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F1 AMG, H1b anesthesia/pain medicine
10+ Year Member
Jul 2, 2013
Reaction score
Dear Colleagues,

I am a foreign national, who is an AMG on an H1b visa with a couple years left in my average anesthesia residency program in the northeast.

My goal is to focus more on my family after the training, so I would like to explore my options to get a job and obtain the green card after the residency. Specifically, I would like to know if there are feasible options to find an employer in the private sector to sponsor me for a green card 1) right after residency or 2) after a pain fellowship. The second option is there because I have not yet decided on which path to take.

I read that needing the sponsorship + lack of fellowship might make it nearly impossible to find a willing employer in a private sector. Is this true in the light of the current job market?

Thank you in advance for any comment/lead/advice!

*Please move to another forum if this is not the right place.

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Your best bet would be to get a job as faculty in a teaching hospital and build your resume with research and teaching to qualify for a green card application on exceptional ability quota.
What about working in underserved areas? That's what a lot of foreign docs do. It doesn't have to be academics. In my opinion, if you are looking at underserved areas, in order to get a green card, you don't need a fellowship. Unless you want to do one.
Plenty of those areas help with that because they have need and people don't want to live there.
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There’s not too many underserved areas. The rural hospitals don’t want you. They have CRNAs. The inner city hospitals all have residency programs.

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I work in a hospital in a Midsize Midwest program that’s considered underserved and has a residency program. Plenty of people there on Visa. It is a rotating door though.