Guardians of the Galaxy Speed WW 2021

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Zenge if you say night action I will say another wolf could have carried out faction kill, doesn't absolve Sunny being a motivator in pack chat
It doesn't but if peoples vote is specifically there just because "Sunny probably killed AM because its Sunny v. AM" then they should re-evaluate.

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Day 2: Hooked on a Feeling *FINAL* Vote Tally

mayo (1) - mkg
Zenge ()
Cray ()
MOOSE (5) - LIS, SAR, Zenge, Cray, sunshine
DubZ ()
sunshine (4) - mayo, April, DubZ, MOOSE


Winning: @MOOSEygoosey

Missing: @Lawpy


VOTE closed at 8:30pm Eastern
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Is it evil to want to contingent lynch a new sub knowing they'll have to re-read all 9 pages of the game just to get lynched?
That has happened to lawpy on enough occasions that he might literally combust :laugh:
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Does anyone else feel like MKG was REALLY active on page one and has been flying WAY under the radar since?
I was on my phone for a bit while I was eating cake but I'm back on my laptop now 🙂
Day 2: Hooked on a Feeling *FINAL* Vote Tally

mayo (1) - mkg
Zenge ()
Cray ()
MOOSE (5) - LIS, SAR, Zenge, Cray, sunshine
DubZ ()
sunshine (4) - mayo, April, DubZ, MOOSE


Winning: @MOOSEygoosey

Missing: @Lawpy


VOTE closed at 8:30pm Eastern
I'm going to keep referring to this.
so me but not someone like MsP who literally isn't here...
and I did re-read 2-4!
I wanted to go back over the zenge mayo cray thing with the vote swapping. I wasn't seeing the connection people put together.

I'm going to
Yeet WZ

Kinda think this gives villagey feels to WZ.
I don't like how long moose and sunshine waited to self prez on each other btw
really?? because at the time i was criticized for it being "too early" by April

now its "too late" by you who switched from the wolf strongman to me to tip the scales to me/you admittedly couldn't count
This feels almost like a kitty corner defense of yourself for not being on the wolf wagon
I know Dubz hates bussing but does she hate being on a fellow wolf at all, or only when it actually matters at the end?
This feels almost like a kitty corner defense of yourself for not being on the wolf wagon
Just calling it like I see it. Not too concerned about not being on the wagon when said wolf was manufacturing nonsense to vote for me.
really?? because at the time i was criticized for it being "too early" by April

now its "too late" by you who switched from the wolf strongman to me to tip the scales to me/you admittedly couldn't count
Wut? Didn't you switch to moose last second?
Kinda think this gives villagey feels to WZ.

I don't buy that. I mean, it could be true, but I think it could be pseudo-bussing. Moose could be pretty confident there's a low likelihood of that vote suddenly leading to a WZ lynch, so Wolf-WZ is safe. And if it did, good villager cred.

So I could easily interpret it as bus. *shrug* Seems pretty meh to me either way.