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Nope just a new tab opened up for interview
so it looks the same as before when I finished the application

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@Dante1o1, did you get a supplementary email, or there was just a new tab in the portal?
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Congrats, same here! And I got an interview date during my spring break so I'm pretty excited! What's your major? I'm a social science major so I wasn't expecting an interview this early.
If it is okay, could you please share you stats?
Congrats y'all! Now I'm going to be in my usual neurotic mode until I find out about my own decision (regardless of the outcome)
If it is okay, could you please share you stats?

I don't want to post my stats just because I always feel like it comes off as bragging and this program is so unique that one person could be really different from another and both of them could get in, but I do want to say that I didn't get a LOR from HS-all three were from college, and I know some of y'all had concerns about that so hopefully I can put your minds at ease a little! But best of luck to those still waiting to hear!
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If it helps calm people's nerves I do not go to an ivy, top 25 private school though (just on the other side of the country--and not Stanford).
Got an interview yesterday as well - not ivies. Hope everyone is hanging in there. Next round of interviews should be coming out soon!
At this point if I'm a humanities major at an Ivy and haven't gotten an interview invite, would you say the chances of receiving one have shrunk to near zero?
At this point if I'm a humanities major at an Ivy and haven't gotten an interview invite, would you say the chances of receiving one have shrunk to near zero?

Judging from last year's thread, they were still giving invites out in mid March, and deviated from sending out invitations by majors in the later weeks.
Does anyone know how many interview invites they usually send out?
Anyone have any news on 2nd round of interview invites?
Interesting. It's hard to remain hopeful because the wait is agonizing, yet we have only heard that one person has heard back positively up until now, so then again, perhaps they are simply taking their time behind the closed doors.
Just got my notification, next round of interviews must be out. Don't lose hope! I was in the humanities bucket.
For past FledMed people that may be following this, does anyone have any advice for all of us that got/are getting/will get interviews?
Hi guys just thought I should ease some people's minds by letting you know I got the interview and I go to a city college

EDIT: 3.96 GPA 2230 SAT 4.0 HS GPA etc etc etc lol

feel free to ask whatever you want
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Interviewed at Sinai for last year's FlexMed cycle but didn't end up making the cut. If anyone has any questions, let me know!

What was the interview like? I have mine next week and I could use any input you have.
Does anyone know if they send out all interviews for a specific major at once? Or are the interviews mixed between each category of majors?
Does anyone know if they send out all interviews for a specific major at once? Or are the interviews mixed between each category of majors?

I dont think it has anything to do with majors
Got an interview today! Political science major at top ten school.
"and will not be permitted to take the MCAT."
I was interested until that line...
"and will not be permitted to take the MCAT."
I was interested until that line...

Personally if I could get into Mt. Sinai, I would be fine with the binding admissions and not having to sit for a 7 hour exam, but if you don't like the school that much then don't apply.
Personally if I could get into Mt. Sinai, I would be fine with the binding admissions and not having to sit for a 7 hour exam, but if you don't like the school that much then don't apply.
It isn't about the school
Thing is if I could get into my state I might select it since it is cheaper
Anyways not going to apply so this doesn't even matter.
^ that above is probably why that provision exists,to prevent people from bouncing.
@ttammir. If you are willing to share, you mentioned your numerical qualifications, but I am curious as to what your non-numerical qualifications are, perhaps a short blurb just to get an idea of the caliber of student that ISMMS is recruiting this year for interviews.
@ttammir. If you are willing to share, you mentioned your numerical qualifications, but I am curious as to what your non-numerical qualifications are, perhaps a short blurb just to get an idea of the caliber of student that ISMMS is recruiting this year for interviews.

Hmm I did 200 hours volunteering (at Mt Sinai Hospital ironically), as well as biology related research. I also created two programs at a high school and elementary school which I won't go into for obvious reasons. Other than that, good grades in high school + math team + debate team + volunteer hours during high school, etc.