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Dec 23, 2019
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Your ECs are below average (mainly clinical and non clinical volunteering) which will limit your chances for interviews. These are the schools from your list that are realistic:
3. UCI
4. UC Davis
6. USC
7. UC Riverside (if you are from that region)
8. California Northstate
9. Loma Linda
10. University of Arizona - Tuscon
11. University of Arizona - Phoenix
13. University of Miami
14. University of Central Florida
16. George Washington
20. Boston University
21. Tufts University
25. Pennsylvania State University
26. Thomas Jefferson University
27. Rosalind Franklin University
28. University of Rochester
31. Wayne State University
I suggest adding these schools:
New York Medical College
Seton Hall
USF Morsani
Oakland Beaumont
Western Michigan
Medical College Wisconsin
Rosalind Franklin
California University
Your ECs are below average (mainly clinical and non clinical volunteering) which will limit your chances for interviews. These are the schools from your list that are realistic:
3. UCI
4. UC Davis
6. USC
7. UC Riverside (if you are from that region)
8. California Northstate
9. Loma Linda
10. University of Arizona - Tuscon
11. University of Arizona - Phoenix
13. University of Miami
14. University of Central Florida
16. George Washington
20. Boston University
21. Tufts University
25. Pennsylvania State University
26. Thomas Jefferson University
27. Rosalind Franklin University
28. University of Rochester
31. Wayne State University
I suggest adding these schools:
New York Medical College
Seton Hall
USF Morsani
Oakland Beaumont
Western Michigan
Medical College Wisconsin
Rosalind Franklin
California University

Thank you so much! I'm also worried about my CARS score. Do you think that will severely impact my chances as well?
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Definitely Remove:
UCR (unless you are from the inland empire)
U of A Phoenix
U of A Tucson
Central Michigan
Loma Linda (unless you are deeply religious)

All due to extreme regional bias (except LLU which has religious bias).

Definitely add more safety schools (some schools like UCLA, UCSF, and Duke may screen you out for the terrible CARS score) as well as Kaiser and CUSM. Faha suggested some good examples of safeties.

Faha’s list suggests removing all your top tier schools, but you can always include a few reaches— just keep in mind that they will probably donations given your lacking ECs and CARS score.
Definitely Remove:
UCR (unless you are from the inland empire)
U of A Phoenix
U of A Tucson
Central Michigan
Loma Linda (unless you are deeply religious)

All due to extreme regional bias (except LLU which has religious bias).

Definitely add more safety schools (some schools like UCLA, UCSF, and Duke may screen you out for the terrible CARS score) as well as Kaiser and CUSM. Faha suggested some good examples of safeties.

Faha’s list suggests removing all your top tier schools, but you can always include a few reaches— just keep in mind that they will probably donations given your lacking ECs and CARS score.

Thank you :) appreciate it!
Leadership: leadership roles in 3 orgs (1 pre-health, 1 service, 1 honors council) on campus all 3 years
Clinical experience: 100 hours hospital volunteering
Research: 3 years of research; wrote an honors thesis based on my research
Shadowing: 40 hours of shadowing
Non-clinical volunteering: 50 hours volunteering
Other: organized pre-health conference; Teaching Assistant for 3 biology courses

As pointed out, your experience are an obstacle to your success as you have described them for us.

The clinical experience hours meet minimum expectations (maybe a little low for shadowing which we expect 50 hours minimum), but no breakdown of hours in primary care environments vs. specialty.

Non-clinical volunteering: 50 hours is below minimum expectations, unless there are unaccounted hours in "leadership".

No evidence that you actually would be a fun person to have around as a student. What are your hobbies or activities that you would do for fun/enjoyment?
As pointed out, your experience are an obstacle to your success as you have described them for us.

The clinical experience hours meet minimum expectations (maybe a little low for shadowing which we expect 50 hours minimum), but no breakdown of hours in primary care environments vs. specialty.

Non-clinical volunteering: 50 hours is below minimum expectations, unless there are unaccounted hours in "leadership".

No evidence that you actually would be a fun person to have around as a student. What are your hobbies or activities that you would do for fun/enjoyment?

Yes, I didn't include the hours for my service org, for which I'm the President of this year and the Vice President last year. Since I will be listing that under Leadership, I didn't put that in my nonclinical volunteering hours. I have done around ~400 hours for that organization. Also, I'm currently a 3rd year-graduate so that may be why I have lower EC stats than most. I'm planning to continue my volunteering over my gap year next year.
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Consider Tulane, Emory, Brown, Jefferson
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