...or was that just sent to a few people?
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